Objectives and competences
- The developing of abilities for the physically strong body endurance with different aerobic activities
- The improving of the body and motor skills
- The improving of the immune system
- The awareness of the importance and value of healthy lifestyle
- The right choice and use of the walking sticks
- The application of the acquired knowledge in everyday life, and for the compensation of the negative effects of the hard work during studying
- The interacting and improving the traditional cooperation with the University of Ljubljana, FGG.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Every year there is a 7-days Summer camp hold in July at Posočje (at the Soča river - Camp Volarje in Tolmin), with the 10 to 12 hours sport activities per day. The students daily select an activity. They have a choice of three optional sport activities: mountaineering, kayaking, rafting. For safety reasons, the number of students per group is limited to 15. The daily sport activities and its realization also depend on the weather conditions and are therefore appropriately organized. The Summer camp is organized and carried out together with the University of Ljubljana, FGG.
Learning and teaching methods
The following methods and forms of teaching will be used in the program:
- Method of explanation and discussion (lectures).
- Method of demonstration.
- Frontal learning.
- Individual learning.
- Group learning.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
On completion of this Summer Camp, the student will be able to:
- Theoretically describe the exercise for developing the motor skills and improving the functional abilities of the human body.
- Practically demonstrate the exercise for developing the motor skills and improving the functional abilities of the human body.
- Describe the theory of active rest and the method for the body regeneration.
• Pori, M., Pori, P., Pistotnik, B., Dolenec, A., Tomažin., Štirn, I. in Majerič, M. (2013). Športna rekreacija.
Športna unija Slovenije, Fundacija za šport, Ljubljana.
• Pori, P., Pori, M., Jakovljević, M. in ščepanović, D. (2014). Zdrava vadba. Fakulteta za šport, Univerza v Ljubljani.
No special requirements.