Objectives and competences

To gain knowledge about national and eu legal system, companies (corporations) and commercial contract law.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Within the business law we deal with basics legal terms and general principles of national and eu legal system. First part deals with the meaning of corporate law (types of companies and other corporation questions) and the second part deals with the terms of commercial contract law (types of contracts and other obligation questions). Within business law we deals also with types of securities.

Learning and teaching methods

- classic lectures - case study - active team work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge of part and sense of contracts and companies (corporations).

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes


Bratina, Jovanovič, Podgorelec, Primec: »Osnove gospodarskega pogodbenega in statusnega prava«, De Vesta, Maribor, 2008 TEXTBOOKS: Bratina, Jovanovič, Podgorelec, Primec: »Osnove gospodarskega pogodbenega in statusnega prava«, De Vesta, Maribor, 2008


  • izr. prof. dr. PETER PODGORELEC, univ. dipl. prav.
  • red. prof. dr. BORUT BRATINA, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Pisni izpit: 70
  • Seminarska naloga: 30

  • : 30
  • : 15
  • : 105

  • slovensko
  • slovensko