Objectives and competences

Students upgrade their theoretical knowledge in the field of corporate governance and strategic management. They are trained to connect previously acquired economic, legal and other knowledge with corporate governance and strategic management theory. Students are able to use theoretical knowledge in the field of governance and strategic management for critical assessment of research, knowledge and methodological approaches, as well as for independence and originality in analysis and synthesis in solving concrete problems in the field of governance and strategic management. They know how to fit the content and concept of sustainable development into the process of corporate governance and strategic management of the company. Furthermore, they are able to explore both the external and internal environment of the companies’ functioning, and on the basis of the results of the use of various research methods, to identify and propose possible improvements to companies.

Content (Syllabus outline)

- Contemporary concepts of governance and management - Corporate governance, social responsibility, and ethics - Concept of sustainable development and its integration into governance and strategic management of companies - MER Model of integral management with governance and management process with the particularities of contemporary concepts of governance and management - Environmental scanning and industry analysis - Internal scanning - Strategy formulation - Business strategies - Corporate and functional strategies - Strategy implementation and control

Learning and teaching methods

- Lectures - Guided classes (practical examples and illustration) - Independent research work - Individual consultations with teachers - In dividual and group case studies - Brainstorming - The World Cafe - active individual and group work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

1. Has depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of corporate governance and strategic manegement and can work with theoretical/research-based knowledge (e.g. interest theories, theories of sources of competitive advantegs) at the forefront of their academic discipline. (PILO 2a) 2. Has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas of governance and strategic management and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions (PILO 3c, 4c). 3. Has a comprehensive understanding of techniques / methodologies applicable to their own work (e.g. Kralj's method for assessing enterprise's policy; SEECGAN index methodology). (PILO 1a, 2a) 4. With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory areas of corporate governance and strategic management and communicate the results of an analysis of governance and strategic management in a selected company (PILO 2c, 3b). 5. Has a level of conceptual understanding of corporate governance and strategic management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches and considering ethic and sustainability. (PILO 2a, 4c) 6. Can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving in governance and strategic management. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 4a, 4b). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

1. Has depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of corporate governance and strategic manegement and can work with theoretical/research-based knowledge (e.g. interest theories, theories of sources of competitive advantegs) at the forefront of their academic discipline. (PILO 2a) 2. Has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas of governance and strategic management and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions (PILO 3c, 4c). 3. Has a comprehensive understanding of techniques / methodologies applicable to their own work (e.g. Kralj's method for assessing enterprise's policy; SEECGAN index methodology). (PILO 1a, 2a) 4. With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory areas of corporate governance and strategic management and communicate the results of an analysis of governance and strategic management in a selected company (PILO 2c, 3b). 5. Has a level of conceptual understanding of corporate governance and strategic management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches and considering ethic and sustainability. (PILO 2a, 4c) 6. Can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving in governance and strategic management. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 4a, 4b). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme


• Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D. (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy.Toward Global Sustainability. 13th Edition., International Edition, Pearson. Pages: 50-77, 90-115, 118-135, 142-175, 184-213, 222-247, 252-277, 299-307, 318-345, 348-370, 377-382. • Belak, J. Belak, Jer., Duh, M. (2014). Integral management and governance: basic features of MER model. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. Pages: 33-62. • BELAK, Jernej. Management and governance : organizational culture in relation to enterprise life cycle. Kybernetes. 2016, vol. 45, no. 4, str. 680-698. ISSN 0368-492X., DOI: 10.1108/K-04-2014-0082. [COBISS.SI-ID 12244252],

  • red. prof. Dr. rer. pol. Zvezna republika Nemčija JERNEJ BELAK, univ. dipl. teolog

  • Written exam or 2 written test: 50
  • Seminar paper: 50

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 120

  • English
  • English