Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of creative thinking and decision-making.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in economic and business practice, in activating and strengthening creativity and in decision-making, including the use of related quantitative methods, computer programs and other methods of creative thinking.
3. Acquire the creative and systems approach when dealing with business and economic problems.
4. Acquire advanced knowledge of basic theoretical approaches in the field of creative thinking and decision-making.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Economic meaning and importance of creativity
2. Dialectical systems thinking and methods for requisite holism, and for successful and efficient creating and decision-making.
3. Relationship creativity – inventiveness-innovativeness- as capacity to create new benefits with entrepreneurship
4. Types of creativity and ways of thinking.
5. Traditional methods for strengthening individual and group creativity and adequate computer support, with an emphasis on Visio
6. Modern internationally accepted methods for strengthening creativity:
7. Quantitative methods supportive of creativity and decision-making, including related computer programs, with an emphasis on Expert Choice
8. Methods for strengthening the creativity in central invention-innovation activities (research and development, unprofessional invention and innovation creation)
9. Including of creativity in vision, politics, strategy, tactics, operational work
Learning and teaching methods
lecturing by discussion;
AV presentations;
case studies;
team work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Acquire specific knowledge in dialectical systems thinking, quantitative methods supportive of creativity and decision-making, traditional and modern internationally advanced methods for strengthening individual and group creativity.
2. Learn to recognise the relationship between the central invention/innovation activities.
3. Develop the skills to interpret the gained results in the field multi-criteria analysis.
4. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches to economic and business problems.
5. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues in areas of the decision making processes.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of creative thinking and decision making in literature and praxis.
2. Synthesize different knowledge and procedures and are aware of importance of use of professional literature.
3. Can select appropriate creative and decision techniques for problem solving and are able to evaluate the importance and significance of data.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology.
2. Upgrade the ability to work in pairs and groups.
3. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively and professionally communicate.
Practical skills:
1. Get practical experience in the field of selection and use of creative thinking methods.
2. Are able to act autonomously with defined guidelines and certain level of supervision.
Obvezna literatura:
1. Čančer, V. (2009). Kvantitativne in računalniško podprte metode ustvarjalnega razmišljanja in odločanja BU, Zapiski predavanj. Maribor: EPF.
2. Vid Pečjak (2001): Poti do novih idej. New Moment 17.
3. Ženko Zdenka . Metode ustvarjalnega razmišljanja in odločanja, Gradivo za predmet v UM e studij MS Teams . EPF, Maribor. UM e studij.
Dodatna literatura:
1. Matjaž Mulej in Ženko, Zdenka (2004): Invencijsko-inovacijski management z uporabo dialektične teorije sistemov [Elektronski vir].
2. Rolf Jensen (2003): Heart storm. Dream society II. New moment 22. 3. Conferences on creativity »New Moment Ideas Campus«
3. Peter Fatur, Borut Likar (2009): Ustvarjalnost zaposlenih za inovativnost podjetja : sistemski vidiki managementa idej kot gradnika uspešne organizacije. Fakulteta za management Koper, Koper.
4. Saaty, T. L. (2010). Creative thinking, problem solving & decision making. Pittsburgh PA: RWS Publications.
Additional information on implementation and assessment 20% - active participation at lectures and tutorials;
40% - preparation and presentation of seminar work;
A positive grade of seminar paper is required for access to written exam.
40% - written examination or two tests (each up to 20%) written during the semester
For positive grade at least three out of four answers on written exam need to be positive.