Text about acceptance
The postgraduate PhD study program Ecological Sciences was adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, on 11 Oct. 2006. On 11 Oct. 2006 the Senate of the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, adopted a statement of transfer of the postgraduate PhD study programme Ecological Sciences to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Maribor. The postgraduate study program Ecological Sciences was adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, on 23 Nov. 2006 and by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 5 Jul. 2007. On the basis of Article 51 of the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06-UPB3) and on the basis of the Measures for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04), the Council for Higher Education adopted the programme at its 15th meeting on 12 Mar. 2009. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology issued a decision No. 60392-127/2009/7 on15 May 2009 with which the study programme is included in the register for higher education institutions under the serial number 17.
The science-mathematical study programmes were on the basis of the Decree on the changes and annexes to the Decree on the restructuring of the University of Maribor (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 36/06) and the provisions of the Statute of the University in Maribor (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 75/06 Statute of the UM UPB2) transferred from Faculty of Education to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, UM.
On 15 Sept. 2016, the Council of the National Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Quality Assurance in Higher Education extended the accreditation of the doctoral study program in Ecological Sciences for seven years.
On 28 Nov. 2017, the Senate of the University of Maribor approved the renewal of the doctoral study program in Ecological Sciences according to the Doctoral School of the University of Maribor’s principles.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
A student advances to the second study year if they collect at least 51 ECTS credits by completing 1st year obligations, including all obligatory courses: "Introduction to Scientific Research ", "Individual Research Work I and II", and "Research Seminar I". A student who has been unable to fulfil the required obligations for justified reasons, as defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor, may exceptionally be granted enrolment in the second study year.
A student advances to the third study year if they complete all 1st year obligations and collect at least 51 ECTS credits by completing 2nd year obligations, including: "Individual Research Work III and IV", and "Research Seminar II". A student who has been unable to collect the required amount of ECTS credits for justified reasons, as defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor, may exceptionally be granted enrolment in the third study year, upon approval of the Committee for Postgraduate Studies and the Department of Biology.
A student advances to the fourth study year if they complete all 1st year and 2nd year obligations, and collect at least 51 ECTS credits by completing 3rd year obligations.
During the course of their studies, students may repeat a study year one time, according to the conditions defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor.
A student may advance to a higher study year faster, if he/she fulfils the conditions for such advancement as laid down in the Statute of the University of Maribor.
A student may be enrolled in more than one study programme at the same time, under the conditions laid down in the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Study advancement options
Postdoctoral study.
Employment possibilities
The PhD study programme “Ecological Sciences” will train the student to individually solve most complex research problems. The latter will, therefore, qualify to be employed as an ecologist, biologist or a development manager in work organizations where development requires the ability to find new interdisciplinary resource of knowledge in related professional and scientific fields of natural sciences and partially also in engineering, social sciences and the humanities. Such qualification is needed for operation in administrative units, particularly at the national and regional level as well as the local one, where it is in accordance with international conventions, the signatory of which is also the Republic of Slovenia, necessary to ensure a healthy natural and work environment, and that for living in accordance with regulations. In accordance with the requirements of ensuring a healthy living environment and suitable working conditions the graduate will be employable also in the area of biotechnology, health and pharmacy. Industry, functioning on the basis of sustainable development, may in accordance with European directives employ graduates who possess knowledge in the preparation of management plans and programmes for protected areas and areas sensitive to anthropogenic interventions.
The PhD candidate will have superb qualifications for planning of guidelines for sustainable management of natural resources, the preservation of ecosystems and sustainable forest management in sustainable ecosystems, especially in agriculture and forestry. First-rate training for ecological analytical work and appropriate application, including the planning of ecologically optimal management in topical ecosystems and habitats, and intensive cooperation in interdisciplinary projects, is necessary particularly due to the constantly changing ways of management. Broad, and at the same time specialized in-depth knowledge, is thus necessary on most issues, as well as innovation and the capacity for in-depth interdisciplinary cooperation. The study programme also ensures the acquisition of first-rate competence for direct production in such areas while taking appropriate regulations into consideration. The PhD candidates may be employed in top scientific and research institutions, such as universities and research institutes, where they can independently and competently head scientific research projects in the fields of ecology and nature conservation, and participate in environment protection projects.
Additional information
The summations provide the average values of hours to PhD study program Ecological Sciences. Inconsistencies in the numbers are the result of choice of elective courses. Independent student work per PhD study program Ecological Sciences amounts up to 6870 hours.
Other obligations
The study programme expects of candidates in the context of their individual research work and time devoted to the preparation of doctoral dissertation to draw up a draft for the publication of parts from the contents of the doctoral dissertation in journals indexed in SCI bases as first or leading author.
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of student learning outcomes is performed in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor: https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Dopolnitve2013/Pravilnik%20o%20preverjanju%20in%20ocenjevanju%20znanja%20na%20UM%20-%20NPB3,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf.
Knowledge examination and assessment methods at the University of Maribor are regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVII-6-2009); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVIII-7-2010); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXX-2-2012); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXXII-5-2014); Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor – unofficial consolidated text (2015); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (2019):
Forms and methods of assessment are defined in Article 5 of the Rules on Examinations and Grading. Criteria and methods for knowledge assessment of individual subjects are part of the Subject Specification, and are publicly available on the faculty’s website: https://www.fnm.um.si/index.php/predstavitev-tudija/podiplomski-tudijski-programi/.
Main study programme objectives
The fundamental objectives of the PhD study program “Ecological Sciences” are to equip the doctoral student for supreme individual research of the structure and functioning of natural and anthropogenically modified ecological systems, cooperation in eco-design of their use and management, as well as for participation in the raising of awareness and training of population for environmentally integrated thinking and action. These objectives include first-class training and education of students in scientific fields such as autecology, eco-physiology, population ecology and functioning of ecosystems. The candidate acquires in-depth knowledge and skills, and therefore also working methods for independent superior analyses of ecological systems, their qualitative and quantitative treatment, identification and exploration of topical ecological issues, and is trained for creative participation in the planning of ecologically thought-out sustainable social development. The student is qualified for(co)planning the rehabilitation of habitats and ecosystems as components of the living, work and economic environment of modern society, on the basis of exercising natural ecological principles. Due to its powerful interdisciplinary character and possibility of study combinations, the PhD student specializes for first-class scientific research work and application of acquired knowledge on a selected segment of ecology.
The PhD study programme “Ecological Sciences” is geared to include a variety of applicable interdisciplinary programmes and projects in the fields of biological and biotechnical sciences, agriculture, landscape design, forestry and partly by municipal and biomedical sciences. Interdisciplinary integration at the technical, medical, economic, legal and other natural and social science areas is necessary and socially useful due to the transfer of environmental knowledge in the entire social life, thereby reducing the risk of ecologically inappropriate and thus the most frequently economically harmful functioning. The graduate of the program is trained to actively participate in the integrated coordinated functioning of the social community.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
- ability to do first-class scientific research work based on developing of new knowledge,
- ability of individual and group solving of the most challenging scientific problems as well as discovering new solutions,
- ability to use and to create new scientific research methods in the predicted, new and modified circumstances,
- ability to manage the most demanding operating systems,
- ability to manage scientific research projects,
- ability for independent communication in the international scientific environment, including presentations and publishing the results of one’s own research work,
- development of individual critical views and ethical reflections on the fields of life in modern society, relating to contemporary scientific and applicative problems.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
- first-rate understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts in the field of ecology and ecologically-based applications in the areas of protection of nature and the environment,
- ability to use first-class knowledge in individual specific areas of ecology and applicative fields,
- ability of individual and group solving of most challenging problems in specific areas of ecology and applicative areas by using known solutions and by discovering and adapting new solutions in the domestic and international environment,
- ability of first-rate scientific research work in specific areas of ecology and applicative fields, and of self-developing new knowledge and innovation,
- ability to use and create new ecological research methods and customize the existing ones predicted, new and modified circumstances,
- ability to manage scientific research projects in the field of ecology and applicative fields,
- first-rate ability of individual and group search and creation of new sources of knowledge in specific scientific areas of ecology and in related areas,
- first-rate ability of individual and team transfer of knowledge for solving specific topical ecological issues into working environments, where this knowledge is necessary,
- development of critical views and ethical reflections on different aspects of modern society relating to the scientific research and applicative problems in the field of ecology, nature protection, environmental protection and related areas.
Access requirements
Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd Cycle Study Programme Ecological Sciences:
- a 2nd Cycle Study Programme;
- an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004;
- a 1st Cycle Higher Education Study Programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004, and a Specialization Study Programme, after having passed additional study obligations corresponding to 60 ECTS from the fields of Biology, Ecology and/or other science subject courses and general courses of this study programme;
- a study program educating for professions regulated by EU directives, or other Single Major 2nd cycle Study Programme ranked with 300 ECTS.
To increase the success of further studies, the Faculty recommends university-level prior education in the fields of: Ecology, Biology or Nature Conservation, Educational Biology, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Forestry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, or Medicine.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
In the event of limited enrolment, the Faculty shall publish the selection criteria in accordance with Article 41 of the Higher Education Act. In the selection procedure, candidates shall be ranked according to: grade point average (20%), the grade awarded for their MA thesis (40%), and the grade awarded for their elective exam (40%), focused on basic biological and ecological contents, the knowledge of which is crucial for a succsessful doctoral study, considering the candidate's prior knowledge.
Transfer criteria between study programmes
According to the Criteria for transitions, a transfer to the 3rd Cycle Study Programme Ecological Sciences is possible for candidates enrolled in the study programmes from the fields of Biology, Educational Biology, Ecology, Nature Conservation, Geography, Biotechnical Sciences (Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Forestry), Bioscience, Biomedicine or Medicine, who ensure the acquisition of comparable competences at the end of their studies, and for whom at least half of the ECTS obligations from the first study programme are recognised according to the Criteria for recognition. The relevant Commission of the Member determines the missing obligations which the students have to fulfill if they want to graduate according to the new study program.
To enrol into the 3rd cycle study programme of Ecological Sciences, candidates must have completed one of the following successfully:
- study programme leading to a Master of Science title, adopted prior to 11 June 2004; according to the degree of compliance with the 3rd cycle study programme Ecological Sciences such candidates must have at least 60 ECTS recognized prior to enrolment.
- a specialisation following an undergraduate study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004; as a rule, 60 ECTS credits are recognised for such candidates.
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
Students of 3rd Cycle Study Programmes can obtain full recognition of the knowledge and skills acquired through various forms of formal education before enrolment, which the student demonstrates with relevant qualifications (certificates, degrees, diplomas and other documents).
The recognition process shall take into account the following criteria: the assessment of the achieved knowledge and skills must be based on the educational goals of the study program; the relevant skills must be properly documented and at an appropriate level of complexity; the acquired knowledge and skills are recognized regardless of where and when the student acquired them. The process of identification, verification and recognition of knowledge and skills entails the submission of an application, amendments to the application, consideration of the application at the competent authority of the member faculty, the issuing of a decision, and the procedure for the appeal of a candidate against the issued decision. The faculty recognises the knowledge and skills of the candidates if, in terms of their scope, content and complexity, these correspond fully or partially to the general or subject-specific competences determined by the study programme in which the candidates wish to enrol or are enrolled. Recognition of knowledge and skills is defined in the RULES ON THE RECOGNITION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN THE STUDY PROGRAMMES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR No. 012/2019/2:
Criteria for completing the study
A student completes his/her studies once they have completed all obligations laid down in the study programme, having collected at least 240 ECTS, and successfully defended their doctoral thesis.