

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




16 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. ekon. in posl. ved
magister ekonomskih in poslovnih ved
magistrica ekonomskih in poslovnih ved

Master of Science

04 – Business, administration and law

0488 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law

5 – Social Sciences

Above standard in English

red. prof. dr. VOJKO POTOČAN, univ. dipl. ekon.

This post-graduate programme is researchoriented. It guides the students towards extended and research-based solving of economic and business issues within the selected study field. It ensures required professional skills for work in the economy at the most demanding professional, analytical, research and managerial positions.

Text about acceptance

The study programme was approved by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 19. April, 2005 and adopted by the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia on 20 May, 2005. The study programme has received international accreditation by the European Council for Business Education – ECBE (E.C.B.E. Absl., Fortis, Avenue Louise 200, B - 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium) and in the USA by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs - ACBSP (7007 College Blvd. Suite 420 Overland park, KS 66211 USA) and AACSB (AACSB International, 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750, Tampa, Florida 33602 USA).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

In order to advance to the 2nd year of study, the students must fulfil study requirements in the minimum of 45 ECTS points.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The programme doesn't allow for the recognition of partial completion of programme.

Study advancement options

After successfully completing the master's study, the candidate may continue his/her studies at a doctoral level.

Additional information

Additional information about the study program you can find on the website:

Assesment criteria

The methods of knowledge evaluation and assessment are regulated by the Rules on the evaluation and assessment of knowledge at UM (‘Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja na UM’), which are available at: The rules and course syllabi determine the methods of ongoing assessment and assessment of knowledge and thus monitoring the student's own progress in studies.

Main study programme objectives

Overall goals of the programme are: - to broaden the knowledge in economics, management, law and related fields for an integrated and research supported management of demanding economic and business issues; - to ensure adequate scientific foundations in a narrow field of professional specialization – in the selected study field within economic and business sciences; - to develop the skills and competences for a successful research and detailed professional work in the most demanding fields of economics and business sciences; - to acquire the abilities for independent detailed study and research by applying adequate research methodology.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The graduates develop a very high level of professional competences in the field of economic and business sciences. For that reason they will seek employment in the most demanding and leading positions, especially if they studied the 2nd cycle programme as part-time students, which means that they already have the adequate professional experience. On the other hand, the graduates who undertook the master’s programme as full-time students will seek leading and most demanding professional posts within individual functional areas of economic and non-economic organisations and administrative bodies as well as demanding analytic research tasks in various financial organisations (commercial banks, insurance companies, brokerages, Bank of Slovenia) and government professional analytic organisations and bodies (e.g. IMAD, SORS, etc.).

Criteria for completing the study

To complete the master’s programme ‘Economic and Business Sciences’, the students must complete all study obligations stipulated by the programme and successfully defend their master’s thesis. The master’s thesis must be an independent work in the scope of the programme.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Economics will be trained as top analyst who will be able to find employment either in the entrepreneurial sector or in public sector and state administration as well as a top economist in business systems for solving sector-related issues, especially in the public sector of the economy.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Finance and Banking will acquire the knowledge and skills which enable him/her to take over the most demanding professional posts in the field of finance in entrepreneurial, banking and public sector. Therefore, he/she will be able to obtain an employment in managerial and top positions in all activities of both economic and non-economic sector.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Information Systems and E-Business Management will be trained to implement demanding and managerial tasks in various areas of e-business, to create and implement demanding organisational and information solutions within e-business and business informatics. Therefore, they will be able to occupy managerial posts in the field of information management as a business function. They will be trained to analyse information issues in organisations, to plan the solutions to these issues, to organise and control the activities within information organisational units as well as in information projects in the area of strategic aspects of information development of organisations.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Management, Organisation and Human Resources will be trained to work at all levels and in all areas of operations of business and other organisations, where he/she will be able to take over managerial tasks of the creation, formation and management of processes in different organisations. He/she will occupy managerial posts in the field of organisation and management at different levels and in different areas of business and other organisations' operations. The graduate specialising in human resource management will be trained to carry out managerial and consulting work in the field of human resource management.


Employment possibilities

The acquired professional competencies will enable the graduates in this study field to seek managerial posts in the most demanding areas of marketing and other business functions, such as: marketing manager, marketing communications manager, public relations manager, key account manager, purchasing and sales manager, materials supply manager, direct marketing manager.


Employment possibilities

As a top expert in economics and business, a graduate in International Business Economics will be trained to independently implement the most demanding professional, analytic-research tasks in the field of international economy or will be able to occupy the leading and managerial posts in the most demanding areas of international economic relations at the macro level (e.g. in the ministries and other administrative bodies, the Bank of Slovenia, etc.) as well as in companies and non-economic organisations, especially in the field of international marketing management, international financing operations and international units within companies. He/she will thus be able to take the most demanding professional and managerial posts in foreign trade, in the field of international finance, tourism and business logistics as well as in various areas of analytical, research and consulting activities dealing with professional issues of international trade and economy. Typical posts or areas of employment are: foreign trade department manager, field marketing manager, analysis-research department manager, international business operations division manager, risk-management division manager, tourist organisation manager, logistics manager.


Employment possibilities

The graduates in the study field Entrepreneurship and Innovation will acquire all required knowledge for the development (innovation) and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises and for the implementation of intrapreneurship and the management of independent entrepreneurial plans and programmes within large enterprises as well as the knowledge for an independent research within his/her area of specialisation. Apart from establishing their own enterprises or taking over the established family enterprises, the graduates will mainly find employment in small and medium-sized enterprises, in various institutions of the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation (e.g. local and regional development agencies, promotion centres, technological centres, entrepreneurial incubators), in large companies for the management of internal ventures or spin-offs, in bank departments dealing with services for small and medium-sized enterprises and in state institutes concerned with the promotion of entrepreneurship and invention-innovation processes. Further, they may obtain employment in innovation and technology agencies and institutes dealing with the research of entrepreneurship and innovation.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Accounting, Auditing and Taxation will be trained to take over the most demanding business and professional tasks in accounting, auditing and taxation. He/she will be able to find employment as a trustee or an expert with public authorities for accounting and auditing for single and group enterprises as well as for non-profit organisations; as an accounting and auditing expert in the form of a gainful activity as an independent professional or a manager and owner of a business entity dealing with top accounting and related tasks, with taxation tasks in single and group enterprises, non-profit organisations and national offices. As an expert dealing with tax consulting activities as a freelance or a manager and owner of a business entity offering such services to others, together with the implementation of related professional tasks where a top level of general and specialist knowledge in economics and other fields is needed.


Employment possibilities

A graduate in the study field Strategic and Project Management will be trained to take over the responsibilities for the management of work systems and the creation of efficient work teams for the solution of the most demanding professional issues in his/her field of expertise. He/she will particularly be trained to run and strategically manage companies and other organisations. Further, the graduate will be trained to transform the development strategies of profit and non-profit organisations into projects, to form the models for their implementation, to organise a successful project business operations in project orientated organisations, to plan project outcomes, to incorporate risk management into the management and the implementation of projects. He/she will be able to take over managerial tasks in the field of product and service development project preparation, in the field of project organisation and project management in various organisational environments. In addition, he/she will be able to work in management boards and supervisory boards. The graduate will be also able to find employment as a program leader trained for the implementation of internationally standardised occupations, such as 'project/program manager', 'project manager' and 'project leader'.


Employment possibilities

Public enterprises, sometimes called also state owned enterprises, still remain an important and also considerable part of national economies all around the world. They employ a lot of successful professionals with in-depth distinct professional knowledge, usually in technological areas or in public administration, who often lack management knowledge which will enable them successful management careers. Due to an increasing demand for such education, FEB has decided to offer a Master’s programme Management of Public Enterprises, which combines general MBA with specifics of public enterprises and is specially designed for high-achieving professionals who have earned their bachelor’s degrees in social, technical, natural and all other sciences and who wish to take the next major step in their careers. FEB Master’s programme Management of Public Enterprises is offered as a two-year MBA programme and is open to young professionals who have already earned their undergraduate degrees. It is unique because it covers two key fields for a successful career in management, i.e. general MBA knowledge adjusted to Public Enterprises and specific knowledge key of business functions important for Public Enterprises. The programme covers broad range of topics from strategic management to finance management, marketing management, information management, human resources management to organizational theory, international economic order and others. Topics are covered in depth by combining theoretical knowledge in both fields with practice-oriented applications. It examines the most up-to-date concepts in all major business areas at the advanced level. The participants develop both academic excellence and practical hands-on skills they will need to succeed in their careers.


Employment possibilities

Despite their in-depth distinct professional knowledge, a lot of successful professionals with bachelor’s degrees in different disciplines who have started their management careers or who wish to become managers often lack management knowledge which will enable them to manage people and organizations. Due to an increasing demand for such education, FEB has decided to offer a Master’s programme Economic and business studies, which is specially designed for high-achieving professionals who have earned their bachelor’s degrees in social, technical, natural and all other sciences and who wish to take the next major step in their careers. FEB Master’s programme Economic and business studies is offered as a two-year MBA programme and is open to young professionals who have already earned their undergraduate degrees. It is unique because it covers two key fields for a successful career in management, i.e. corporate governance and management of organizations. As a two-year full-time MBA programme,Economic and business studies programme is a major undertaking. However, the benefits of graduating from it are significant. Within the programme, the participants build on the skills and knowledge they have already acquired in their prior studies and professional life. The programme covers corporate governance and management in depth by combining theoretical knowledge in both fields with practice-oriented applications. It examines the most up-to-date concepts in all major business areas at the advanced level, i.e. strategic management, business law, marketing, finance, information management and others. The participants develop both academic excellence and practical hands-on skills they will need to succeed in their careers.


Employment possibilities

After completing his/her studies, the graduate from the study field ‘Corporate Governance and Management in Health Organisations’ will be able to carry out tasks at managerial levels of health organisations. The graduate will be able to perform tasks related to planning, creation and management of the processes in health organisations. He/she will have the knowledge of governance and strategic management of health organisations and will be able to transfer strategies into projects as well as make economic-based decisions directed towards development and innovation. The main focus of the study field is on the strategic aspects of organisational reorganisation, which involve business process informatization and e-business. The graduate form this study field will be able to occupy the most demanding leading and managerial posts in health organisations. The adequate structure of the study field’s contents assures the acquisition of competences necessary for professional, ethical and independent solving of the most demanding issues related to governance and management in health organisations.