Objectives and competences
The objective of this subject is to understand the purpose and meaning of protection of competition in the context of European Union law and certain types of restrictions of competition with capacity to solve actual legal problems related to this.
Content (Syllabus outline)
• Competition policy and economics.
• The international dimension of European competition law.
• Collusion: notion of undertaking, agreement, decisions, concerted practice, object and effect of restricting competition, effect on trade between Member States.
• Exemptions from collusion: de minimis, basic conditions for exemption and block exemptions (vertical, licence, research and development, specialisation).
• Abuse of dominant position: single and collective dominance, basic types of abuse: exploitative and exclusionary abuses.
• Concentrations between undertakings: jurisdictional rules, substantive rules and procedural rules.
• Enforcement of EU competition law and procedure.
• Public undertakings related to restrictions of competition.
Learning and teaching methods
• Lectures,
• Seminars,
• Tutorials
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
• understand the objects, meaning and extensiveness of European competition law,
• demonstrate understanding and use of the basic concepts in the field of European competition law,
• recognise the possibility of restriction of competition in practice and use the relevant competition rules in concrete cases.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Solving legal problems in this field of law and legal argumentation of decisions, the use of information technology.
• M. Repas: Konkurenčno pravo v teoriji in praksi (omejevalna ravnanja in nadzor koncentracij), Uradni list RS, Ljubljana, 2010.
• M. Tratnik in A. Ferčič: EU Competition Law, Universities of Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Maribor, Maribor/ Belgrade, 2008 (izbrana poglavja).
• A. Jones, B. Sufrin: EC Competition Law (Text, Cases, and Materials), Oxford Press, 2016, ali katerakoli angleška ali nemška knjiga o konkurenčnem pravu EU novejše izdaje
• Veljavna temeljna zakonodaja in sodne odločbe s področja konkurenčnega prava EU.
Basic understanding of European Union Law.
Additional information on implementation and assessment • seminar paper (a student is admitted to the examination on condition he/she completed the paper first),
• written examination