Objectives and competences
1. Acquire fundamental knowledge in specific fields of mathematics in economics.
2. Enhance their theoretical knowledge in specific fields of mathematics.
3. Learn to write, think, and express themselves accurately in the field of mathematics.
4. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in business and economic practice.
5. Make critical judgements based on a sound theoretical base.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1. Acquire fundamental knowledge in specific fields of mathematics in economics.
2. Learn to apply mathematical techniques in solving business problems.
3. Develop the skills to interpret the results gained with mathematical techniques.
4. Develop the skills for additional learning and individual study of new methods.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can analyse with guidance using given classification/principles.
2. Can identify key aspects of problem from different view points.
3. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems. standard way.
Key/Transferable skills
1. Develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection, and evaluation.
2. Develop skills for team work.
3. Develop professional ethics.
4. Develop interest for lifelong learning.
Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks):
1. Hoy M., Livernois J., McKenna C., Rees R., Stengos T. (2011). Mathematics for economics, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England.
2. Indihar S., Kavkler I., Mastinšek M. (2002). Matematika za ekonomiste 1. del, EPF, Maribor.
3. Arih L., Indihar S., Mastinšek M. (2005). Matematika za ekonomiste 2. del, EPF, Maribor.
Dodatna študijska literature (Additonal textbooks):
4. Marovt J, Breznik K. (2014). Praktikum iz poslovno-finančne matematike, FNM, Maribor.
5. Tietze J. (2019). Einfuerung in die angewandte Wirtschaftsmathematik, Springer Verlag, Berlin
6. Marovt J. (2010). Gradivo pri predmetu Matematika: zbirka rešenih nalog, EPF, Maribor.