Objectives and competences
The objective of this course is to gain basic knowledge about private international law, specifics of this field of law, principles that are governing private international law and also to gain understanding of different fields of private international law. Namely, the object is also to gain knowledge on construction of PIL, which is inherent for interaction among different fields of PIL.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Basic characteristics of private international law (PIL).
Regulating PIL relations: conflict of laws provisions and other international and national legal rules.
The role of basic institutes of PIL.
Individual statutes of PIL: under EC law, under international law, under comparative law.
International jurisdiction and special features of the private international law procedure.
Recognition and enforcement of (foreign) judgements.
Learning and teaching methods
• lectures,
• seminars,
• tutorials. Part of the tutorial is in a classroom while the rest is in the form of e-learning (e-tutorials may be given via video-conferencing or with the help of specially designed e-material in a virtual electronic learning environment),
• individual work,
• dealing with cases.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and Understanding:
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- demonstrate understanding of the basic features of PIL,
- find and understand the relevant case law of the ECJ, comparative case law and case law of the national courts,
- demonstrate the interference among different parts of PIL (jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of foreign judgements, etc).
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes:
Understanding, making connections among the rules of PIL based on such understanding delivering solutions and making applications to actual legal cases and related argumentation on the field of PIL.
• M. Repas, V. Rijavec, R. Knez, S. Kraljić, T. Keresteš, T. Ivanc, J. Sladič, A. Ekart: Mednarodno zasebno pravo Evropske unije, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2018.
• M. Geč – Korošec: Mednarodno zasebno pravo, splošni del, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana, 2001.
• M. Geč – Korošec: Mednarodno zasebno pravo, posebni del, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana, 2002.
• T. Varadi, B. Bordaš, G. Knežević: Međunarodno privatno pravo, 5. izd., Forum, Novi Sad, 2001.
• M. Bogdan: Concise Introduction to Private International Law, Europa Law Publishing, 2012.
• Temeljna zakonodaja in sodne odločbe.
Not applicable.
Additional information on implementation and assessment • Work at exercises (a student is admitted to the written part of the examination on condition he/she successfully performs at exercises),
• written examination