Content (Syllabus outline)
- justification of the importance of culture with the dimensions of science, philosophy, art, and engineering by illustrating all this for the enetrprise’s culture.
- Bleicher’s and Kralj’s justification of the importance of enterprise culture, including the philosophy of the responsible enterprise.
- Thommen's argumentation of a credible enterprise
- Enterprise’s credibility and ethics implementation model
- The particularities of the enterprise’s credibility and ethics at different stages of its lifecycle
- MER model of integral governance and management model and enterprise’ credibility and integrity
- Practical case studies
- The integrity, credibility, culture, and ethics of the enterprise using data science, and data basis as well as research methods to obtain important information for enterprises in order to ensure the integrity and ethics of the enterprise functioning.
• PRIMEC, Andreja, BELAK, Jernej. Towards socially responsible corporate governance with authorities' interventions. Management : journal of contemporary management issues. 2018, vol. 23, no. 1, str. 203-219. ISSN 1331-0194., DOI: 10.30924/mjcmi/2018.23.1.203. [COBISS.SI-ID 13057308], [SNIP, WoS do 9. 4. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 4, čistih citatov (CI): 4, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2,00, Scopus do 17. 3. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 5, čistih citatov (CI): 5, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2,50]
• PRIMEC, Andreja, DUH, Mojca, BELAK, Jernej. Corporate integrity : just a concept or real behavior/practice. Transylvanian review. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 27, supplement no. 1, str. [303]-320. ISSN 1221-1249. [COBISS.SI-ID 13136924], [SNIP]
• BELAK, Jernej. Management and governance : organizational culture in relation to enterprise life cycle. Kybernetes : the international journal of systems & cybernetics. 2016, vol. 45, no. 4, str. 680-698. ISSN 0368-492X., DOI: 10.1108/K-04-2014-0082. [COBISS.SI-ID 12244252], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 26. 12. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 8, čistih citatov (CI): 8, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 8,00, Scopus do 29. 3. 2023: št. citatov (TC): 12, čistih citatov (CI): 12, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 12,00]
• Belak, Jernej, Thommen Jean-Paul, Belak Janko (2014): Integralni management in upravljanje: kultura, etika in verodostojnost podjetja. Založba MER, Maribor.
• Belak, J.: Business Ethics Impementation at Different Stages of the Enterprise Life Cycle. Založba MER, Maribor, 2009.