

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




24 ECTS 240 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

07 – Engineering, manufacturing and construction

0711 – Chemical engineering and processes

2 – Engineering and Technology

red. prof. dr. ANDREJA GORŠEK, univ. dipl. inž. kem. tehnol.


Text about acceptance

The Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is a member of the University of Maribor, which is a public university. The study programme in CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING was accredited on 30. 3. 2009. The University of Maribor was externally evaluated by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency (SQAA) in 2013 (NAKVIS). SQAA is a member of ENQA and registered in EQAR. The name of the study programme Chemistry and Chemical Technology was changed into Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and was certified by the Senate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Maribor on 9 November 2018 and 13 December 2018, and on 29 January 2019 by the Senate of the University of Maribor.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Students proceed into the next year if they complete their obligations from the study programme: Criteria for the year 2: all obligations from the year 1 in the scope of 60 ECTS. Criteria for the year 3: all obligations from the year 2 in the scope of 60 ECTS. Criteria for the year 4: all obligations from the year 3 in the scope of 60 ECTS. Proceeding under extraordinary conditions: The Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering can exceptionally approve the students’ request after proceeding into the next year if they have fulfilled more than a half of their obligations, if they were unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons and if it can be expected that they will complete the obligations.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The programme does not include parts that can be individually completed.

Study advancement options

The formal education ends with the defence of the PhD thesis. Doctors of science by constant familiarising with professional and scientific literature and acquiring of new knowledge strive towards the lifelong learning and development of their knowledge and abilities. They can enlist in postdoctoral studies at top universities and research institutions in Slovenia and abroad.

Employment possibilities

Doctors of technical sciences in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering are trained to perform the most demanding tasks in numerous fields of industry: in chemistry, pharmacy, biochemistry, oil industry, petro-chemical industry, rubber industry, leather industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, non-metal industry (e.g. glassworks, cement, ceramics). They can work in food industry and textile industry, in cellulose and paper, plastic materials and fibres, in energetics, in industry producing process equipment. They can participate in the management of companies, planning, professional advising, marketing, environmental protection, organising safety at work, preparation of water, supervision of the quality and development of information technologies. They are trained also for the most demanding tasks in the field of research and the development of new products, processes and equipment, managing the production, control over the building of plants and in the research in the field of chemical technology and inorganic, organic, analytical and physical chemistry. They can take leading positions in the economic sphere, in public institutions, the state institutions (e.g. customs, inspections), in secondary and higher education, research institutes and politics.

Additional information

Further information about offered study programmes by the Faculty is published on the websites - UM FKKT - Študenti:

Assesment criteria

Regulations and syllabi provide for each study unit forms of evaluation and assessment. The most typical are: ongoing tests (calculation and theory), written tests, oral exam, calculation exam, theoretical exam, seminar papers, problem solving, active participation in lectures, Master thesis and defence of Master thesis. The instantaneous methods of knowledge evaluation and assessment are encouraged, enabling students to control their own ongoing study development. The exam results can be checked via Academic information subsystem (AIPS) and for certain courses via electronic support system Moodle. Course coordinators and assistants are always ready to provide students with further explanations in terms of assessment in person or via e-mail. The successfulness of the exams and the study is regularly analysed and published in Self-evaluation report of the UM FKKT that can be seen on the website:

Main study programme objectives

The basic goals of the doctoral programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering are to develop postgraduates’: • Abilities to perform high level scientific research within the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering • Abilities to conduct research work in a constructive manner • Abilities to create and apply novel scientific methods, even in new and unknown circumstances • Abilities to manage advanced information and communication technologies and methods of analysing results • High level knowledge of the profession, skills, expertise, autonomy, foreign languages • Abilities to be innovative • Abilities for independent problem solving and integrating theory and practice • Abilities to include environmental, economic, and social components during the designing of technological solutions.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

General competencies acquired during the programme Graduates of the doctoral programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering will, in accordance with the fundamental goals, acquire general competencies that are similar to those acquired by the Master’s study programme. However these will now be deepened and upgraded for conceptual, development, design, research, and management activities especially when solving the more complex chemical and engineering problems. These competencies are: • Development of new original knowledge, concepts, and methods based on the real case studies of chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, chemistry, environmental care, sustainable development, and material science • Abilities to use their acquired knowledge and skills for solving sophisticated tasks within the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering and biochemical engineering • Identifications and solving of complex problems by using advanced scientific approaches • Abilities to carry out scientific analyses and syntheses within the fields of chemical and biochemical engineering and understanding the influence of technological solutions on environmental and social relationships • Holistic approaches to problem solving based on fundamental and advanced analyses and syntheses approaches • Connecting technological applications with finance and management • Efficient communication skills and the use of modern presentation tools, even in foreign anguages, • Publishing the research results in high quality scientific journals and at conferences • Understanding the principles of management and business practice • Realisations of professional and ethical responsibilities • Understanding the interdependences of different disciplines and procedures, as well as the importance of professional literature • Developing plans and strategies for attaining the most demanding goals • Abilities for using specific software • Autonomy in professional and research work • Acquiring the knowledge needed for cooperating with other research groups and development laboratories from industry.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject-specific competencies acquired by the doctoral programme Graduates of the doctoral programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering would demonstrate the following subject-specific competencies: • Abilities to use and develop information technologies and advanced software tools for systems’ applications and environmental modelling • Abilities to determine techno-economic optimal configurations of (bio)reactors’ systems • Understanding the method and importance of implementing the validations of new measurement procedures • Understanding the processes of tailor-made products with specific properties for application • Understanding of complex thermodynamic and transport models as well as areas of their applications • Mastering and developing the theory and applications of state-of-the-art mathematical programming in processes’syntheses and other engineering structures • Mastering the mathematical modelling of chemical and biochemical processes • Designing, optimising, and transferring of processes to industrial environments • Mastering in-depth knowledge of chemical engineering for understanding, describing and solving complex problems regarding the planning and operation of chemical and biochemical processes, innovating the existing processes as well as developing new processes and products • Mastering the methodologies for preparing feasibility studies and economic evaluations of processes and projects • Understanding the safety, health and environment, and the abilities to use and develop the sustainability concept • Understanding and abilities to develop the concept of chemical product engineering • Using their acquired knowledge within the educational processes at universities, secondary technical schools, and companies.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: 1. A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in any field. 2. An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. 3. A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall fulfil study obligations in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering corresponding to 30 ECTS credits that shall be determined by the Academic Affairs Committee. 4. A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme (also in fields not related to chemistry and chemical engineering) corresponding to 300 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available positions, candidates shall be ranked according to: – grade awarded for the thesis (20%) and – grade point average (80%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the Higher Education Act and Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, a transfer means a cessation of studies in the first study programme and the continuation of studies in a new study programme. All or part of fulfilled study obligations from the first study programme are recognised as fulfilled obligations of the new programme. In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates who completed the following may be admitted to the second year of study of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: - A master of science study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. - A specialisation following an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. Transitions between study programmes are possible if: - they provide comparable competences or learning outcomes at the completion of studies; - at least half of the obligations can be acknowledged according to the European credit transfer and accumulation system (ECTS) from the first study programme that relate to the compulsory courses from the second study programme and if they meet criteria for knowledge and skills recognition. The competent commission of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering determines for each candidate the subjects that are recognized in the stated scope of ECTS credits.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

The criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by the Rules on the recognition of knowledge and skills in study programmes of the University of Maribor. Evaluation of gained knowledge and skills should base on educational competences of the study programme.

Criteria for completing the study

The 3rd degree Postgraduate Study Programme Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is completed if student fulfills the following prescribed minimal conditions: • finishes all obligations prescribed by the study programme and collects at least 240 ECTS, • fulfills the condition set out in the article 30 of the »Rules and regulations on doctoral studies at the University of Maribor«: Prior to submitting the Doctoral dissertation, the doctoral student shall have at least one published work derived from the Doctoral dissertation for which he/she is the first author. The published work is considered relevant if it is a scientific article published in a journal with an impact factor (JCR) and classified in the upper-three quarters according to the value of the impact factor, or a patent with complete examination”, • the second article from the field of Doctoral dissertation must be accepted for publication before the Doctoral dissertation defense. Published work is considered relevant if it is a scientific article published in a journal with an impact factor (JCR). The second scientific article can be replaced by the recognized international patent (EU, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan) or by a novel application. at least one of the minimum two published articles should be an original scientific article whose first author is a candidate.


Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

In addition to the above common subject-specific competencies, doctoral students would demonstrate the following narrower competencies depending on their chosen options of study Chemistry: • Ability to design and use process techniques for the acquisition of new products with different characteristics • Planning the synthesis of new organic compounds and in-depth acquisition of knowledge related to physical organic chemistry • Understanding the complex links between the structural properties of organic compounds, their reactivity and spectroscopic characteristics • Independent design of chemical processes for the syntheses of new coordinated compounds • Planning the syntheses and structures of new polymers with the desired properties • Knowledge and development of methods for the controlled syntheses of nanoparticles • Individual development of research studies for the planned production of ceramic materials • In-depth understanding of materials’ structural impacts on their physical and chemical properties • Use and design of laboratory procedures for the sonochemical syntheses of nanoparticles in water and non-aqueous solvents • Scientific evaluations of experiments for the process designing of polymeric membranes’ formulations by wet phase inversion • Knowledge of the methods when optimising the impacts of implementing validations of new measurement procedures in research & development, standardisation and metrology fields (at national and international levels) • Usages, modifications and developments of electrochemical sensors and methods for in-depth studies and comparing different analytical systems • Implementing those key processes related to technical infrastructure within the working environment • Usages and developments of analytical methods for monitoring the surface properties of polymers and colloids’ stabilities.


Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

In addition to the above common subject-specific competencies, doctoral students would demonstrate the following narrower competencies depending on their chosen options of study Chemical Engineering: • Development of new mathematical methods and optimisation procedures when solving applied problems • Knowledge and development of practical options for the energy optimisations and exploitations of renewable energy sources • Control of the conceptual designing of sustainable processes • Ability to choose appropriate techniques, skills and other modern tools for problem-solving in science • Mastering uncertainty and risk in the decision-making processes during production, as well as business processes • Applications of techno - economic optimisation methods for assessing investment opportunities regarding energy systems • Comprehensive understanding and designing of complex new industrial (bio)reactors’ systems • Development of new natural products with high added value • Ability for designing applications of advanced bio-catalytic reactions within non-conventional media • Identifications of interconnections within environmental systems and creatively searching for improvements • Ability to analyse problems for wastewater treatment and optimally selecting solutions.