

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




24 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. biol. in ekol. z naravovar.
magister biologije in ekologije z naravovarstvom
magistrica biologije in ekologije z naravovarstvom

Master of Science

05 – Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

0511 – Biology

1 – Natural Sciences

red. prof. dr. DUŠAN DEVETAK

Text about acceptance

The MA single major study programme Biology and Ecology with Nature Conservation was adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Maribor on 23 April 2008 and by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 19 June 2007. On the basis of Article 51 of the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06-UPB - officially consolidated text No. 59/07-ZŠtip,15/08- decision of the Constitutional Court No. U-I-370/06-20) and the Measures for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04), the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education at their 8th meeting on 9 June 2008 gave consent to the implementation of the study program.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

A student advances to the second study year if they collect at least 46 ECTS credits by completing first year obligations, and if they completed all laboratory and field work. The required 46 ECTS credits must include 30 ECTS from the first semester, and 16 ECTS from the second semester. A student who has collected less than 46 ECTS credits may exceptionally be granted enrolment in the second study year by the Postgraduate Study Commission, upon agreement of the Department of Biology, and at the candidate’s request. Such enrolment may be granted to a student who has been unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons, as defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor. During the course of their studies, students may repeat a study year or transfer to a different study program one time.

Study advancement options

Graduates can continue their studies at the PhD level in accordance with the terms of the Institute of higher education which is offering the PhD study programme.

Employment possibilities

Since the graduate of the study program Biology and Ecology with Nature Conservation will be qualified to independently solve complex research problems, he/she will be employable in work organizations where it is necessary to develop a capacity for finding new interdisciplinary sources of knowledge in related professional and scientific fields of natural sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. Administrative units at the local or national level, and institutions for the protection of the natural heritage, in accordance with international conventions, to which a party is also the Republic of Slovenia, need professionals in environmental protection who are responsible for mastering and implementation of the regulations in relation to the care for a healthy natural and living environment. In accordance with the requirements of ensuring a healthy living environment and suitable working conditions, the graduate will be employable also in the area of biotechnology, health and pharmacy. Industry operating in a sustainable environment may, in accordance with European directives, employ graduates who demonstrate the ability to develop programs of eco-remediation and environmental management plans of protected areas, namely those sensitive to anthropogenic intervention. The graduate will be qualified to design guidelines for the sustainable management of natural resources and the preservation of ecosystems and sustainable forest management in sustainable ecosystems. The graduate can be employed in those segments of agriculture and forestry, where an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in studying and suppression of plant and other pests is expected of him/her. In agriculture he/she will be trained to monitor changes resulting from interventions in the environment and will be able to plan and conduct eco-remediation operations. Students, successfully completing the study program will be able, through the evaluation of biodiversity, to monitor the impact of destructive interventions in a given area. The study program offers the possibility of employability in the immediate production in those areas, where there is a need for organization and management of processes or laboratory work, and for ensuring safety at work having knowledge and regard for safety regulations. Finally, graduates can be employed in cutting-edge scientific research institutions such as university institutions and research institutes, where such personnel can independently and competently manage projects in the field of developmental research biology, ecology and nature conservation.

Additional information

The summations provide the average values of hours to study the program. Inconsistencies in the numbers are the result of choice of elective courses. Independent student work amounts to 2520 hours.

Other obligations

In the last, fourth semester, students spends most of the time preparing a master's thesis, which is an independent research work. Elective courses are related to the topic of the master's thesis. The study program does not provide for a mandatory working practice.

Assesment criteria

Examination and assessment of student learning outcomes is performed in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor:,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf. Knowledge examination and assessment methods at the University of Maribor are regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVII-6-2009); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVIII-7-2010); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXX-2-2012); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXXII-5-2014); Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor – unofficial consolidated text (2015); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (2019):,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf. Forms and methods of assessment are defined in Article 5 of the Rules on Examinations and Grading. Criteria and methods for knowledge assessment of individual subjects are part of the Subject Specification, and are publicly available on the faculty’s website:

Main study programme objectives

The basic objectives of the study program are to provide students with modern methods of scientific research in biology, ecology, and nature conservation , to include them in research activities and program groups, and acquaint them with the complexity of biotic systems. These objectives coincide with the needs of the training of the candidates for independent solving of research problems and the application of biological knowledge in practice. Professionals qualified in such a manner will be able to significantly contribute to relevant environmental impact assessment procedures, to environmental assessment of the biodiversity of certain areas, to care for a natural and healthy work and living environment, to the study itself, and to the suppression of pests, etc. The objectives are therefore consistent with current social needs dictated by the integration into the European area, and are in accordance with the guidelines for which the Republic of Slovenia undertook when signing the international conventions governing the rational management of the natural heritage of our planet.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

- development of critical and analytical assessments, - management of research methods, procedures and processes, - the ability to analyse, synthesise and foresee solutions and implications, - the ability to use the knowledge in practice, - independence in professional work, - development of communication skills and skills in the domestic and international environment, - ethical thinking and commitment to professional ethics, - teamwork and cooperation.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

- ability for solving concrete working problems with the use of scientific methods and procedures, - a coherent mastery of basic knowledge in the field of biotic systems, the ability of integrating knowledge from different fields and applications, - ability to embed new information and interpretations in the context of the basic discipline, - an understanding of the overall structure of biology, ecology and environmental protection and the relationship between its sub-disciplines, - understanding and use of methods, critical analysis and development of theories and their application in solving concrete working problems, - capacity for sustainable management of natural resources and the preservation of ecosystems and sustainable forest management in sustainable ecosystems, - the development of skills and competencies in the use of knowledge in the professional field of the biology, ecology and environmental protection, - use of information-communication technologies and systems to the professional field of biology, ecology and environmental protection.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 2nd-cycle (master's) study programme in Biology and Ecology with Nature Conservation: - a 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme in one of the following fields: biological and related sciences (051) – except cosmetology; environment (052) – except environmental technologies, or teacher training with subject specialisation – only biology (0114). - a 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme in one of the following fields: interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics – only bioinformatics, biopsychology, and applied kinesiology (058) or agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary (08). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 20 ECTS credits under the 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Botany (5 ECTS), Zoology (5 ECTS), Ecology (5 ECTS), and Biochemistry with Fundamentals of Microbiology and Genetics (5 ECTS). - An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: Biological and Related Sciences (051); Environment (052, except for Environmental Technologies); Teacher Training with Subject Specialisation (0114, only Biology). Typically, candidates are awarded 60 ECTS and may enrol in the second year of study if their recognized obligations meet the criteria for the transition as laid out in the accredited study programme. - An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in one of the following fields: interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary (0888), crop and livestock production (0811), or forestry and hunting (0821). Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS and may enrol in the corresponding year of study. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average (100 %).

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

f the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average (100 %).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

According to the Criteria for transitions, a transfer to the 2nd Cycle Study Programme Biology and Ecology with Nature Conservation is possible for candidates enrolled in the study programmes from the fields of Biology, Ecology, Nature Conservation, and Conservation Biology, who ensure the acquisition of comparable competences at the end of their studies, and for whom at least half of the ECTS obligations from the first study programme are recognised according to the Criteria for recognition, whereby these obligations are related to the obligatory courses of the second study programme. After considering which study obligations candidates have already completed, these may be fully or partially recognized and in turn, those study requirements are determined, which candidates must complete in order to graduate from the new study programme.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

Students of 2nd Cycle Study Programmes can obtain full recognition of the knowledge and skills acquired through various forms of formal education before enrolment, which the student demonstrates with relevant qualifications (certificates, degrees, diplomas and other documents). The recognition process shall take into account the following criteria: the assessment of the achieved knowledge and skills must be based on the educational goals of the study program; the relevant skills must be properly documented and at an appropriate level of complexity; the acquired knowledge and skills are recognized regardless of where and when the student acquired them. The process of identification, verification and recognition of knowledge and skills entails the submission of an application, amendments to the application, consideration of the application at the competent authority of the member faculty, the issuing of a decision, and the procedure for the appeal of a candidate against the issued decision. The faculty recognises the knowledge and skills of the candidates if, in terms of their scope, content and complexity, these correspond fully or partially to the general or subject-specific competences determined by the study programme in which the candidates wish to enrol or are enrolled. Recognition of knowledge and skills is defined in the RULES ON THE RECOGNITION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN THE STUDY PROGRAMMES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR No. 012/2019/2:

Criteria for completing the study

The student completes his/her studies once they have completed their obligations laid down with the curriculum, written and successfully defended their master’s thesis, and collected a total of at least 120 ECTS.