
General information

Level of study: 1

Type of study: Academic bachelor's studies

EHEQF: (odpiranje v novem zavihku)1 (prva)

SQF: (odpiranje v novem zavihku)7 (7)

eVŠ code: 0000179

Level of qualification: 6/2


Elective course ratio:15 ECTS of 90 ECTS

Professional and academic title

prof. ped. (UN) in …
profesor pedagogike (UN) in …
profesorica pedagogike (UN) in …

Bachelor of Arts


01 – Education

0111 – Education science


5 – Social Sciences

Type of study programme

Teacher-training study programme:NO

Double-major study programme:YES

Interdisciplinary study programme:NO

Joint programme:NO

Language of instruction



Study programme coordinator

red. prof. dr. MARIJA JAVORNIK

Text about acceptance

On the basis of Article 51 of the Law on higher education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06-UPB3) and the Measuresfor the accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 101/04) the Senate for accreditation with the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia at its 4th meeting on 16th November 2007, adopted or gave consent to the university BA double major study programme Pedagogy (Decree No. 2/107-2007 dated 17th December 2007).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

To advance to the second year, the student must collect at least 27 ECTS and the number of ECTS set by the second selected programme. To advance to the third year, the student must complete all obligations of the first year, the obligations determined by the study programme for the courses of the 2nd year in the amount of at least 27 ECTS and the number of ECTS set out by the second selected programme.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The programme does not contain parts that can be completed individually.

Study advancement options

This BA double major study programme should ensure the acquisition of fundamental pedagogical theoretical concepts and research approaches. Alongside a broad professional competence and preparedness for continuation of studies, it also allows a competent entry into the work market. In this context, the objective of the programme is to consolidate in the student the value of lifelong learning, and thus also contribute to greater professional mobility of graduates in pedagogy. Since it is a program whose graduates will play an important role in shaping the educational and related value currents, one of the significant goals is also the formation of social responsibility and a socio-ethical self-reflective image of the future graduate.

Employment possibilities

According to the fundamental objectives of the programme and the General and course-specific competences it will produce, employability in a broad range of professional activities is to be expected and continuation of study at the MA level of education or in other programs will be possible. It is the case of working positions which required expertise in the field of pedagogy, psychology and social sciences, communication skills, or analytical skills. These qualifications enable employability of graduates also beyond the borders of Slovenia, particularly within the framework of the European Union. The areas of work can be classified into the following categories: - educational institutions; - educational and child-care institutions; - facilities for work with adolescents; - facilities for work with the elderly; - family counselling service; - project work (organizing social events and processes); - work in research institutions; - work in cultural institutions (profit and non-profit); - the media. In these areas, graduates can carry out tasks that are associated with the design and implementation of educational activities, they can participate in counselling, in animation for educational work, in the popularisation of modern forms of teaching and learning, in innovation projects, in the organization of projects in the fields of culture, work with adolescents, voluntary work. The wide range of professions, where our graduates are employable, have no need for special legal regulations, which would expressly require this type of education. The advantage of our graduates is also in wide employability, which is further increased by the fact that it is the case of a double-major program where the complementary study programme further increases job opportunities. It is estimated that, in the light of the growing importance of the flexibility of labour, it is the range of employment opportunities that best guarantee of successful placement of the graduates of the proposed study programme on the Slovenian labour market.

Other obligations

The programme is based on a strong vertical and horizontal integration of the courses. Each semester contains courses that complement each other, while the knowledge obtained the courses of each semester is the basis for successful work in the courses in the semesters that follow. The study program is designed in such a way that individual courses or groups of courses relate to each other in the following way: - in the first year students listen to the basic courses of the programme which includes the basics of pedagogical disciplines and methodologies; they also acquire fundamental knowledge from supplementary non-pedagogical disciplines (Philosophy, or Anthropology); - in the second year students expand their fundamental knowledge and can upgrade them with special and applied pedagogical disciplines; - in the third year students gain a complete overview of the most significant special and applied pedagogical disciplines, they obtain their first professional practical experience in the context of teaching practice and practical training, they monitor the latest trends in the field of education and training. The study programme makes a systematic effort to encourage the personal development of the students, so that, already in the course of the study and in the context of work in individual courses, they learn about the basics of effective higher education study, teamwork, professional research and writing, and searching for professional resources, databases and other resources. The student can realise additional vertical expanding of knowledge with a careful selection of elective courses within the present program, or with taking courses outside of the home department. All the courses in the first and second semesters are fundamental courses. They are linked horizontally and vertically. The main vertical relationship between the courses in the first and second semester is the association of the course Introduction to Pedagogy with General Pedagogy, Adult Education, Educational Sociology, Development Psychology and Methodology of Pedagogical Research. These same courses are also complemented with elective courses from the set of non-pedagogical theoretical courses in the second semester (Philosophy/Social and Cultural Anthropology). The mentioned courses represent the basis for further studies. The central courses of the second year are History of Pedagogy and Introduction to Didactics. These two courses connect well with the optional courses Education in Public Schools/Reflective Teaching, Vertically, they are associated with Comparative Pedagogy (fifth semester), Introduction to Pedagogical Psychology (fifth semester) and Didactic Practice (sixth semester). A significant complement to the study programme is the course Special Pedagogy and Preschool Pedagogy, which are connected with Introduction to Pedagogical Psychology, Comparative Pedagogy and Didactic Practice. The offered elective courses Foreign Language in Pedagogy/Computer Science in Pedagogy are not fundamentally connected with the remaining courses, but that successfully complement other courses (Professional terminology in a foreign language, Use of the Computer) in the first, second, third, and fourth semester, and in all the subsequent semesters. The courses of the fifth semester are horizontally related to each other and represent the basis for the vertical connection with the courses in the sixth semester. Didactic Practice represents an important point in the sixth semester, since Didactic Analysis of Pedagogical Concepts and Problems complementary links with all the fundamental pedagogical and methodological courses of previous semesters and thus represents an important basis for guiding the student into practical work and helping him/her choose the direction of further study they wish to pursue. The elective courses in the sixth semester are horizontally connected with Practical Training and Didactic Practice and vertically with objects from previous semesters (e.g. Methodology of Pedagogical Research, Introduction to Didactics, General and Comparative Pedagogy, Developmental Psychology, Introduction to Pedagogical Psychology), and also with further studies, namely the MA study programme Pedagogy, as a logical continuation of the BA study programme Pedagogy. The student completes the double major study programme with the completion of all the study obligations required by the study programme in both parts of the study programme and by gaining at least 180 ECTS points, namely 90 ECTS in one part and 90 ECTS in the other part of the double major study programme.

Assesment criteria

The examining and grading system is regulated through the Statute of the University of Maribor: and the Rules on Examination and Grading at the University of Maribor, no. A4/2009-41 AG: Accordingly, the methods and forms of examining and grading knowledge in the curricula are defined for each individual study unit of an individual study programme. Methods of continuous examining and grading of knowledge are encouraged, which enables students to continuously monitor their own progress and assess the acquired knowledge and skills. Depending on the individual study units and the order of their implementation, the individual obligations of students are mutually coordinated in such a way that some study units require more continuous work, others a greater deal of independent research work (preparation of a quality seminar paper); some units are completed with written or oral exams. In addition, students have access to AIPS UM (Academic Information Subsystem of the University of Maribor), which provides insight into the activities of individual students (exam records, detailed insight into the number of exam attempts and all completed and uncompleted obligations).

Main study programme objectives

The basic objective of the programme is to provide quality education in social sciences and humanities, which will be internationally comparable in terms of study content and structure. The first level of the study programme ensures the acquisition of basic pedagogical theoretical concepts and research approaches, which, in addition to a broad professional qualification and readiness to continue the studies, also enables a competent entry into the professional world. In this context, the aim of the programme is to strengthen the value of lifelong learning in students, and thus also contribute to greater professional mobility of pedagogy graduates. As this is a programme with graduates who significantly co-shape educational and related value flows, an important objective is the formation of social responsibility and socio-ethical self-reflection of the future graduate. All of these objectives are the starting point for assessing students' learning outcomes. The objectives of the programme are recognizable in the curricula of subjects, which contain more precise definitions of knowledge assessment or learning outcomes.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The programme enables the acquisition of the following general competencies: - ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice; - ability to use theoretical knowledge in solving professional and work problems; - ability to find new sources of knowledge; - ability to use scientific methods; - ability to communicate with pedagogy experts and experts from other fields; - professional criticism and responsibility; - independence and initiative in decision-making and management of the most demanding work; - ability to work in a team; - ability to use information and communication technology; - awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; - ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

The programme enables the acquisition of the following subject-specific competencies: - in-depth knowledge and understanding of the position of pedagogy as a scientific discipline and its basic concepts; - knowledge and understanding of national and world historical development of pedagogy and education; - ability to solve concrete pedagogical problems using scientific methods and procedures; - coherent mastery of basic pedagogical knowledge; - ability to participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of pedagogical measures; - ability of effective didactical communication with individuals and groups; - ability to communicate professionally in a foreign language; - ability to integrate knowledge from the field of different pedagogical disciplines and its application; - ability to take into account and understand individual differences and developmental rules; - ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of pedagogical theory; - ability to use modern analytical tools for critical confrontation with social phenomena that are pedagogically relevant; - ability to use pedagogical theories in solving concrete work problems.

Access requirements

According to Articles 38 and 38b of the Law on Higher Education, the university BA double major programme Pedagogy can be entered by: 1.) anyone who has passed the Matura examination (Secondary School Leaving examination); 2.) anyone who has prior to 1 June 1995 completed a four-year secondary school programme.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If enrolment is limited, candidates are selected according to: result achieved in the matura exam or the final examination - 60% of points, overall success in the third and fourth year - 40% of points.

Transfer criteria between study programmes

Candidates may transfer to the study programme in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no.: 95/10, 17/11, and 14/19). If candidates fulfil the admission requirements of the study programme and criteria for the transfer, the year of study they are to be enrolled in and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down. Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria: - they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes; - at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

In the process of 1st level degree education, students may have recognized the knowledge and skills acquired before enrolment in various forms of formal or non-formal education. The student demonstrates the formally acquired knowledge with certificates and other documents, from which the content and scope of the submitted work must be evident. In terms of content and complexity, the knowledge thus acquired must fully or partially correspond to the general or subject-specific competencies determined by the study programme Pedagogy.

Criteria for completing the study

The student completes the dual-specialization study programme when they complete all obligations prescribed by the study programme in both parts of the dual-specialization study programme and thus collects a total of at least 180 ECTS (90 ECTS in one and 90 ECTS in the other part of the dual-specialization study programme).


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