

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




24 ECTS 180 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

02 – Arts and humanities

0232 – Literature and linguistics

6 – Humanities

izr. prof. dr. BRANISLAVA VIČAR

Text about acceptance

During its 17th regular session on 22 April 2009, the Senate for Accreditation of the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia officially accredited the single discipline doctoral study programme "Slovene Studies" (3rd Bologna cycle – PhD), implemented by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, in accordance with Article 51 of the Higher Education Act (ZVis) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 119/06 – official consolidated text, 59/07 – Scholarship Act (ZŠtip), 15/08 – Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia: U-I-370/06-20 and 64/08, hereinafter Higher Education Act) and with reference to Article 2 of the valid Rules of Procedure of the Senate for Accreditation and Article 2 of the Criteria for the Accreditation and External Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 101/04). During its 40th regular session on 29 January 2019, the Senate of the University of Maribor confirmed the change in the duration of studies from three to four years.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

To advance from the first to the second year, the student must complete the compulsory subjects and the obligations of the year in the amount of at least 54 ECTS. To advance from the second to the third year, the student must complete all the obligations of the first year and the obligations of the second year in the amount of at least 54 ECTS. To advance from the third to the fourth year, the student must complete all obligations of the second year and obligations from the third year in the amount of at least 57 ECTS. Advancing with missing requirements At the request of the student, the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor may exceptionally approve their advancement to the next year. This enrolment is granted to a student who could not fulfil the obligations for justified reasons, defined in the "Instructions for the assessment of student applications and justified reasons in accordance with Articles 85, 121 and 214 of the Statute of the University of Maribor, published on the University of Maribor website", and has fulfilled the set-out obligations of the previous years and obligations in the amount of more than 30 ECTS of the year they are enrolled in, if they are expected to fulfil other obligations. Repeating the year A student who does not meet the conditions for advancing to the next year and has not yet repeated a year or changed their study programme may re-enrol in the same year. Repeating the year may exceptionally be allowed by the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor to a student who has regularly participated in all forms of higher education work set out in the study programme and completed obligations in the amount of less than 30 and not less than 15 ECTS of the year they are currently enrolled in, defined in the "Instructions for the assessment of student applications and justified reasons in accordance with Articles 85, 121 and 214 of the Statute of the University of Maribor are published on the website of the University of Maribor". The student can repeat the year once during the study. The student can also advance faster if they meet the conditions for such advancement, which are stated in the Statute of the University of Maribor. The student can study in several study programs under the conditions specified in more detail in the Statute of the University of Maribor. Repeating the year, advancing with missing requirements and extending the student status are defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies does not contain individual parts.

Study advancement options

Postdoctoral studies.

Employment possibilities

Employment in research organisations, organisations in upbringing or education, public institutions, industry, in the field of professional counselling.

Assesment criteria

The examining and grading system is regulated with the Statute of the University of Maribor: and the Rules on Examination and Grading at the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41 AG: . Accordingly, the methods and forms of examining and grading knowledge in the curricula are defined for each individual study unit of an individual study programme. Methods of continuous examining and grading of knowledge are encouraged, enabling students to continuously monitor their own progress and assess the acquired knowledge and skills. Depending on the individual study units and the order of their implementation, the individual obligations of students are mutually coordinated in such a way that some study units require more continuous work, others a greater deal of independent research work (preparation of a quality seminar paper); some units are completed with written or oral exams. All curricula are publicly published in the catalogue of Bologna subjects: In addition, students have access to AIPS UM (Academic Information Subsystem of the University of Maribor), which provides insight into the activities of individual students (exam records, detailed insight into the number of exam attempts and all completed and uncompleted obligations). There is no such thing as a complete exam or study analysis, as relevant data are captured from the self-evaluation report.

Main study programme objectives

The aim of the 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies is to educate top experts, researchers in the fields of Slovene literary studies, Slovene linguistics, and the didactics of Slovene language and literature. The objective is to train experts, researchers for independent development of new knowledge and solving the most demanding problems, both by improving the known and discovering the new in all the relevant fields. With this study programme, the student acquires in-depth knowledge in specific areas of linguistics, literary sciences and didactics of language and literature, masters the methodology of scientific research and has a proper scientific basis for researching new linguistic, literary and didactic phenomena. The 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies in its fields of Slovene Literature, Slovene Language (synchrony and diachrony) and Didactics of Slovene Language and Literature sets specific objectives. On the basis of systematic literary analysis, a new perspective is being formed as a basis for scientific research work in the field of Slovene literary history. This provides insight into the diverse richness of many literary works created in the past and published in modern times, as well as in the specifics of individual interesting authorial poetics, which provide the most qualitative and representative samples of literary creation. The study will take into account the latest findings in the field of literary theory, textual analysis and interpretation, and literary historiography. The objective of the doctoral study Slovene Studies, the area of Slovene language, is to develop a highly qualified candidate ready for the independent solving of the most demanding research problems in the field of linguistics and literary didactics, which require not only an analytical methodological approach, but also the ability to synthesize and form new knowledge. In doing so, they will be able to independently identify linguistic research challenges, be able to clearly present and accurately define the phenomenon and argue appropriate solutions. They will be able to use modern interdisciplinary scientific research methods and their functional use in new, changed linguistic circumstances. As socially and ethically responsible experts, they will take into account relevant foreign terms and use Slovene professional terms, co-create them in independent research and thus contribute to the conceptual and linguistic development of Slovene. The objective of the doctoral study Slovene Studies, the area of Didactics of the Slovene Language and Literature, is to develop a highly qualified candidate for independent solving of the most demanding research problems in the field of linguistic and literary didactis, which require not only an analytical methodological approach, but also the ability to synthesize and form new knowledge. In doing so, they will be able to independently identify literary didactics and linguistic didactics research challenges, be able to clearly present, accurately define the phenomenon and argue appropriate solutions. They will be able to use modern scientific research methods of literary and reading didactics/language didactics, for experimental and quasi-experimental planning of literary/language education and for planning and evaluating the implementation of new literary didactic/language didactic methods.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies in its fields of Slovene Literature, Slovene Language and Didactics of Slovene Language and Literature sets specific competencies. Field: Slovene literature The student acquires the qualification for independent scientific research work in the field of Slovene literary studies, literary criticism and interpretation, acquiring the knowledge necessary for independent scientific research work, the ability for critical thinking, and an innovative attitude towards individual research areas. They will acquire the following general competencies: - ability to use modern literary and historical and literary and theoretical scientific research methods; - ability for independent original and in-depth analysis and interpretation of literary texts; - ability to apply new knowledge in the field of literary and historical research and in applied research; - ability to solve the most difficult literary and theoretical problems and understand their application to literary and historical contents; - ability to thrive in a research group; - ability to present their own findings in the form of monographs or scientific articles. Subject area: Slovene language (synchrony and diachrony) Students will gain new insights that will upgrade their knowledge of the historical development of the Slovene language due to historical, geographical, sociological, and other reasons, and will understand the dialectal development of many preserved dialects and be more deeply aware of the greatest national value - literary language. At the same time, they will learn about the laws of idiom, idiolect and sociolect and gain knowledge about the functioning of linguistic means in communication in relation to the connection language - society and culture. They will be able to interpret and qualify linguistic phenomena in contemporary communicative contacts within the framework of sociocultural and individual relations. In the field of synchronous studies of the Slovene language, students will get to know the development of individual linguistic disciplines in the Slovene studies area on the basis of theoretical starting points, analyse word-forming, phraseological and lexical properties of various texts using current language technologies. They will be able to sovereignly recognize modern globalization influences, tendencies of modern linguistic changes and their influence on the phonemic, lexical, phrasal, syntactic, connective, and textual systems of language. As a result, they will identify hybrid vocabulary, phraseological and syntactic contaminations, and determine the positive and negative influences of the global language on the linguistic systemic image of Slovene. They will be able to learn about the intertwining of spoken language use with the social, mental, and physical world in which language use takes place and therefore understand the relationship between discourse and other social elements (power relations, ideologies, social institutions, etc.); they will be able to assess contemporary socio-political issues in the context of a critical approach to discourse. As a result, they will be able to form a lexical scenario in the text and recognize the differences between linguistic genre theory and the theory of genres, text types. For the needs of this type of research work, they will learn to use the available language technologies in scientific research work. This means: to get to know practically the available corpora of the Slovene language, to master the procedures of collecting and transcribing speech material for research work, To get acquainted with the theoretical basic and more demanding characteristics of the spelling of spoken texts based on auditory and instrumental rules. They will acquire the following general competencies: - ability to functionally use linguistic scientific research methods; - autonomy in scientific research work; - ability to continuously monitor and follow current theoretical and methodological research approaches; - ability to use and interpret relevant domestic and foreign study literature in the field of linguistics; - ability to understand the development of individual linguistic disciplines in Slovene studies; - ability to independently deal with terminological ambiguities and the reasons for such in the field of Slovene linguistic disciplines; - ability to form their own scientific views and reflect on the development of the Slovene language; - ability to form lexical scenarios in certain types of texts (semantic, collocation, and other typical connections of lexemes); - ability to recognize connotative and pragmatic elements in texts; - ability to know the differences between linguistic genre theory and the theory of genres, text types; - ability to use systemic concepts in understanding and defining problem language sets in practice; - ability to present scientific results in the form of monographs or scientific articles in domestic and international scientific periodicals. Field: Didactics of Slovene language and literature The general competencies that the field of Didactics of Slovene Language and Literature will develop are: - understanding and application of curricular theories and specific didactic knowledge; - interdisciplinary integration of contents; - ability to think about a problem, define a problem; - ability to independently discover research problems and their substantive and methodological definition; - ability for autonomous cooperation and implementation of substantively and methodologically more complex qualitative and quantitative research; - ability to solve scientific and professional problems; - ability to independently write research reports, professional and scientific articles; - ability to engage in professional dialogue; cooperate internationally; and design and manage projects.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

The 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies in its fields of Slovene Literature, Slovene Language and Didactics of Slovene Language and Literature develops the following subject-specific competencies. Field: Slovene literature With the field of Slovene Literature of the 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies, students will gain in-depth knowledge in specific fields of literary sciences, master the methodology of scientific research and be trained for independent and original research of literary phenomena from older and newer fields of literary studies. Upon completing their studies, the doctoral student is a well-versed expert who has knowledge about specific directions of Slovene literature, its connections with European and world literature, and is qualified for independent research in literary fields, for inclusion in applied research at institutes and cultural institutions, for independent writing of articles and literary reviews and critiques and scientific discussions. They will develop the following subject-specific competencies: - ability for in-depth use of literary and historical and literary and theoretical scientific research methods; - in-depth knowledge and understanding of comparative, contextual, inter- and cross-disciplinary theoretical concepts and ability to use them in the study of Slovene literature; - in-depth knowledge and understanding of genre, stylistic and aesthetic shifts in Slovene literature; - in-depth knowledge and understanding of the role of essay writing in Slovene literary studies; - in-depth knowledge and understanding of the concepts of nature in Slovene literature and the role of literature in the development of ecological communication; - in-depth knowledge and understanding of the literature of Slovene female writers; - ability to search for new research opportunities in the field of literary studies; - ability to research intercultural literary connections in different periods of Slovene literature; - ability to independently solve the most difficult literary and historical issues of Slovene literature; - ability to connect synchronous and diachronic literary processes; - ability of competent scientific reflection of contemporary literary phenomena and their placement in the dynamics of Slovene literature. Subject area: Slovene language (synchrony and diachrony) The area of Slovene language of the 3rd level degree doctoral study programme Slovene studies is intended for the deepening of linguistic knowledge using the most up-to-date research approaches and the most modern language technologies, which today significantly guide and co-shape linguistic research. The programme includes theoretical topics presented during lectures or seminars, and the basic emphasis is on the individual work of students, which is monitored and directed by a mentor. That is why the starting points of the programme are closely linked to professional and scientific references and areas of research of teachers involved in the programme. Special emphasis is placed on the common course Language and Science, which directs students to current methodological and research starting points of linguistics, and the focus courses on the synchronous (Contemporary Slovene Linguistics) and diachronic part of the linguistic programme (Development of Slovene Linguistic Thought). These two, together with the results of individual work, represent the foundation of the student's knowledge, appropriate affinity, and ability to continue their studies. Based on its structure, the programme sets out the following subject-specific competencies: - knowledge of the development of the Slovene literary language and understanding of the modern literary norm and rules; - mastering the diachronic view of the Slovene language and connecting diachronic and synchronous language concepts; - ability for independent linguistic analysis of various texts; - ability to understand the cause-and-effect relationship between the type of text and typical linguistic phenomena at the level of the formed word, lexical connections, and phraseological connections; - ability to critically assess and discover the positive and negative influences of globalization processes at all levels of the modern Slovene language system; - ability to assess and place new linguistic phenomena from the point of view of communicative excellence and the new role of Slovene in modern integration processes; - ability to functionally use different language manuals and ability to compile them independently; - ability for a problem-based approach to work and independent solving of the most difficult developmental issues of the Slovene language; - ability to professionally record and express content, solve professional problems, sovereign presentation of key findings and skilful argumentation; - ability of independent linguistic interpretation of a certain segment of the language, taking into account the most appropriate theoretical and methodological approaches, and the ability to articulate at the level of a professional or scientific article. Field: Didactics of Slovene language and literature The field of Didactics of Slovene Language and Literature of the proposed study programme sets out the following subject-specific competencies: - knowledge and understanding of linguistic and literary contents; - understanding of difficult problems in the field of developing reception capacity; - ability to select and use individual scientific methods to solve difficult problems in the field of developing reception capacity; - planning and evaluating the implementation of new literary didactic methods; - understanding the most difficult problems in the field of developing communication skills; - ability to select and use individual scientific methods to solve difficult problems in the field of developing linguistic didactics; - planning and evaluating the implementation of new language didactic methods; - ability to recognize modern globalization influences on didactic practice; knowledge of general tendencies of modern language changes and their influence on the language system, and their application to current school practice; - knowledge of selected computer tools for language work in pedagogical practice; - qualification for the basics of distance learning of Slovene.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Slovene Language Studies: - A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme. - An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. - A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 48 ECTS credits under the 1st-cycle academic one-discipline study programme in Slovene Language and Literature: Phonetics and Phonology (6 ECTS), Syntax (6 ECTS), Culture of Oral and Written Communication (3 ECTS), History of Slovenian Literary Language (3 ECTS), Indo-European, Urslavic and Old Church Slavic Language Heritage (3 ECTS), Theoretical Basics of Slovenistics (3 ECTS), Romanticism and Realism (8 ECTS), Slovene Modernism, Expressionism and Social Realism (8 ECTS), and Slovenian Literature after 1950 (8 ECTS). - A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme corresponding to 300 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

In case of limited enrolment, the selection of candidates will be based on the following criteria: - average study grade (70%), and - master's/diploma thesis grade (30%).

Valid for enrolment from the 2025/26 academic year:
In case of limited enrolment, the selection of candidates will be based on the following criteria: - average study grade (70%), and - master's/diploma thesis grade (30%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

Transfers between programmes are possible in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Criteria for Transfers between Study Programmes (UL RS 14/19). Applicants who meet conditions for enrolment in the proposed programme and the conditions for transfer between programmes will be told what year they may enrol in and what missing course units they must complete if they wish to conclude their studies under the new programme. Transfers are possible between programmes: – which guarantee the acquisition of comparable competences on completion and between which at least half the course units under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) from the first study programme relating to compulsory units of the second study programme may be recognised under the criteria for recognising knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment in the programme.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

In the process of 3rd level degree education, students may have recognized the knowledge and skills acquired before enrolment in various forms of formal education, which the student proves with certificates and other documents. The scope and content of the submitted work are evaluated according to the ECTS system up to a maximum of 20 ECTS, which can replace the obligations in elective courses of the doctoral study programme Slovene Studies. During their education at the 3rd level degree programme, students may have their obligations recognized as fulfilled on the basis of submitted documents from the field of non-formal education or performed professional work (project, other copyright works). The scope and content of the submitted work are evaluated according to the ECTS system up to a maximum of 10 ECTS, which can replace the obligations in elective courses of the doctoral study programme. Students of master's study programmes for obtaining the master's degree in Slovene language/Slovene literature/Didactics of Slovene language/Didactics of Slovene literature, who have not completed a master's thesis, have recognized obligations from these programmes from 60 to 120 ECTS. The basic criterion for the recognition or non-recognition is the comparability of knowledge acquired elsewhere with study units, skills and qualifications in the doctoral study programme Slovene Studies. Applications for the recognition of knowledge and skills (research projects, research and specialist articles, patents, inventions, etc.) obtained before enrolment in the programme, will be considered by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor in accordance with regulations and rules of the University of Maribor. The candidate submits an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills to the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts. Knowledge/skills may be recognized in full, only in part, or not recognized. In the event that they are partially recognized, the student will be assigned a partial exam in the chapters of elective courses, which will be determined by the holder of the course.

Criteria for completing the study

The student completes the 3rd level degree study programme Slovene Studies when they complete all study obligations in the amount of 240 ECTS (pass all exams and all obligations of the doctoral study programme Slovene Studies and successfully defend their doctoral dissertation) and fulfil all requirements in accordance with Doctoral Studies Rules of the University of Maribor.