Objectives and competences

In this course students: 1. Systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of organizing expert work and time management and also to maintain/improve working ability of employees. 2. Gain the ability to creatively apply their theoretical knowledge in complex practical problems to maintain/improve working ability of employees 3. Acquire approach to analysis of organizing expert work and time management and also maintaining / improving working ability of employees. 4. Make critical judgements based on a sound theoretical base.

Content (Syllabus outline)

1 An attractive employer brand 2 The working capacity of the employee and ways of strengthening it 3 Dealing with older employees 4 Generations and intergenerational cooperation 5 Assertive communication with employees 6 Interpersonal relations 7 Conflicts and their resolution 8 Mentoring and reverse mentoring 9 Organizational culture 10 Organizational climate 11 Organizational energy 12 Mental well-being 13 Time management • Time definition and time management • Purpose of time management • Symptoms of inadequate time management • Time management strategies • Time management tools 14 Stress management • Definition of stress and types of stress • Symptoms and consequences of stress and burn-out • Sources of stress • Individual approaches to overcoming stress • Organisational approaches to overcoming stress • Individual differences and stress

Learning and teaching methods

- lectures - discussions - workshops - team building - case studies - Learning and teaching with the help of generative artificial intelligence (npr. ChatGPT, Bing, Co-Pilot); - The "Jigsaw Puzzle" method; - Virtual Reality; - Mentimeter; - Teaching with discussion.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding: Students: 1. acquire requisitely comprehensive knowledge in the area of organizing expert work and time management and also preserving and improving the working ability of employees in a creative way. 2. gain a detailed knowledge in the area of organizing expert work and time management as well as preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 3. explain interconnections in the field of organizing expert work, time management and preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 4. critical review of the gained results in the field of organizing expert work, time management as well as preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 5. to analyze and synthesize different approaches in the field of organizing expert work, time management as well as preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 6. upgrade and design further analysis regarding organizing expert work and time management as well as preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 7. are aware of their own ethical and professional responsibility in the field of organizing expert work and time management as well as preserving and improving the working ability of employees. 8. are able to demonstrate a critical ethical dimension in their work.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Key/Transferable skills Students: 1. further develop skills and expertise in creative use of knowledge in a specific working area. 2. upgrade the ability of autonomous learning. 3. upgrade the ability to apply information technology. 4. upgrade the ability for team-work and team leadership. 5. develop their communication skills to effectively solve conflicts. 6. know to identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and to find solutions. 7. self-evaluate own work and knowledge. 8. select and manage information with minimal guidelines. Practical skills: Students: 1. gain practical experience in the field of preserving and improving employees’ working ability. 2. act autonomously with minimal guidelines and supervision.


Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks): 1. TREVEN, Sonja. (2005). Premagovanje stresa. Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik. 2. ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona. Organizacija strokovnega dela : zapiski predavanj za predmet Organizacija strokovnega dela in upravljanja s časom : 1. del. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2022. XIII, 373 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 108451331] 3. ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona. Upravljanje časa : zapiski predavanj za predmet Organizacija strokovnega dela in upravljanje s časom : 2. del. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2022. 32 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 108455939] 4. ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona. Premagovanje stresa : dodatno gradivo pri predmetu Organizacija strokovnega dela in upravljanje s časom : študijsko leto 2017/18. Maribor: Ekonomsko - poslovna fakulteta, 2017. 22 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 12819484]

  • red. prof. dr. SIMONA ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • 2 kolokvija ali pisni izpit: 60
  • študija primerov: 30
  • Seminarska naloga (aplikacija in predstavitev): 10

  • : 30
  • : 30
  • : 120

  • slovensko
  • slovensko