Objectives and competences

In this course students: 1. Systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of (small and medium size) enterprises management / leadership and are able to apply it. 2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in complex practical problems in the field of small and medium size enterprises management / leadership particularities. 3. Acquire managerial approach to analysis of developmental problems of small and medium size enterprises management and are able to critically evaluate it. 4. Make critical judgements based, analysis and synthesis on a sound theoretical base. 5. Develop transferable competences entrepreneurship, creativity, teamwork and communication skills.

Content (Syllabus outline)

1. Starting-point definition about small and medium size enterprise (SMEs) specialties • Small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) • Qualitative and quantitative criteria for defining SMEs (definition) and share of SMEs (Slovenia and EU) • Characteristics of SMEs 2. (Start-up) success factors I • Success factors derived from the environment: the social environment • Success factors derived from the environment: infrastructure from a service perspective • Success factors derived from the environment: economic situation and markets • Success factors arising from the environment: founding infrastructure and other supporting environment of SMEs 3. Developmental model of management and enterprise – Peculiarities of life and development cycles of SMEs 4. (Start-up) success factors II • Success factors derived from the personality of the founder • Entrepreneur / manager characteristics, types of entrepreneurs / managers and their influence on SMEs development 5. The visionary enterprise for the future of the economy: level 5 leadership and the personal characteristics of a level 5 leader 6. SMEs business policy 7. Strategic development situations of SMEs Case studies With examples, explanations of the management / leadership of a small business and how it acquires the characteristics of a family business.

Learning and teaching methods

- lectures - AV presentations - guest experts from praxis - methods: case study – application of team and group work methods on a case study, teamwork, brainstorming – using the group brainstorming method (aspects - connections - synergy; lateral thinking), flipped learning and teaching, Meta plan - individual, team, group, gamification, systems thinking; - active individual and/or team and group (laboratorial) work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding Students: 1. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in the area of small and medium size enterprises management. 2. Acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of content and processes of governance and management of a small and medium-sized enterprise. 3. Are able to explain interconnections in the field of various aspects of the peculiarities of the management / leadership of a small and medium-sized enterprise. 4. Develop skills to review the gained results in the field of developmental particularities of small and medium size (family) enterprises management. 5. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in the field of small and medium size (family) enterprises management with changing conditions. 6. Are able to upgrade and design further analysis regarding small and medium size (family) enterprises management. 7. Are aware of personal and professional responsibility in the field of small and medium size (family) enterprises management. 8. Are able to demonstrate a critical ethical dimension in their work.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Cognitive/Intellectual skills Students: 1. Understand and apply critical analysis and theory development in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises and their usability in solving real and abstract professional problems, without guidance. 2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of small and medium size (family) enterprises management in literature and praxis and to place them in appropriate professional frame. 3. Can select appropriate techniques for complex problem solving of particularities of development of small and medium-sized (family) enterprises and are able to evaluate the reliability, validity and significance of results gained. 4. Can identify key aspects of problem, specific at management of small and medium-sized (family) enterprises, from different view-points and are able to find solutions. 5. Can investigate contradictory information, facing by small and medium-sized (family) enterprises, and reasons for this. Key/Transferable skills Students: 1. Further develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in a specific working area. 2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner. 3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology. 4. Upgrade the ability for team-work and team leadership. 5. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively solve conflicts. 6. Can identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and are able to find solutions. 7. Are efficient in self-evaluation of their own work and knowledge. 8. Can select and manage information with minimal guidelines. Practical skills Student: 1. Get practical experience in the field of small and medium size (family) enterprises management. 2. Is able to act autonomously with minimal guidelines and supervision.


Temeljna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks): 1. Hatten, T. S. (2015). Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond. 6th Edition. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning. Dodatna študijska literatura (Additional textbooks): 1. Štrukelj, T. (2024). Peculiarities of SME governance and management (Lecture notes). Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business. 2. Štrukelj, T. (2024). Peculiarities of SME governance and management course content with instructions for lectures and exercises (Handbook for students with instructions and procedures). Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business. Dopolnilna študijska literatura (Supplementary textbooks): 1. Primeri in naloge, posredovani na predavanjih in vajah (Cases and exercises, closely examine at pedagogical process).

  • izr. prof. dr. TJAŠA ŠTRUKELJ, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • Written examination: 100

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 150

  • English
  • English