Text about acceptance
The MA single major study programme Mathematics was adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Maribor on 27 Mar. 2007 and by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 27 Nov. 2007.
On the basis of Article 51 of the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06-UPB3) and the Measures for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04), the Senate for Accreditation at the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education at their 7th meeting on 5 May 2008 gave consent to the implementation of the study program.
Changes and additions in the study program were confirmed by the Ministry for Higher Education on 7 May 2010 and by NAKVIS on 16 June 2011.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
A student advances to the 2nd study year if they collect at least 45 ECTS credits by completing any of the 1st year courses, the only obligatory course being: Laboratory work I.
According to Article 85 of the Statute of the University of Maribor, a student who has not completed all obligations may exceptionally be granted enrolment in a higher study year by the Postgraduate Study Commission, at the candidate’s request. Such enrolment may be granted to a student who has completed at least half of the obligations from the previous year, or who been unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons (listed in Article 212 of the Statute), and who is expected to fulfil all obligations within the time-limit set by the Commission for Student Affairs.
Study advancement options
Graduates can continue their studies at the PhD level in accordance with the terms of the Institute of higher education which is offering the PhD study programme.
Employment possibilities
The program offers a wide range of employability possibilities for the MA graduate: in organizations that develop software and other computer equipment; in the industry in all areas where there is a need for mathematical modelling; the MA diploma holder is capable of working in groups dealing with the management and administration of business systems in economy, banking and insurance. The MA diploma holder is also qualified to work in interdisciplinary projects in natural sciences and in the field of modern telecommunication and information systems.
Additional information
The summations provide the average values of hours to study the program. Inconsistencies in the numbers are the result of choice of elective courses and modules. Independent student work amounts to 2340 hours.
Other obligations
Mandatory practice is not provided by the program.
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of student learning outcomes is performed in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor: https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Dopolnitve2013/Pravilnik%20o%20preverjanju%20in%20ocenjevanju%20znanja%20na%20UM%20-%20NPB3,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf.
Knowledge examination and assessment methods at the University of Maribor are regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVII-6-2009); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVIII-7-2010); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXX-2-2012); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXXII-5-2014); Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor – unofficial consolidated text (2015); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (2019):
Forms and methods of assessment are defined in Article 5 of the Rules on Examinations and Grading. Criteria and methods for knowledge assessment of individual subjects are part of the Subject Specification, and are publicly available on the faculty’s website: https://www.fnm.um.si/index.php/predstavitev-tudija/podiplomski-tudijski-programi/.
Main study programme objectives
Objectives of the study programme include acquisition of in-depth knowledge of mathematics in one of three areas: general mathematics, computer mathematics and financial mathematics. In addition, graduates acquire knowledge from the fields of computer science, physics, and economics, which complements the acquired mathematical knowledge. The system of elective courses enables the student to acquire additional specific knowledge in accordance with the choice of the respective field of study. A 2nd cycle diploma provides the student with various options for 3rd cycle studies, or for employment in workplaces requiring staff who are able to perform in-depth mathematical analyses and demonstrate understanding of complex systems. In addition, the 2nd cycle study programme enables students to deepen their knowledge of broader professional fields; they are trained to search for new sources of knowledge in specialist and scientific fields, to use scientific research methods for addressing a wider range of problems, to take responsibility for managing complex work systems, and to develop critical reflective, social and communication skills for teamwork leadership.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
- the ability of analytical thinking and understanding of complex systems, which allow the integration of the student into various interdisciplinary groups,
- in-depth knowledge of either general mathematics, computational mathematics or financial mathematics,
- the ability of mathematical thinking, deliberation and argumentation in a wide variety of mathematical areas,
- in-depth analytical thinking and reasoning,
- critical assessment of the developments in the field of mathematics,
- solving complex professional and work problems by searching for sources of knowledge and the use of scientific methods,
- development of communication skills,
- autonomy in professional work,
- cooperation and work in a group.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
- understanding and solving more complex mathematical problems at a qualitative and quantitative level,
- the ability to describe a non-trivial situation with the proper use of mathematical symbols and records,
- the ability to expound the understanding of complex mathematical concepts and principles,
- the ability to solve difficult mathematical (and other) problems with the use of modern technology,
- the ability to use the algorithmic approach: to develop an algorithm for the solving of a given problem,
- to develop the ability to analyse a given problem, numerically, graphically, and algebraically,
- the ability to deduce new logical conclusions from given data,
- the ability to confidently face a given non-trivial mathematical problem and find its solution,
- the ability to apply approaches of scientific thinking for the quantitative treatment of problems in nature, the environment and society,
- knowledge and understanding of the impact of mathematics on the development of other sciences.
Access requirements
Candidates are eligible for enrolment in the 2nd Cycle MA study programme MATHEMATICS if they have completed one of the following:
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in the following field: mathematics (0541, only mathematics).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in one of the following fields: mathematics (0541, only educational mathematics, financial mathematics, and mathematics in economics and finances) or teacher training with subject specialisation (0114, only mathematics). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 23 ECTS credits under the 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Algebra I (8 ECTS), Discrete Mathematics I (7 ECTS), and Numerical Methods and Symbolic Mathematics (8 ECTS).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in the following field: mathematics (0541, only practical mathematics). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 24 ECTS credits under the 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Algebra I (8 ECTS), Plane and Solid Geometry (7 ECTS), and Analysis III (9 ECTS).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in one of the following fields: biology (0511), environmental sciences (0521), chemistry (0531), physics (0533), database and network design and administration (0612), software and applications development and analysis (0613), information and communication technologies – ICT (0619), interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving ICT (0688), engineering and engineering trades (071), interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction (0788), or economics (0311). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 55 ECTS credits under the 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Analysis II (8 ECTS), Algebra I (8 ECTS), Discrete Mathematics I (7 ECTS), Analysis III (9 ECTS), Analysis IV (8 ECTS), Algorithms (7 ECTS), and Probability (8 ECTS).
- University study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the following field: mathematics (0541). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme.
- University study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the following field: teacher training with subject specialisation (0114, only mathematics and computer science with mathematics). Candidates are awarded between 10 and 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
If the number of applications exceeds the number of available positions, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average (100%).
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
Recognition of knowledge and skills attained before enrolment
In the process of 2nd cycle education, skills and knowledge of a candidate attained previously through formal education can be recognized. Recognition is based on formal documents certifying these. The scope and content of previous work are evaluated according to the ECTS system, with a maximum of 15 ECTS. Recognized skills/knowledge can replace courses covering comparable topics from the study program Mathematics.
In the process of 2nd cycle education, recognition of obligations is based on students' submission of formal documents (certificates) attained through informal education or expert work (e. g., project, elaborate study, publication, invention, patent, or other author's work). The scope and content of previous work are evaluated according to the ECTS system, with a maximum of 10 ECTS, which can replace elective subjects of the study programme.
Applications for the recognition of knowledge and skills attained before enrolment in the programme, i.e., research assignments, scientific and technical articles published in reputed peer-reviewed journals, patents, inventions, innovations, and specialist elaborate studies, will be considered by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in accordance with the regulations.
Candidates submit an application for recognition of knowledge and skills to the Academic Affairs' Committee of the Faculty. The Committee asks the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for an opinion and then issues a decision which is in accordance with the proposal of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.