

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




36 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. inž. log.
magister inženir logistike
magistrica inženirka logistike

Master of Science

10 – Services

1088 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services

2 – Engineering and Technology

Above standard in English

red. prof. dr. TONE LERHER, univ. dipl. gosp. inž.

Logistics models and analyses economic systems in time and space as the flow of matter (goods, information, money and people) through different networks. Its purpose is to use known and recognised scientific methods to offer solutions that give us the form and method of implementation of such networks. The scientific questions answered by logistics are the configuration, organisation of these networks and the control of material flows through the network. The goal is to achieve a balance between

Mastering research methods

Ability to master research methods, procedures and processes in logistics systems, processes and functions

Self-criticism in decision dynamics

Critical and self-critical assessment in decision-making in the dynamics of logistics systems and logistics processes

Operating in global log chains

Critical and self-critical assessment in decision-making in the dynamics of logistics systems and logistics processes

Additional module according to ELA stand

Supply Chain Management module, the subjects of which are prepared according to the standards of the European Logistics Association (ELA).

At the end of the 1st year, Master's students will choose one module based on participation, presentation and with the help of tutors. The modules will be supplemented and amended following global trends and requirements of the economy and non-economy. The possibility of modular composition of studies and constant updating of modules following world trends enables a quality and modern way of studying logistics. In the modular way of studies, it is also easier to include foreign professors, as the modules or learning units that comprise them are implemented more intensively over shorter periods.

Text about acceptance

The Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia gave its consent to the implementation of the two-year Second-Cycle Study Programme in System Logistics to the Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor at its fourth meeting on 20 May 2005. 29.09.2022- External evaluation of the Master's Degree Programme Logistics systems for a period of 5 years (until 2027).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Conditions for enrolment in the 2nd year: Students advance to the 2nd year if they collect a total of at least 38 ECTS with the completed obligations of the 1st year. They must complete the obligations in the subjects: M128-MANAGING SUPPLY CHAINS OF THE FUTURE M130- SMART AND SAFE MOBILITY M124-QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND MODELS IN LOGISTICS SYSTEMS

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The study programme does not contain individual parts.

Study advancement options

After successfully completing the second-cycle study programme, the candidates can opt to study for a doctorate.

Employment possibilities

The employability of FL UM graduates is at an extremely high and enviable level, as according to the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia, on average 97.2% of graduates are employed. Logistics covers a wide range of activities, so it requires a lot of flexibility from employees, focus on quick problem solving, the ability to coordinate work processes and use modern technologies and information systems, the ability to predict trends and analyse many databases. All this knowledge is expected from logistics engineers in both the public and private sectors. Of course, it is also possible to continue your career at the Faculty as an assistant, which is the basis for professional growth in the academic environment. Among others, our graduates hold the following positions: Sales Managing Director at Špica International d.o.o., Director of Transport at Nomago, Director of Procurement, Logistics and Planning at Steklarna Rogaška, Director of Logistics at Petrol d.d., Business Information Systems Consultant, Data Scientist at NLB d.d., Logistics Specialist at Odelo GmbH, Assistant Director at Ploj d.o.o. - services and transport and the like.

Additional information

The study programme will also be conducted in English, if at least 10 candidates are enrolled for the implementation in English. The implementation of part-time study units will be adjusted to the actual number of enrolled candidates, which will be defined in the implementation plan. The part-time study of System Logistics at a dislocated unit in Ljubljana will be conducted if at least 10 candidates are enrolled. Study programmes at the Faculty of Logistics are internationally recognised and accredited by two international accreditation bodies: - ECBE - European Council for Business Education and - ACBSP - Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs.

Assesment criteria

Examination methods are defined in the curricula of individual study units. In particular, the following examination methods are foreseen: - Evaluation of a research project; - Report on the work done and a defence of the final report on the research project; - Oral exam consisting of a seminar paper defence and a tactical paper defence; - Written exam; - Oral exam; - Active participation and presentation of a short practical lesson; - Defence of a seminar paper; - Evaluation of a seminar paper; - Presentation and defence of the results of a project report; - Group defence of project reports, where the overall result achieved and the contribution of the individual are evaluated; - Homework; - Seminar paper; - Completed seminar; - Ongoing cooperation.

Main study programme objectives

The main goal of the Second-Cycle Study Programme in System Logistics is the education and training of development and management staff in all structures of the economy, non-economy and state administration (logistics organisations and organisations with a strong logistics function, ministries, agencies, army, police, customs, etc.). These are staff who must constantly manage and resolve development issues in their field of work and be able to implement them in the optimal functioning of their organisation as a logistics system.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

"In the Second-Cycle Study Programme in System Logistics, students will acquire and master in particular the following general competencies: - Ability to master research methods, procedures and processes in logistics systems, processes and functions; - Emphasised and continuous development of critical and self-critical assessment in decision-making in the dynamics of logistics systems and logistics processes; - Developing communication skills, especially continuous communication in an international and multicultural environment; - Operating in global logistics chains; - Ethical reflection and deep commitment to professional ethics; - Ability to work and create in an international environment.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

In the Second-Cycle Study Programme in System Logistics, students will acquire and master in particular the following specific competencies: - Ability to effectively solve problems in system logistics using modern scientific methods and procedures; - Ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of the basic discipline; - Knowledge and understanding of the justifications and history of the development of the basic discipline; - Understanding of the systems approach and thus understanding of the general structure of the basic discipline and the connection between its subdisciplines; - Understanding and applying methods of critical analysis and development of theories and their use in solving specific work problems; - Intensive and continuous use of information and communication technology and information management systems in their specific field of work etc.

Access requirements

"Candidates who completed the following may apply for the Second-Cycle (Master's) Study Programme in System Logistics: 1. A first-cycle (Bachelor's) study programme in one of the following fields: transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), political sciences and civics (0312), or other similar study programmes. 2. A first-cycle (Bachelor's) study programme in a field not specified under point 1. if, prior to enrolment, the candidate passed the following courses corresponding to 34 ECTS credits under the first-cycle (Bachelor's) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Mathematical methods 1, Mathematical methods 2, Theory of systems, Transportation logistics and Fundamentals of logistics and supply chains. 3. A first-cycle professional higher education study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), political sciences and civics (0312), or other similar study programmes. 4. A first-cycle professional higher education study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 3. if, prior to enrolment, the candidate passed the following courses corresponding to 34 ECTS credits under the first-cycle (Bachelor's) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Mathematical methods 1, Mathematical methods 2, Theory of systems, Transportation logistics and Fundamentals of logistics and supply chains. 5. An academic study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), political sciences and civics (0312), or other similar study programmes. Candidates are recognised 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. 6. An academic study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 5. Candidates are awarded 45 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study. 7. A specialisation following a professional higher education study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), political sciences and civics (0312), or other similar study programmes. Candidates are typically recognised 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. 8. A specialisation following a professional higher education study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in a field not specified under point 7. Candidates are recognised 45 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

In the selection of candidates for admission to the second-cycle study program Logistics of Systems, the success of previous studies is taken into account: - Average grade of previous studies – 40% - Grade of the diploma thesis – 20% If the diploma thesis is not part of the previous studies, the average grade of previous studies is considered with a total weight of 60%. - Performance in course units from the subject areas of mathematics and computer science – 40%

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates may transfer to the Second-Cycle (Master's) Study Programme in System Logistics from study programmes in the field of transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), or political sciences and civics (0312), or from other similar study programmes provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competencies and that at least half of the study obligations under the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. Under the recognition procedure, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are determined. The Commission for Academic Affairs of the Senate of the Faculty of Logistics decides on the recognition of obligations. "

Criteria for completing the study

The study is completed by completing all the obligations determined by the study programme.

Economic module

Additional information

The economic module focuses on managerial skills needed to manage supply chains with an emphasis on the international component and digitization. The study provides an insight into the workings of the digital society of the future, provides you with leadership skills and business communication skills in different cultures. The study also relates to the introduction of strategic changes and the creation of new innovative business models with advanced management tools and the integration of new trends in sustainable consumption, production and digitalization in the renewal of the company. Last but not least, knowledge of models for economic assessment of supply chain efficiency and research in the field of simulations and optimization of sophisticated logistics systems. In the second year, students of the Economic module at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, have the option to choose one Elective Course from the offerings of other study programs at the Faculty of Logistics, from offerings of other faculties at the University of Maribor, or from offerings of other universities in the summer semester, instead of one elective course from the module. Students of other member faculties of the University of Maribor can choose a free choice course from the list of free choice courses of the university study programme System Logistics of the Faculty of Logistics.

Management of Supply Chains

Additional information

The Supply Chain Management module is an additional optional module. The Supply Chain Management module is conducted in English and enables courses at partner universities. The study and research activities focus on planning logistics processes in supply chains, management skills and business principles, advanced smart transport solutions, automated warehousing solutions and getting to know purchasing decisions by linking the purchasing and sales model to KPI by adjusting business decisions based on anticipating future demand.

The technical-technological module

Additional information

The technical-technological module focuses on the engineering skills needed to manage technological changes with an emphasis on robotics, circular economy technologies and mobility systems. The study enables you to choose modern technologies for the successful operation of smart mobility systems, suitable robotic systems in the design of modern flexible intralogistics processes, technical -technological solutions for use in smart factories, planning a "Layout" of flexible production and storage systems. In addition, you specialize and research the concepts of introduction of circular economy and master the methods of integration of logistics information systems. In the second year, students of the Technical-technological module at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, have the option to choose one Elective Course from the offerings of other study programs at the Faculty of Logistics, from offerings of other faculties at the University of Maribor, or from offerings of other universities in the summer semester, instead of one elective course from the module. Students of other member faculties of the University of Maribor can choose a free choice course from the list of free choice courses of the university study programme System Logistics of the Faculty of Logistics.