Objectives and competences
Students systematicaly and in-detail enhance theoretical knowledge on development and its management for start-up and developmental implementation of business ideas. Gain the ability to integrate already acquired knowledge on strategic management and governance with (content and methodological) new knowledge on start-up, development, mergers and liquidation of enterprises. Students gain the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of start-up and developmeallow them to critically evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies as well as autonomy and originality in analysis and synthesis in solving problems in the field of start-up and developmental management.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Start-up and developmental opportunities of an enterprise and other institutions.
- Strategic and developmental situations.
- Developmental theories and models of development and growth (including developmental rules; internal as well as external development; cooperative and integrative development).
- Start-up and developmental synergies.
- Business policy and strategic management for sustainable development of companies, economy and society
- Process, instrumental and institutional dimensions of start-up and developmental management (especially of the MER Model of integral management in planning start-up and developmental visions, policy, strategies and resources).
Learning and teaching methods
- Lectures
- Guided classes (practical examples and illustration)
- Independent research work
- Individual consultations with teachers
- In dividual and group case studies
- Brainstorming
- The World Cafe
- Active individual and group work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1.Has depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of start-up and developmental management and can work with theoretical/research-based knowledge (e.g. theories of developmental/strategic planning) at the forefront of their academic discipline.(PILO 2a)
2..Has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas of start-up and developmental management and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions.(PILO 3c, 4c)
3.Has a comprehensive understanding of techniques / methodologies applicable to their own work (e.g. industry analysis, SWOT analysis, scenario technics), which enables to cope with changing environmental conditions (internal as well as external).(PILO 1a, 2a)
4.With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory knowledge in the area of start-up and developmental management and communicate the results of analysis of external and internal charateristics of an enterprise effectively. (PILO 2c, 3b)
5.Has a level of conceptual understanding of start-up and developmental management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 2a, 4c)
6.Demonstrate autonomy and originality in problem solving in the area of start-up and developmental management. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 4a, 4b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
1.Has depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of start-up and developmental management and can work with theoretical/research-based knowledge (e.g. theories of developmental/strategic planning) at the forefront of their academic discipline.(PILO 2a)
2..Has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas of start-up and developmental management and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions.(PILO 3c, 4c)
3.Has a comprehensive understanding of techniques / methodologies applicable to their own work (e.g. industry analysis, SWOT analysis, scenario technics), which enables to cope with changing environmental conditions (internal as well as external).(PILO 1a, 2a)
4.With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory knowledge in the area of start-up and developmental management and communicate the results of analysis of external and internal charateristics of an enterprise effectively. (PILO 2c, 3b)
5.Has a level of conceptual understanding of start-up and developmental management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 2a, 4c)
6.Demonstrate autonomy and originality in problem solving in the area of start-up and developmental management. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations and considering ethics and sustainability (PILO 4a, 4b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
• Duh, M. (2011). Ustanovitveni in razvojni management. Zapiski predavanj. Maribor: EPF. Strani: 4-15; 16-17;21-31; 32-39.
• Duh, M. (2015). Upravljanje podjetja in strateški management. Ljubljana: GV Založba. Strani: 112-134, 178-244.
• Duh, M. (2022). Strateški management za trajnostni razvoj podjetij = Strategic management for sustainable development of companies. V: Duh, M. (ur.), et al. Izzivi trajnostnega razvoja organizacij. Harlow (England) [etc.]: Pearson Education. str. 58-81, ilustr. ISBN 978-1-80006-681-6.
Za izpopolnitev potrebnih izhodiščnih znanj:
• Belak J, soavtorice in soavtorji (2003). Integralni management in razvoj podjetja. Maribor: Založba MER v Mariboru.
• Belak, J. (2010). Integralni management. MER model. Maribor: Založba MER v Mariboru.
Dopolnilna literatura za razširitev znanja z izbranimi tematskimi področji bo določena individualno glede na izbrano seminarsko raziskavo
Additional information on implementation and assessment - Active research work
- Course paper
- OR Presentation report and course paper
- Written exam or mid-term exams
Active research work . Individual active work under the supervision of a teacher.
Course paper - Individually written course paper with presentation and oraloral defence; students must achieve at least 56% of all points.
Presentation report and course paper - Individual preparation of report on planned research and independently written course paper with written defence. Students must achieve at least 56% of all points.
Written exam or mid-term exams - Written exam or two mid-term exams with questions for examining theoretical knowledge in the field: students must achieve at least 56% of all points.
Active work on case studies - Students can achieve additional points with active participation in discussions and preparations of written paper on the case. Achieved points are added to the total number of points achieved with fulfilling previously listed obligations.