Objectives and competences

The course focuses on understanding strategic human resource management, emphasizing its crucial role in achieving a company's strategic goals through the analysis of HR strategy models, evaluation of influencing factors, and definition of international aspects in this context. By studying these elements, students develop the ability to analyze and formulate human resource strategies, enabling further independent education and training in the field of strategic human resource management.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• The strategic role of HRM function in enterprises • The nature of strategic human resources management • Dimensions of strategic HRM • The impact of organizational factors on strategic HRM • The impact of environmental factors on strategic HRM • Formulating and implementing HRM strategies • Rules of strategic HRM • Human resource strategy models • Evaluating models of human resources strategies • Improving business performance through strategic HRM • Strategies for improving effectiveness of organizations • Employee diversity management • Age management • Strategic HRM in an international environment

Learning and teaching methods

" lectures " case studies " workshops " team building " videos and films

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

In this course students: 1. They acquire general substantive and methodological knowledge about newer approaches to strategic human resources management (PILO 1a), 2. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the Strategic HRM (PILO 2a), 3. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the implementation of strategic HRM in enterprises (PILO 2a), 4. They upgrade existing knowledge in the field of strategic HRM (PILO 3a), 5. Systematically upgrade their substantive and methodological knowledge on the use of newer organizational concepts for problem solving and decision-making about HRM (PILO 3a), 6. They develop skills for independently and innovatively solving practical problems from the field of strategic HRM (PILO 3a, PILO 4a), 7. They develop knowledge and skills for complex analysis and critical assessment of individual solutions from the field of strategic HRM, their application in practice and comprehensive presentation of their results (PILO 2c, PILO 4b), 8. They develop knowledge and skills for organizing independent work and work in a group (in the role of leader or member) and develop appropriate communication skills for effective presentation of work results (PILO 3c), 9. Develop knowledge and skills for understanding the use of digitization, automation, robotization and artificial intelligence in organization and critical assessment of the results of their use in practice (PILO 3a) and 10. They develop the ability for ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solving of practical problems from the field of strategic HRM (PILO 4b, PILO 4c). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

In this course students: 1. They acquire general substantive and methodological knowledge about newer approaches to strategic human resources management (PILO 1a), 2. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the Strategic HRM (PILO 2a), 3. They acquire general and specific knowledge about the implementation of strategic HRM in enterprises (PILO 2a), 4. They upgrade existing knowledge in the field of strategic HRM (PILO 3a), 5. Systematically upgrade their substantive and methodological knowledge on the use of newer organizational concepts for problem solving and decision-making about HRM (PILO 3a), 6. They develop skills for independently and innovatively solving practical problems from the field of strategic HRM (PILO 3a, PILO 4a), 7. They develop knowledge and skills for complex analysis and critical assessment of individual solutions from the field of strategic HRM, their application in practice and comprehensive presentation of their results (PILO 2c, PILO 4b), 8. They develop knowledge and skills for organizing independent work and work in a group (in the role of leader or member) and develop appropriate communication skills for effective presentation of work results (PILO 3c), 9. Develop knowledge and skills for understanding the use of digitization, automation, robotization and artificial intelligence in organization and critical assessment of the results of their use in practice (PILO 3a) and 10. They develop the ability for ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solving of practical problems from the field of strategic HRM (PILO 4b, PILO 4c). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.


Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright (2019) Human Resource Management, (Chapter: 1, 2) Robbins, Judge, Campbell (2017) Organizational Behaviour, Pearson, (Chapter: 3, 4) Treven S. (2001) Mednarodno organizacijsko vedenje, GV, Ljubljana (pogl. 5, pogl. 11) Rožman, Treven, Čančer (2018) »Problem starejših zaposlenih v podjetjih in izboljšanje delovnega okolja«, v ŠarotarŽižek, S. (ur.), et al. Družbeno odgovorno ravnanje z deležniki koristi vsem, (Zbirka Sodobni izzivi managementa človeških virov, knj. 3). Maribor: IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti, str. 136-155.

  • red. prof. dr. VOJKO POTOČAN, univ. dipl. ekon.
  • red. prof. dr. SONJA TREVEN, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • Written examination: 50
  • Seminar paper: 30
  • Class assignments: 20

  • : 30
  • : 15
  • : 195

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian