Objectives and competences

1. General objectives: • Comprehension of basic sociological terms, concepts and theories that will help students in their further studies. • by interdisciplinary treatment of economic, political and general social processes and phenomena, students will gain specialized and theoretical knowledge for understanding, comprehending and solving questions and dilemmas in their studies and later professional work. 2. Special objectives: • Comprehension of main classical and contemporary sociological theories and the basics of sociological methodology. • Introducing basic social processes and phenomena on national and global level: globalization, modernization, cultural diversity (individual, collective, corporative, national, regional), social mobility, political and social organizations and institutions (e.g. state), tolerance, terrorism, etc.

Content (Syllabus outline)

-Sociology in the scientific system; principles and steps of scientific comprehension -Subject and methodology in sociology -Main representatives of the sociological thought and basic sociological theories -Selected topics from general sociology and special sociological disciplines: Culture and society; Types of society; Social interactions; Gender and sexuality; Family, marriage and personal life; Deviance and crime; Moral and ethics; Ethnicity and race; Stratification; Modern organizations; Work; Government, political power and war; Mass media and popular culture; Education; Religion; Cities and development of modern urbanism; Revolutions and social movements; Globalization; Ecological crisis.

Learning and teaching methods

lectures; discussion of the seminar papers; teachers' consultations; self study; AV presentations case studies active inidividual and/or group work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding: Students: 1. The study of history of the sociological thought enables students to critically assess present theoretical as well as applicable knowledge, serves them in critical comprehension and the solution of different economic problems and represents a starting point for interdisciplinary analyses. 2. The course centres on the comparative analysis of classical and contemporary sociological concepts and the reflection on contemporary social phenomena and processes and by that enables students to asses current social-cultural processes independently and creatively

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Cognitive/Intellectual skills: Students: 1. Can analyse with guidance using given methodology. 2. Can collect and arrange data and ideas in a standard way. 3. Can under guidance evaluate the reliability of data using defined techniques 4. Are able to apply collected data in solving wider defined problem field 5. Students develop greater independence of thought and are developing into problem solving oriented people. They continuously upgrade their general knowledge and aim to encompass it in holistic perception of the world. Key/Transferable skills Students: 1. understanding, comparison and critical assessment of sociological ideas and concepts, 2. critical thinking, 3. work independently, 4. problem-solving skills, 5. participate constructively in groups, 6. manage time and work to deadlines Practical skills: 1. Students are capable of transferring theory to praxis in the sense of interpreting all current events in the field of culture, politics and economy. 2. In a company acquired knowledge can be used in the problem solving process ( for example in the field of communications, ethics, systemic organisation, etc.)


Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks): -Sergej Flere (2000). Sociologija. PF. Maribor -Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn (1999). Sociologija, teme in pogledi. DZS. Ljubljan Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks): -Giddens Anthony (1998). Sociology. Polity Press. Cambridge -Giddens Anthony (2000). Tretja pot. Orbis. Ljubljana -Flere Sergej (2000). Sociološka metodologija. PF. Maribor -Flere Sergej, Marko Kerševan (1995). Religija in moderna družba. PF. Maribor -Sruk Vlado (1999). Leksikon morale in etike. EPF. Maribor -Goričar Jože (1975). Temelji obče sociologije. DZS. Ljubljana -Weber Mx (1988). Protestantska etika in duh kapitalizma. ŠKUC. Ljubljana -Toš Niko (ur.) (1999). Vrednote na prehodu, II. SJM, IDV CRJM. Ljubljana

  • viš. pred. dr. VIDA SRUK, prof. SOC. IN NEM. JEZIKA

  • 2 colloquiums or written examination: 70
  • Seminar work and it's presentation: 30

  • : 30
  • : 30
  • : 60

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian