

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




24 ECTS 240 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

08 – Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary

0888 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary

4 – Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences

red. prof. dr. DENIS STAJNKO, univ. dipl. inž. kmet.

Text about acceptance

The Senate of Maribor University discussed the study programme and adopted it at its meeting on 25. 10. 2005. On 18. 11. 2005, the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia granted accreditation in the procedure of introducing the study programme.

Assesment criteria

Grade Percentage Performance Excellent (10) 91 – 100% An exceptional/outstanding performance Very good (9) 81 – 90% A very good performance Very good (8) 71 – 80% A good/above average performance Good (7) 61 – 70% An adequate performance with shortcomings Sufficient (6) 51 – 60% A barely acceptable performance

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

General competences: - Autonomy in top research work and in the most demanding scientific work; - Thorough understanding of theoretical and methodological bases and mastering top research methods, procedures and processes; - Autonomy in criticality on the field of science and profession; - Ability to absorb knowledge and its application; Independence in development of new knowledge and solutions for solving the most complex problems; Ability of work in scientific research groups and to work on projects; International communication skills in top scientific and professional environment; Commitment to professional scientific and professional ethics; Responsibility in making the most demanding scientific and professional decisions; Independence and responsibility in leading and responsibility to teamwork.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject-specific competencies are: - Competence for top scientific and research work within agriculture; - Knowledge in a specific area in which the student has deepened during doctoral studies; - Competence for solving vital and most difficult problems in research and development work on a narrow specific field within agriculture; - Competence for searching viable solutions in solving the most difficult problems in a narrow specific field; ? Responsibility for making decisions based on the top scientific bases of narrowly defined discipline within agriculture.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Agriculture: – A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme. – An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. – A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 60 ECTS credits under the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in Agriculture: Production Systems and Environmental Aspects of Main Field Crops Production (10 ECTS), Production Systems and Environmental Aspects in Vegetables and Ornamentals (10 ECTS), Integrated Grape Production (10 ECTS), Integrated Fruit Production (10 ECTS), Grassland Management and Forage Production (10 ECTS), and Technologies in Livestock Production (10 ECTS). – A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme corresponding to 300 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to: – grade point average (80%) and – grade awarded for the thesis (20%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

Candidates may transfer between study programmes in accordance with the Higher Education Act, Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes and other rules. In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates may enrol: • in the second or higher year of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Agriculture if they have ceased their studies in the previous study programme and will continue them under this study programme at the same level, or if a doctoral graduate is enrolling in a new study programme at the same level; • in the second year of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Agriculture if they have completed: - A master of science study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. - A specialisation following an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria: - criteria for enrolment in the first year of the 3rd-cycle study programme in Agriculture; - they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes; - at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to the ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. The transfer shall be addressed by a competent senate committee of the faculty where the candidate intends to continue his studies.