Objectives and competences

The objectives of the course are: define organizational environments and management skills, define the importance of communication skills in logistics, define the importance of organizational climate and culture in service activities and in logistics, define and know how to use business etiquette in practice, theoretically define and practically explain the importance of negotiations in supply chains, identify the importance of ethical and socially responsible management in logistics and supply chains. Competences that students acquire: • know and understand the importance and usefulness of management and communication skills in logistics and supply chains, • know and understand the importance of organizational culture and climate in logistics and supply chains, • know and understand the importance of business etiquette in logistics and supply chains, • learn to think constructively and express themselves accurately in business negotiations, • learn ethical and socially responsible leadership, • are trained to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Introduction-organizational environments and the role of management in this (PESTEL model of environments, socio-cultural aspect of the organization, ethical aspect of the organization, the role of management in different environments). • Leadership knowledge-introduction (leadership, leadership components, leadership styles, other leadership skills). • Communication skills-the role of top management in this (communication in the organization, types of communication, rules of communication in the business environment). • Organizational culture - with emphasis on service activities (defining organizational culture, importance of organizational culture (with emphasis on service activities and logistics), types of organizational culture (with emphasis on service activities and logistics), influence of top management on shaping and changing organizational culture). • Organizational climate and influencing employee satisfaction and commitment (defining organizational climate, the importance of measuring organizational climate (with emphasis on service activities and logistics), the impact of management on the organizational climate). • Business etiquette (rules of business behavior in different situations, verbal and non-verbal communication as part of business etiquette). • Negotiations in business environments (definition of negotiations, key concepts in negotiations: ZOPA, BATNA, PARETO OPTIMUM, preparation for negotiations, communication strategies in negotiations). • Presentations in business environments (definition, types of presentations, rules of communication in presentations). • Socially responsible and ethical leadership (defining ethics and morals, ethical leadership, defining social responsibility, socially responsible leadership (with emphasis on service activities and taking into account all stakeholders).

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures: Students understand the theoretical frameworks of the course. Part of the lecture course is held in standard classroom while the rest is in the form of e-learning (e-lectures may be given via videoconferencing or with the help of specially designed e-material in a virtual electronic learning environment). Tutorials: Students enhance their theoretical knowledge and are able to apply it. Part of the seminar is in a classroom while the rest is in the form of e-learning (e-tutorials may be given via video-conferencing or with the help of specially designed e-material in a virtual electronic learning environment).

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

The student will know: • how management and communication take place in logistics and supply chains, • define the importance of organizational culture and climate in logistics, • what is a business etiquette and its importance in logistics and supply chains, • how negotiations and presentations go in logistics and supply chains, • define the importance of ethical and socially responsible management in logistics and supply chains.


Mullins, L. J. (2005). Management and Organisational Behaviour, 7th Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. S. Možina (ur.), Management nova znanja za uspeh. Radovljica: Didakta. Berlogar, J. (1996). Organizacijsko komuniciranje. Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik Kralj, J. (2005). Management: temelji managementa, odločanje in ostale naloge managerjev. Koper: Fakulteta za management. Mumel, D. (2012). Komuniciranje v poslovnem okolju. Maribor, De Vesta.



  • izr. prof. dr. SONJA MLAKER KAČ

  • Written examination: 60
  • Lab works: 20
  • Seminar paper: 20
  • E-tasks: 0

  • : 45
  • : 45
  • : 90

  • Slovenian, English
  • Slovenian, English