Objectives and competences
The main goal and objective of this course is to acquire students with the knowledge on significance of technology and environmental innovations for firm's competitiveness and business success. In such a way, students acquaint in-depth knowledges of technology innovation strategies and environmental policies of firms and learn the process of product development and technology innovations related models together with environmental protection criteria.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Definition and classification of technologies
2. The role and significance of technological
innovations on business and economy
3. Basic terms and definitions on innovation
4. Technology development trends
5. Technology innovation diffusion models;
technology S-curves
6. Life cycles of products and technologies
7. Technology innovation strategies
8. Important aspects of technological innovation success
9. Characteristics of research and
development activities
10. Patent and licence
11. Definitions of fundamental environmental terms and pollution problems
12. Firm's impacts on natural environment; sources of pollution
13. Characteristics and types of eco-innovations
14. Environmental business strategies
15. Cleaner technologies: circular economy
16. Product ecodesign
17. Methods and tools for eco-innovation product development
Learning and teaching methods
case studies
laboratory work (active group work of students)
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Students in this course:
1. Learn specific theories and models in the field of technological and environmental innovation and understand the impact of these areas on the competitiveness of firms. (PILO 2a)
2. Develop the ability to be aware of the ethical dilemmas of the environmental impacts of products and the company. (PILO 4a, PILO 4b)
3. Systematically identify, analyse and evaluate technological and environmental innovation opportunities by integrating theoretical knowledge and practical examples. (PILO 3a, PILO 4c)
4. Critically evaluate the importance of technological and eco-innovation for business, the economy and society. (PILO 4a, PILO 4c)
5. Develop, implement and evaluate technological and environmental models and strategies with a multidisciplinary approach. (PILO 2a)
6. Critically analyse and evaluate the complex field of sustainable development with a focus on environmental issues. (PILO 4b)
7. Develop skills for independent work as a group member and as a leader explaining tasks and applying theoretical knowledge appropriately. (PILO 3c)
8. Develop skills to promote and participate in the organisation of innovation activities in companies. (PILO 3c)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Students in this course:
1. Learn specific theories and models in the field of technological and environmental innovation and understand the impact of these areas on the competitiveness of firms. (PILO 2a)
2. Develop the ability to be aware of the ethical dilemmas of the environmental impacts of products and the company. (PILO 4a, PILO 4b)
3. Systematically identify, analyse and evaluate technological and environmental innovation opportunities by integrating theoretical knowledge and practical examples. (PILO 3a, PILO 4c)
4. Critically evaluate the importance of technological and eco-innovation for business, the economy and society. (PILO 4a, PILO 4c)
5. Develop, implement and evaluate technological and environmental models and strategies with a multidisciplinary approach. (PILO 2a)
6. Critically analyse and evaluate the complex field of sustainable development with a focus on environmental issues. (PILO 4b)
7. Develop skills for independent work as a group member and as a leader explaining tasks and applying theoretical knowledge appropriately. (PILO 3c)
8. Develop skills to promote and participate in the organisation of innovation activities in companies. (PILO 3c)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Radonjič, Gregor. 2021. Tehnološko in eko-inoviranje. Gradivo za izpit. Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor.
Schilling, Melissa. (2005). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. McGraw-Hill, Boston.
Hojnik, Jana. (2017). In Pursuit of Eco-innovation: Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
Doranova, Asel et al. (2016). Policies and Practicies for Eco-innovation Up-Take and Circular Economy Transitions. EIO Bi-annual report. November 2016. Eco-Innovation Observatory, Brussels.
Mazzucato, Mariana (2018). Podjetniška država. UMco, Ljubljana.
Sonnemann, G. in M. Margni (Eds.) (2015). Life Cycle Management. Springer, Dordrecht.
No requirements
Additional information on implementation and assessment • written examination
• project work
Written examination - student must collect in total (together with seminary work grade) at least 56% of maximum grade.
Project work - assessment incorporates project work preparation, engagement in classroom discussions and project presentation within the group, team work on seminary work.