Objectives and competences
• Raising awareness of the values of sport and, through this, influencing the formation of positive attitudes towards sport and towards a healthy lifestyle.
• Eliminating and preventing the consequences of lack of exercise and a care for improving psychophysical abilities, strengthening health and creative use of free time.
• The acquired knowledge will enable the student to perform individual, safe and effective exercises, according to the chosen goals.
• Improvement of body and motor skills
• Give a practical demonstration of the basic technical elements of volleyball (assists, recieves, serves).
• Using the correct technical eleemnts for an effective implementation of the volleyball game.
• Ability to enter a competition (within the confines of the subject or faculty).
Content (Syllabus outline)
The theoretical contents refer to:
• a healthy lifestyle,
• the importance of a proper diet,
• the specifics of the sport discipline (an overview of the evolution and progress of volleyball, its techniques, tactics and rules).
The practical contents refer to:
• training and developing basic technical elements of volleyball (upper and lower hits, serving, serve reception, blocking)
• the correct execution of individual elements of the game in the initial forms of 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3 in the small field at the net.
• Mastering the basic tactical elements of the game in attack and defense in the 6:0 and 5:1 systems.
• Teach students the rules of volleyball.
• Teach students about different types of competitions.
Learning and teaching methods
The following methods and forms of teaching will be used in the program:
• the method of explanation and discussion (lectures),
• the method of demonstration.
• frontal learning,
• individual learning,
• group learning.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and Understanding:
- Formation of a rational and emotional attitude towards physical effort, knowing the theory of active rest and knowing different methods for regenerating the body.
- Using the acquired knowledge in everyday life and for compensating for the negative effects of one-sided workloads over the course of the study.
- Theoretical and practical understanding of correct volleyball techniques and tactics for developing and increasing the motors and functioning skills of the body.
- Theoretical and practical understanding of basic characteristics of Alpine skiing methods and techniques.
- Understanding the impact of exercise on maintaining health and well-being.
- Practicing tolerance and comparing their achievements with others.
- Comprehending the mutual effort for achieving a common goal, participating in a group.
- Understanding the importance of regular exercise and socialization.
• Pori, M., Pori, P., Pistotnik, B., Dolenec, A., Tomažin., Štirn, I. in Majerič, M. (2013). Športna rekreacija. Športna unija Slovenije, Fundacija za šport, Ljubljana.
• Pori, P., Pori, M., Jakovljević, M. in ščepanović, D. (2014). Zdrava vadba. Fakulteta za šport, Univerza v Ljubljani.
• Čopi, J. (2005). Od začetnika do odbojkarja. Odbojkarska Zveza Slovenije
Understanding the values of a healthy lifestyle, sport, physical exercise and the desire for acquiring additional knowledge and skills in individual sport disciplines.