

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




12 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. inž. obl. izd.
magister inženir oblikovanja izdelkov
magistrica inženirka oblikovanja izdelkov

Master of Science

07 – Engineering, manufacturing and construction

0788 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction

2 – Engineering and Technology

doc. dr. JASMIN KALJUN, univ. dipl. inž. str.

Designing innovative products

Innovative products that meet the needs of users based on a balance of interests of industry and society through design theory and practice.

A critical look at product design

Using methods of critical analysis and synthesis of design by evaluating aesthetic theses in the design of innovative products through a ‘from-the-ins


Cooperative work in a group, including in an international environment, with the ability to anticipate solutions and their consequences within the cul

Employment opportunities

A wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge for employment in various (non-)economic fields that develop products, which are attractive from a

The goal of the Engineering Design of Products master's study programme is to bridge the dimension between humankind and technology and to humanise technical education. The objective is to educate Masters of Engineering Design who will cover the entire engineering development process by combining all aspects of product development at all stages of development. Due to the basic knowledge acquired by students of natural science and in-depth professional foundations in relation to the engineering design of products, as well as project-based work that encourages creativity and innovation, graduates will acquire a wide range of high-quality competencies that will enable flexibility in the labour market, thus providing excellent employment opportunities.

Text about acceptance

The study program was confirmed at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the 15th of December 2009 and was accepted by the Council for Higher Education of Republic of Slovenia on the 24th of June 2010. The study program was confirmed again at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the 27th of September 2016 and was accepted by The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education on the 19th of October 2017.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Advancement according to the study programme is possible if the student fulfils certain obligations set out by the study programme and the Statute of the University of Maribor. Conditions for transition to the 2nd study year: Students advance to the 2nd study year if they obtain at least 50 ECTS credits by passing the 1st study year exams and if they have passed the exams in the following study subjects: • Theory and Practice in Design (4 ECTS) • Colour and Spatial Studies (6 ECTS) • Design Vizualization (4 ECTS) • Creative Design (6 ECTS) • Methodology in Design (4 ECTS) • Computer Design (6 ECTS) Students who do not fulfil all the obligations for advancement may, at their request, be granted enrolment in the 2nd study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member, if they have fulfilled more than half of the 1st year study obligations (more than 30 ECTS) and completed the above study subjects, but only if they were unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons which are determined in the Statute of the University of Maribor, and if it is expected that they will fulfil the obligations. Repetition of the study year: A student who has not fulfilled all the obligations for transition to a higher study year may be granted a repetition of the study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the University of Maribor.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The study programme is comprehensive and does not provide for the completion of individual parts of the programme.

Study advancement options

Postgraduate study in the 3rd cycle study programmes at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Maribor or at other higher-education institutions. The candidates can enrol into the 3rd cycle study programmes in accordance with the conditions of the institution that offers the postgraduate study program.

Employment possibilities

The 2nd cycle master's study programme of the Product Design provides graduates with an excellent base for employment in various fields. The project based learning that encourages creativity and innovation and has been thoroughly educated from Natural knowledge acquired diplomats quality and a wide range of competencies that allow them flexibility in the labor market, competitiveness and thus excellent job opportunities. Graduates have excellent employment opportunities in both the public sector and the economy in almost all types of industries and from bureaus in the design and construction of centers for computer modeling, where the support of the state of the art software and computer tools conceive, develop and produce modern, innovative devices manufactured prototypes for new market attractive products, especially if they are difficult and complex and which require exquisite design and a wide multi-disciplinary diversity. In addition to these theoretical and professional skills, gain other skills that enable them to assume management or product development, project management, industrial design of new products to the most demanding management positions in many areas, both in small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations.

Additional information

Information on study programmes offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the UM is available on the website

Other obligations

There are no other obligations.

Assesment criteria

Examination and assessment of students’ learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor, available at Criteria and methods of assessing the knowledge within an individual study subject are part of the SUBJECT-SPECIFICation and are publicly available on the website For all subjects in all study programmes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, knowledge assessment is regulated by a single "Assessment Scale" which is available at Methods of ongoing assessment and evaluation of knowledge are encouraged, thus enabling students to monitor their own progress in their studies.

Main study programme objectives

Learning outcomes or competencies of the 2nd level master's study programme of Product Design acquired by students during the educational process are appropriate to the content and level of the study programme. The goals of the study programme are clearly defined, as the study is based on the gradual achievement of all the necessary general competencies, as well as subject-specific ones that our graduate need to have. During the study, and especially in the last study year, the goals are assessed with exams of compulsory and elective learning contents, and great emphasis is placed on the content of the master's thesis, where the student must design and produce quality professional work that proves his/her ability to successfully combine the acquired knowledge and design original and innovative solutions. The knowledge evaluation is based on two levels. The first level is the level of assessing the understanding and synthesis of knowledge of typical theoretical concepts in the field of mechanical engineering, which is checked by tests and oral exams of theoretical knowledge. The second level is the verification of the ability to use the acquired knowledge for the analysis and evaluation of real engineering problems, which is verified by the preparation of seminar and project assignments. The basic goal of the postgraduate master's study programme "Product Design" is to acquire in-depth theoretical and professional knowledge, skills and methods of working to solve very demanding professional problems in the broad field of engineering design. Through in-depth study of scientific methods, along with a variety of professional and applied study contents of the programme, the graduate will develop the ability of intensive abstract and associative thinking, synthesis of knowledge from a wide range of engineering design and other disciplines, transfer of research achievements into practice and development of innovative problem-solving procedures. This orientation of the study programme is fully in line with the European orientation, which emphasizes the development of new and demanding products, development of high technologies and flexible automation, use of modern tools for computer modelling of processes and systems, small series and individual production – in short processes and products where original and innovative knowledge is crucial.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

Students of the postgraduate master's programme of the second level in Product Design will acquire appropriate general competencies during their studies, so that they will be able to solve demanding professional problems in accordance with the high standards of work performance demanded from such educated professionals. General competencies will be acquired from the core knowledge of the master's programme. We will enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge in broader professional fields, while training them to find new sources of knowledge in professional and scientific fields, to use scientific research methods in a wider range of problems and in new or changed circumstances, and to take responsibility for leading very demanding work processes and systems. These qualities will be acquired by students during the study process which will be designed in such a way that it will intensively include professional and scientific maturation through project tasks in the work environment, which will be fundamental, application- or development-oriented. In addition, they will acquire other skills, abilities, values, beliefs, and positive self-image during the study process which, in addition to quality knowledge, significantly contribute to efficient use of resources, successful communication skills and contribute a significant share to performance in very demanding tasks. Students will be able to effectively connect theory and practice, including through project assignments. The broad, interdisciplinary orientation of the study contents will enable the full expansion of their creative and innovative potentials. They will be able to analyse problems, eliminate insignificant influences, make a synthesis, anticipate possible solutions, choose the best decision at a given moment and assess the consequences associated with it. They will be independent at work, and at the same time they will develop communication skills and group work in the domestic and international environment. Students will acquire the following general competencies: • ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences, • mastery of research methods, procedures and processes of product design, development of critical and self-critical judgment, • ability to apply knowledge in practice, • autonomy in professional work, • development of communication skills, especially of communication in an international environment. • ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics, • cooperation, group work in an international environment, supported by social and cultural sensitivity and language and communication skills, partly acquired through the experience of teamwork and through study periods spent abroad.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Graduate of the 2nd level study programme Product Design is an expert with broad and in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge for solving very demanding problems in planning, managing and implementing development, research and scientific tasks in a wide field of mechanical engineering and various jobs. Graduates of the 2nd level study programme Product Design will master modern 2D and 3D software tools and technologies of modelling, digital capture and manipulation of three-dimensional virtual content and various forms of rapid creation of objects and direct production processes that support development trends in individualized and small-batch production. Subject-specific competences are listed for each curriculum separately. The competencies developed by the 2nd level study programme Product Design are as follows: • knowledge and understanding of the justifications and development of engineering design of products, • ability to solve concrete problems using scientific methods and procedures of product design and development from the inside out, from the product function, • coherent mastery of basic knowledge in the field of design, technology and integration of knowledge from various technical fields and applications, • ability to place new interpretations in the context of engineering product design, • understanding the general structure of engineering product design and its connection with subdisciplines, • understanding and application of methods of critical analysis and development of theories and their use in solving concrete work design and technical problems, • development of skills in the application of knowledge in the field of engineering product design, • use of information and communication technology and systems in the field of engineering product design, • development of innovative products and their combinations to meet the needs of the individual consumer based on a balance of interests between the designer, the user, industry and society, taking into account international ethics, • professionalism in the implementation of the entire product design process with an emphasis on the concept and ability to implement and manage it independently or as a group member/leader in an international composition, • knowledge of relevant technical, human, aesthetic, and environmental issues as well as organizational and economic aspects of products. The ability to use these in terms of their inclusion in product development, • selection and use of engineering materials, • selection of strategies and methods of spatial modelling, selection of appropriate software and construction of complex computer geometric models, • systematic product lifecycle management using technologies, methods, tools, and product lifecycle management systems, • cooperation or management of simultaneous engineering, systematic and simultaneous approach to ensuring design objectives and knowledge of guidelines and recommendations for goal-oriented product development, • selection, use and connection of software tools in the analysis, design, implementation and handling of intelligent control systems, • linking design discipline with social, cultural and economic frameworks, • evaluation of the multiplicity of space and its elements in the scientific, social and cultural dimension, • analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of aesthetic theses and semiotics of form, • design, construction, modelling, optimization, evaluation, management, design, and manufacture of technologically demanding products and systems that can be marketed on world markets, • development and application of scientific research methods in a wider range of problems and thus a quick response to new circumstances at home and internationally, • knowledge of the theory and practice of graphic representation, • mastering the principles of two- and three-dimensional design and translating content into form, • mastering the objectives, methods, procedures, and tools to ensure the ergonomic suitability of products, • design of a complex product and analysis of the product from the aspect of materials used and implementation procedures in production, • independent and creative solution of design problems with the help of reverse engineering technology, • in-depth knowledge of the possibilities, advantages and practical use of prototype technologies, • mastering the principles of colour harmony.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in Product Design: 1. A 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme in one of the following fields: engineering and engineering trades (071), textiles (clothes, footwear and leather (0723), building and civil engineering (0732), architecture and construction (073), transport services (104), mathematics and statistics (054), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (061), inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), audiovisual techniques and media production (0211), fashion, interior and industrial design (0212), fine arts (0213), or interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (0688). 2. A 1 st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme in a field not specified under point 1. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 23 ECTS credits under the 1 st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Materials I (3 ECTS), Technical Documentation (4 ECTS), Production Technologies I (4 ECTS), Computer-aided Engineering (3 ECTS), Fundamentals of Engineering Design (3 ECTS), Physical Modelling of Technical Systems(3 ECTS), and Engineering Design Methods(3 ECTS). 3. An undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: engineering and engineering trades (071), textiles (clothes, footwear and leather (0723), building and civil engineering (0732), architecture and construction (073), transport services (104), mathematics and statistics (054), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (061), inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), audio-visual techniques and media production (0211), fashion, interior and industrial design (0212), fine arts (0213), or inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (0688). 4. An undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 3. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 23 ECTS credits under the 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Materials I (3 ECTS), Technical Documentation (4 ECTS), Production Technologies I (4 ECTS), Computer-aided Engineering (3 ECTS), Fundamentals of Engineering Design (3 ECTS), Physical Modelling of Technical Systems (3 ECTS), and Engineering Design Methods(3 ECTS). 5. An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: engineering and engineering trades (071), textiles (clothes, footwear and leather (0723), building and civil engineering (0732), architecture and construction (073), transport services (104), mathematics and statistics (054), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (061), inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), audio-visual techniques and media production (0211), fashion, interior and industrial design (0212), fine arts (0213), or inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (0688). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. 6. An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 5.Candidates are awarded 30 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study. 7. A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: engineering and engineering trades (071), textiles (clothes, footwear and leather (0723), building and civil engineering (0732), architecture and construction (073), transport services (104), mathematics and statistics (054), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (061), inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), audio-visual techniques and media production (0211), fashion, interior and industrial design (0212), fine arts (0213), or inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (0688). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. 8. A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 7. Candidates are awarded 30 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to: – grade point average including the thesis (100%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates may enrol: - in the second year of the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in Product Design if they have ceased their studies in the previous study programme in the field of engineering and engineering trades (071), textiles (clothes, footwear and leather (0723), building and civil engineering (0732), architecture and construction (073), transport services (104), mathematics and statistics (054), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (061), inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), audio-visual techniques and media production (0211), fashion, interior and industrial design (0212), fine arts (0213), or inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (0688) and will continue them under this study programme at the same level. Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria: - criteria for enrolment in the first year of the 2nd-cycle study programme in Product Design; - they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes; - at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to the ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. The transfer shall be addressed by the Committee for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidate shall submit to the faculty: - an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor; - proof of fulfilled study obligations (exams) including grades and ECTS credits; - validated course syllabi according to which knowledge was acquired; - a receipt of payment for the recognition procedure. If under the recognition procedure enough fulfilled study obligations is recognized that the candidate meets the criteria for enrolment in the second year of the 2nd -cycle (master’s) study programme in Product Design, enrolment in the second year is approved and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by the Rules on Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor which regulate the procedures for identifying, verifying, and recognizing knowledge and criteria for recognizing knowledge and skills acquired by candidates through formal and non-formal learning prior to enrolment and while studying at the University of Maribor. The rules can be found at The basic criterion for recognition is the comparability of knowledge acquired elsewhere with learning units, skills and competences. Examination, in terms of content and complexity, whether they fully or partially correspond to the general and/or subject-specific competencies determined by the study programme.

Criteria for completing the study

A student who completes all the obligations prescribed by the study programme and thus collects at least 120 ECTS credits completes his/her studies.