Objectives and competences

In this course students systematically enhance their knowledge with in the field of accounting with depth understanding of the basic business and accounting processes and gain the ability to create and evaluate performance of accounting information systems.

Content (Syllabus outline)

1. Introduction 2. Transaction Cycles and Business Process 3. Accounting Information Systems Development Activities 4. AIS Security 5. Accounting and E-Business 6. Accounting and ERP 7. Documentation System and Accounting Documents E-Archiving 8. AIS Auditing

Learning and teaching methods

Interactive methods of lectures, discusion, computer work, individual studies and individual seminar paper with class presentation, laboratory work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding: Students: • understand organizational and technical aspects of accounting information processes, especially bookkeeping and budgeting • upgrade knowledge of internal control systems, • have understanding of modern accounting systems technologies • has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions.,

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Cognitive/Intellectual skills: • With critical awareness can undertake analysis of business processes and accounting information systems in organisations, exemplify their flow and suggest their improvements • with critical awareness, can synthesise information and have a level of conceptual and methodological knowledge of accounting information systems • can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving , planning and implementing tasks at a professional level. Key/Transferable skills • can work effectively with a group as leader or member • are able to use full range of learning resources • are reflective on own and others’ functioning in order to improve practice • haves independent learning ability required for continuing professional study, making professional use of others where appropriate Practical skills: • can operate in complex contexts, and have an overview of the good accounting practice in certain accounting information systems - have technical accounting expertise and are able to adapt skills for new situations.


Obvezna študijska literatura: - I. Mamić Sačer I., Žager K.: Računovodstveni informacijski sustavi, Hrvatska zajednica računovođa i financijskih djelatnika, Zagreb, 2007. - Podgoršek U., Grasselli, P., Dolinar D.: Revidiranje IS od načrta do izvedbe. Zbornik referatov 17. Mednarodne konference o revidiranju in kontroli informacijskih sistemov, Rogaška Slatina 2009, - Šalej A.: Pregled IT procesov po COBIT metodologiji. Zbornik referatov 14. Mednarodne konference o revidiranju in kontroli informacijskih sistemov, Čatež 2006, - Uratnik J.: Pregled internetnega poslovanja, Zbornik referatov 17. Mednarodne konference o revidiranju in kontroli informacijskih sistemov, Rogaška Slatina 2009, - Jedlovčnik J.: Učinkovito arhiviranje elektronskih zapisov. Zbornik referatov 13. Mednarodne konference o revidiranju in kontroli informacijskih sistemov, Čatež 2006 ali - M. B. Romney, Steinbart P. J. : Accounting Information Systems, 11th edition, Pearson Education International, 2009. Dopolnilna študijska literatura: - R. L. Hurt: Accounting Information Systems, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston, 2008, - Hall J. A.: Accounting Information Systems, 6th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, USA, 2008, - Gelinas U.J., Dull R. B.: Accounting Information Systems, 7th edition, Thomson South-Western, USA, 2008, - , Izbrani strokovni članki s področja računovodskih informacijskih sistemov v domačih in tujih revijah


1st year course Accounting

  • doc. dr. ANDREJA LUTAR SKERBINJEK, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • Written examination or colloquium: 70
  • Seminar paper: 30

  • : 26
  • : 4
  • : 15
  • : 135

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian