Objectives and competences
The aim is analyzing significant aspects of the development and training of employees. The emphasis is on themes that stress the importance of structural context with the planning and evaluating the knowledge results in the development and training. In the forefront are issues about analysis and comparison of different approaches to employee development, the possibility of using different methods and forms of learning and development in organizations, planning training programs, evaluating employee development and overcoming stress at the workplace.
Content (Syllabus outline)
• The meaning of environment for development of employees
• Aims and strategies of employee development
• Learning theories
• Organizational learning
• Activities of learning and development in an organization
• Determining of needs for learning
• Planning of training programs
• Methods of learning and training
• Evaluation of the development and training activities
• Training of expatriates
• Training in managing stress in work settings
Learning and teaching methods
" lectures
" discussions
" case studies
" workshops
" team building
" videos and films
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
In this course students:
1. They acquire general substantive and methodological knowledge about the development of HR (PILO 1a),
2. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the development of HR (PILO 2a),
3. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the implementation of approaches to development of HR (PILO 2a),
4. They upgrade existing knowledge in the field of development of HR (PILO 3a),
5. Systematically upgrade their substantive and methodological knowledge on the use of newer organizational concepts for problem solving and decision-making about the development of HR (PILO 3a),
6. They develop skills for independently and innovatively solving practical problems from the field of development od HR (PILO 3a, PILO 4a),
7. They develop knowledge and skills for complex analysis and critical assessment of individual solutions from the field of development of HR their application in practice and comprehensive presentation of their results (PILO 2c, PILO 4b),
8. They develop knowledge and skills for organizing independent work and work in a group (in the role of leader or member) and develop appropriate communication skills for effective presentation of work results (PILO 3c),
9. Develop knowledge and skills for understanding the use of digitization, automation, robotization and artificial intelligence in organization and critical assessment of the results of their use in practice (PILO 3a) and
10. They develop the ability for ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solving of practical problems from the field of development of HR (PILO 4b, PILO 4c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
In this course students:
1. They acquire general substantive and methodological knowledge about the development of HR (PILO 1a),
2. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the development of HR (PILO 2a),
3. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the implementation of approaches to development of HR (PILO 2a),
4. They upgrade existing knowledge in the field of development of HR (PILO 3a),
5. Systematically upgrade their substantive and methodological knowledge on the use of newer organizational concepts for problem solving and decision-making about the development of HR (PILO 3a),
6. They develop skills for independently and innovatively solving practical problems from the field of development od HR (PILO 3a, PILO 4a),
7. They develop knowledge and skills for complex analysis and critical assessment of individual solutions from the field of development of HR their application in practice and comprehensive presentation of their results (PILO 2c, PILO 4b),
8. They develop knowledge and skills for organizing independent work and work in a group (in the role of leader or member) and develop appropriate communication skills for effective presentation of work results (PILO 3c),
9. Develop knowledge and skills for understanding the use of digitization, automation, robotization and artificial intelligence in organization and critical assessment of the results of their use in practice (PILO 3a) and
10. They develop the ability for ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solving of practical problems from the field of development of HR (PILO 4b, PILO 4c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
• M. Armstrong & S. Taylor: Armstrong‘s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Part V – Learning and developoment, Kogan Page Limited, 2017 .
• S. Treven: Premagovanje stresa, Gospodarski vestnik, Ljubljana, 2005
• dopolnila: Metode učenja in razvoja, Mentorstvo, Coaching, Dobro počutje (E-gradiva)
Additional information on implementation and assessment Monthly assignments
Course paper
Final exam
Monthly assignments - conduct and presentation of the selected concept of human resources development.
Course paper - individually written course paper with oral defence.
Final exam - a written exam with at least one question from each area of the subject.