

Academic bachelor's studies

1 (prva)

7 (7)




35 ECTS 180 ECTS

dipl. ekon. (UN)
diplomirani ekonomist (UN)
diplomirana ekonomistka (UN)

Bachelor of Arts

04 – Business, administration and law

0413 – Management and administration

5 – Social Sciences

Instruction in English

red. prof. dr. ALEKSANDRA PISNIK, univ. dipl. ekon.

The university education programme ‘Economic and Business Sciences’ defines the students as responsible and active partners in the educational process. The students are given the opportunity to adapt a large proportion of the programme according to their individual professional ambitions and to select those courses which will enable them to acquire the professional knowledge they find significant for their personal professional development and future careers.

Text about acceptance

The study programme was approved by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 19. April, 2005 and adopted by the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia on 20 May, 2005. The study programme has received international accreditation by the European Council for Business Education – ECBE (E.C.B.E. Absl., Fortis, Avenue Louise 200, B - 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium) and in the USA by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs - ACBSP (7007 College Blvd. Suite 420 Overland park, KS 66211 USA) and AACSB (AACSB International, 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750, Tampa, Florida 33602 USA).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

In order to advance to the 2nd year of study, the students must fulfil study requirements in the minimum of 45 ECTS points. In order to advance to the 3rd year of study, the students must fulfil all study requirements from the 1st year of study and the requirements from the 2nd year of study in the minimum of 45 ECTS points.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The programme doesn't allow for the recognition of partial completion of programme.

Study advancement options

After successfully completing the university education program the candidate may enrol into the master's study program "Economic and Business Sciences".

Employment possibilities

Graduates of the undergraduate specialisation in "Economic and Business Studies" will, upon completion of their studies, be a versatile business economists with the knowledge required to work at all levels and in all areas and sectors, both international and regional, and will be: - Capable and qualified to analyze the operations of companies and other organizations, - Able to formulate proposals for organizational and structural changes to improve company performance and ensure success, - Proficient and capable in using modern information technology, - Equipped with the competencies necessary to hold professional and managerial positions across all sectors of business and other organizations, both domestically, regionally, and internationally.

Additional information

Additional information about the study program you can find on the website:

Assesment criteria

The methods of knowledge evaluation and assessment are regulated by the Rules on the evaluation and assessment of knowledge at UM (‘Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja na UM’), which are available at: The rules and course syllabi determine the methods of ongoing assessment and assessment of knowledge and thus monitoring the student's own progress in studies.

Main study programme objectives

The main goals of FEB study programme are set in such a way that the programme: - is comparable with similar programmes in Western Europe in terms of its scope, contents and duration; - is designed as an open and flexible programme, which makes it possible for the students to transfer between the programmes and at the same time provides a large number of elective course options within the programme; - includes the contents that creates a marketable graduate profile as well as graduate employability and mobility on the European labour market; - is closely linked with the needs of a broader society, especially the economy, by taking into consideration its structure and the increasing interaction with the European market as well as the required graduate competences; - provides an adequate and well rounded selection of the required knowledge, which enables the graduates to be successful on the job market and which offers them the motivation and ability to be engaged in lifelong education; - is structured in such a way that the students may create their own development path of knowledge acquisition at the Faculty and, at the same time, take on more responsibility for the acquisition of relevant range of knowledge in economics and business; - enables such course selection which helps the students develop a certain degree of professional competences specialization and, at the same time, provides an adequate width of professional knowledge and consequently better employment opportunities and mobility on the labour market; - gives students the possibility to accumulate the completed study requirements at different higher education institutions and to transfer between study programmes; - simplifies the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired at other higher education institutions, especially within various international student exchange programmes abroad; - and its conceptual framework is based on the requirement for total student workload (in compliance with the Criteria for credit assignment to study programmes according to ECTS); - enables active participation of students in the process of programme formation and encourages active methods of learning and teaching; - guarantees adequate integration of knowledge within the programme into a system of well rounded economic and business knowledge (specialization, integration, modular structure) from the viewpoint of the graduate profile per individual study field by taking into account the interests of students regarding the enrolment to a chosen field of study and the needs on the market.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

Graduates will, through their course of study, primarily develop the following key general and professional competencies in the area of: - Multifunctional skills, including the ability to identify and assess business opportunities, - Understanding the impact of global, legal, sociocultural, ecological, and ethical forces of the international environment on the operations of companies, organizations, and states, - Planning, developing, leading, and executing professional tasks in international business and marketing, international finance, and relationship management within supply chains, - Proficiency in professional communication and critical thinking, - Ability to learn, respect diversity and multiculturalism, and apply knowledge in practice with an understanding of regional differences, - Capability for qualitative and quantitative assessment and the use of analytical concepts and tools, - Ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary and international teams, - Ethical commitment in business practices, - Skills in research, holistic thinking, decision-making, and action.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

As part of the "Economic and Business Studies" specialisation, students can choose from three modules (starting from the second year, third semester) that, in addition to the aforementioned competencies, further develop specific skills and abilities, namely: - Graduates who choose the " Business Management" module will acquire key competencies in: • Information management, • Supply chain management, • Management and leadership of family businesses, • Brand management, • Management of small and medium-sized enterprises. - Graduates who choose the " Management and Governance in Health Care" module will acquire and develop competencies in: • Healthcare system financing, • Public sector and healthcare economics, • Consumer behavior in healthcare, • Corporate governance in healthcare, • Managerial information systems in healthcare. - Graduates who choose the " Supply Chain and Logistics Management" module will acquire and develop competencies in: • Supply chain management, • Global procurement management, • Supply chain digitization, • Solving economic and legal issues in supply chains.

Access requirements

The university education programme ‘Economic and Business Sciences’ is open to the candidates who have: a) passed General Matura examination; b) passed Vocational Matura examination from any secondary school programme and the examination from one of the Matura subjects: mathematics, foreign language, geography, sociology, history, psychology, economics; the selected subject must not be the subject already taken at Vocational Matura; c) completed any four-year secondary school programme prior to 1 June 1995.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

The candidates from a) and c) above are selected based on their overall performance at General Matura or Final Examination (60% of the points) and on their overall performance in the 3rd and 4th year of study (40% of the points); The candidates from b) above are selected based on their overall performance at Vocational Matura (20% of the points), on their overall performance in the 3rd and 4th year of study (40% of the points) and on their performance in the Matura subject (40% of the points).

Criteria for completing the study

In order to complete the study of the university education programme ‘Economic and Business Sciences’, the students must fulfil all programme requirements for the selected study field, prepare and successfully defend the diploma paper – they must acquire all ECTS points (180 ECTS).


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Economics will be trained to lead teams searching for the solution of the most complex issues of companies, public sector organisations and state administration, especially for a demanding analytical work to find solutions for economic issues in various economic sectors and administration institutes, both within the domestic economy and the context of international economic relations.


Employment possibilities

A graduate specialising in E-Business will be able to solve professional problems concerning the creation, selection and implementation of suitable e-business models in business processes in different fields of business operations within organisations, e.g. e-supply chain, e-customer relationship, e-finance, etc. within purchasing, sales and financial business operations and the management of customer relationship development. They will be trained to organise work processes and operational management/implementation of e-business operations within an organisation (company, bank, insurance company, large retail systems, etc.) and those related to business operations with various subjects in the business environment.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Finance and Banking will be trained to independently and professionally solve business-financial issues in various companies, especially in financial institutions (banks), state administration, insurance companies, investment funds, brokerage companies and in various public institutes, etc.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Business Management and Organisation will be able obtain employment as a specialised staff member or manager in various organisations in the area of organisation models development and business processes management within different business operations segments. Especially, they will seek employment opportunities as a specialised staff member for development and analyst for the analysis of organisation functioning and for the development of suitable organisational solutions, the introduction of appropriate approaches for organisational changes, as a professional analyst/manager in the field of planning, organisation, management and supervision of organisations or their parts (sectors, departments, economic units of large business systems) in various economic sectors.


Employment possibilities

A graduate with professional competencies in the field of Marketing will seek employment for the implementation of various demanding professional tasks in the field of marketing (purchasing, sales, promotion) in both manufacturing and service organisations (trade, banking sector, tourism). They will be able to find employment in advertising and market-research agencies as experts for planning and the implementation of promotions projects and market research, etc. The employment opportunities of graduates in Marketing are wide: analytic professional and managerial work in marketing in various sectors of the economy, marketing communications in organisations and agencies, commercial tasks in sales and purchasing, analytic work in market research, marketing management at the level of product groups (brands development), geographic areas (sales management) or marketing departments within organisations (marketing manager, purchasing manager, supply chain manager, etc.).


Employment possibilities

A graduate specialising in International Business Economics will get employment as an expert in foreign trade in manufacturing and trade organisations, in the field of international business operations and marketing (e.g. the manager of the sales unit abroad) as well as the implementation of operational commercial and financial tasks in international business operations (foreign trade officer/sales officer, import/export manager, expert for eternal payment transactions, etc.), the implementation of professional tasks related to foreign commercial and financial transactions in supply chains, tourism and other sectors. In addition, they will be able to seek employment in the field of professional-analytic, research and consulting work related to issues in international trade and economy (in analysis departments of merchant banks, brokerage companies, large business systems, etc.).


Employment possibilities

A graduate specialising in Entrepreneurship will obtain the required knowledge for the developmental and operational management of business operations in small and medium-sized enterprises. They will find employment either as independent entrepreneurs by establishing their own small companies and in family-owned companies or as experts in economics in large companies for the professional management of entrepreneurial plans and programmes. As a manager or an entrepreneur, the graduate will be able to develop entrepreneurial career by taking over the business operations in the already established family-owned enterprises, as an expert for the promotion of entrepreneurship in various institutions concerned with the promotion of the development of entrepreneurship and invention-innovation processes in developmental agencies, entrepreneurial promotional and technological centres at different organisational levels (i.e. local, regional) as well as in government institutions and other institutions dealing with the financing of the entrepreneurial projects development (bank departments for entrepreneurial projects, financial institutions for entrepreneurial venture capital investments into).


Employment possibilities

A graduate specialising in Accounting, Auditing and Taxation will be able to get employment as an expert in accounting, auditing and taxation in various companies, institutions, private (family) enterprises offering professional services in the above mentioned areas (bookkeeping services, tax consulting activities). In addition, they will be able to apply for the most demanding professional tasks in accounting and auditing in large business systems.


Employment possibilities

Graduates of study field Economic and Business Studies are business economists with knowledge required for all levels and areas of business and other institutions internationally and regionally oriented. They are qualified for the analysis of organizational performance, designing proposals for organisational changes by applying modern information technology. They are capable of undertaking professional and leadership positions on typical areas of business performance of enterprises and other domestic, regional and international organisations.