Text about acceptance
The single-major pedagogical MA study program Educational Mathematics was adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, on 2nd Dec. 2009, and by the Senate of the University of Maribor on 15 Dec. 2009. On the basis of 51.h and the second paragraph of Article 23 of the Law on Higher Education ZViS-G (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06 - officially consolidated text, 59/07 - ZŠtip, 15/08 - Odl. US: U-I-370/06-20, 64/2008 and 86/09), Article 2 of the Rules on the work of the Senate for Accreditation and Article 2 of the Measures for the Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education and Study Programs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04) NAKVIS approved the implementation of the study program at its 4th session on 17 June 2010.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
A student advances to the 2nd study year if they collect at least 40 ECTS credits and complete the following obligatory courses: Differential equations, Didactics of elementary school mathematics, Pedagogical practice for teaching mathematics I.
According to Article 85 of the Statute of the University of Maribor, a student who has not completed all obligations, but has collected more than 30 ECTS credits, may exceptionally be granted enrolment in a higher study year by the Postgraduate Study Commission. Such enrolment may be granted to a student who has been unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons (listed in Article 212 of the Statute), and who is expected to fulfil all obligations within the time-limit set by the Commission for Student Affairs.
Without having completed the course Pedagogical practice for teaching mathematics I, it is not possible to advance to the 2nd study year under any condition.
Study advancement options
Graduates can continue their studies in study programs at the doctoral level in accordance with the conditions defined by the institution of higher education offering the program.
Employment possibilities
According to the fundamental objectives of the program and the general and course-specific competences defined, employment can be expected especially in institutions of education, while a certain part of graduates can continue studies at the doctoral level. It is a case of working positions which require more in-depth and specific knowledge in the field of pedagogy, didactics and psychology in education, and education and knowledge in mathematics. These qualifications will allow the graduates employability also outside the borders of Slovenia, especially in the framework of the European Union. Areas of interest can be combined into the following categories:
- Educational institutions,
- Work in pedagogical research institutions,
- Media (the area of monitoring educational activities).
In these areas, graduates will be able to carry out tasks associated with the planning and implementation of instruction in mathematics, to participate in counselling, in animation for educational work, in popularization of modern forms of teaching and learning, innovation projects, in the organization of projects in the field of natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, computer science, culture, youth work, voluntary work and in monitoring and reporting on educational activities. According to the current legislation, graduates are employable in primary schools in teaching mathematics from the sixth to the ninth grade, and in teaching mathematics in all secondary school programs, including grammar schools.
Additional information
The total amounts give the average values of hours per study program. Choice of electives for each student individually can cause deviations in numbers. Independent work of the student amounts up to 2372 hours.
Other obligations
Practical training is carried out in the context of the courses Practical Training for Math I and II in the 1st as well as the 2nd year of the MA studies. In-the-field pedagogical practice (supervised teaching during the year and teaching practice in the school) amounts to 16 ECTS. The share of practical training thus exceeds a quarter of all credit points required for pedagogical study programs (i.e. 15 ECTS). In the context of practical training, students are in each year required to carry out a specific number of hours of supervised teaching at selected tutorial schools (the number is defined in the curricula of the courses Pedagogical Practice for Teaching Mathematics I and II), and an uninterrupted course of teaching practice in primary and secondary schools. Teaching practice is reflexive and allows the integration of professional and teaching-pedagogical-psychological knowledge.
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of student learning outcomes is performed in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor: https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Dopolnitve2013/Pravilnik%20o%20preverjanju%20in%20ocenjevanju%20znanja%20na%20UM%20-%20NPB3,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf.
Knowledge examination and assessment methods at the University of Maribor are regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVII-6-2009); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXVIII-7-2010); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXX-2-2012); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (University of Maribor Journal, No. XXXII-5-2014); Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor – unofficial consolidated text (2015); Amendments to the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor, No. A4/2009-41AG (2019):
Forms and methods of assessment are defined in Article 5 of the Rules on Examinations and Grading. Criteria and methods for knowledge assessment of individual subjects are part of the Subject Specification, and are publicly available on the faculty’s website: https://www.fnm.um.si/index.php/predstavitev-tudija/podiplomski-tudijski-programi/.
Main study programme objectives
The 2nd Cycle Single-Major MA study programme Educational Mathematics provides education for future teachers of mathematics at the upper level of regular elementary schools, vocational and secondary technical schools, and all gymnasium programmes. Students are trained in the organization and planning of classroom work, communication skills, as well as work outside the classroom (teacher as a class teacher, mentor, or social partner), and obtain didactic competence for teaching mathematics. Graduates of the programme acquire broad-based expertise and are qualified to work with students through their mastery of pedagogical, psychological, and didactic content.
During their studies, students of this study programme develop competences and acquire in-depth knowledge of psychological, pedagogical, and didactic content related to the specifics of working with learners at the upper level of the 9-year elementary school and at the secondary school level (emphasis on gymnasium programs). In addition, graduates acquire knowledge of special didactics (didactics of mathematics), which serves as pre-service education for future teachers of mathematics in elementary and secondary schools. Graduates master mathematical content included in elementary and secondary school curricula, and gain experience in actual pedagogical practice (practical training in front of fellow students and at schools, and pedagogical practice at schools).
Graduates of this study programme also acquire knowledge in the area of applying ICT in education, as well as many complementary skills which allow them to organize other activities in the sphere of maths education with great confidence (e. g., interdisciplinary lesson planning and implementation, research assignment mentorship, leading math clubs, preparations for math competitions, designing project week concepts, etc.). The elective course system enables the students to acquire additional specific knowledge in psychology, pedagogy, and didactics, in addition to all areas of mathematics. Graduates of the 2nd Cycle MA study programme Educational Mathematics are able to find internships and employment in education (supported by national legislation), or they may continue their studies in the 3rd Cycle.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
Competences are defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes representative of the circumstances (EU Official Gazette No. 394/10, 2006). According to the Criteria for the Accreditation of Study Programs of Teacher Education they are defined as the integration and use of acquired skills in complex, unpredictable and diverse circumstances, where three components closely interrelate: knowledge and comprehension, professional skills, and attitudes and values. Based on these guidelines the program primarily focuses on the following general competences:
- effective communication with students in the slovenian language and classroom management (as class teacher),
- developing social skills in students, understanding and mastery of basic procedures and principles of advisory conversation and work with students,
- creation of a secure and stimulating learning environment in which students feel accepted and respectful of diversity, and where intercultural dialogue is encouraged,
- (co)creation of clear rules for discipline and behavior in the classroom, and the use of appropriate strategies for dealing with disorderly conduct, aggressiveness and conflicts,
- integration and coordination of objectives, contents, teaching forms and methods, while taking into account modern pedagogical, psychological and didactic knowledge (e.g. theories of learning),
- taking into account developmental characteristics and individual peculiarities of pupils, principles and factors of successful learning: adapting instruction to individual specificities of pupils in terms of their prior knowledge, interests, and capacity for learning,
- use of teaching approaches encouraging active collaboration and responsibility of learners in the building of knowledge,
- ability of creative and critical thinking and promotion of the latter in students,
- use of effective ways to promote motivation and the development of strategies for independent learning in students (learning to learn),
- integration of information-communication technologies in teaching and developing information literacy skills in students,
- management and rational use of different methods of assessment of knowledge and achievements, and monitoring the progress of the pupils, both in terms of knowledge and of learning strategies and social skills,
- effective communication with teachers and other school workers, and parents and other persons responsible for the pupils,
- ability of the creative and independent functioning,
- qualification for constructive cooperation in research and development projects designed to improve the quality of educational work,
- knowledge of basic school legislation,
- capacity of planning, monitoring, evaluation and guidance of one’s own professional development in the process of lifelong learning,
- interdisciplinary integration of curricular goals and contents.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
The program focuses on developing the following course-specific competences:
- professional management of the curricula, contents and concepts of primary- and secondary-school mathematics to create such learning conditions, in which students can develop high-quality knowledge (durability, transferability, integrity),
- qualification for the creation of objectives, planning and implementation of lessons in the classroom and for assessment of knowledge in teaching mathematics for a balanced development of mathematical skills in students (conceptual, procedural, problem and communication skills),
- independent evaluation, choice, and resistance of/toward existing learning materials, didactic aids and ict in teaching mathematics (graphic calculators, math programs, interactive whiteboard, internet ...),
- ability of developing professional literacy in pupils in the mathematical language,
- introduction of professional terminology from professional-theoretical courses also into the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools,
- independent management of specific organizational forms of teaching mathematics: the development of project days, managing circles (math, logic, fun mathematics), mentoring research assignments,
- ability to do cross-subject planning and carrying out lessons together with teachers of other courses,
- independent coping with modern didactic findings and with the application of current approaches into teaching (e.g. combined education): a critical and systematic integration of innovations into the teaching practice.
Access requirements
Candidates are eligible for enrolment in the 2nd Cycle Single-Major MA study programme EDUCATIONAL MATHEMATICS if they have completed one of the following:
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in the following field: mathematics (0541, only mathematics).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in the following field: mathematics (0541, only financial mathematics). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 15 ECTS credits under a 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Number Theory (8 ECTS), Plane and Solid Geometry (7 ECTS).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in one of the following fields: mathematics (0541, only educational mathematics), or teacher training with subject specialisation (0114, only mathematics). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 24 ECTS credits under a 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Discrete Mathematics I (7 ECTS), Analysis III (9 ECTS), Algebra II (4 ECTS) and Numerical Methods (4 ECTS).
- 1st Cycle (BA) study programme in the following field: mathematics (0541, only practical mathematics and mathematics in economics and finances). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 24 ECTS credits under a 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Algebra I (8 ECTS), Plane and Solid Geometry (7ECTS), and Analysis III (9 ECTS).
- 1st Cycle Higher Education study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004, in the following field: mathematics (0541, only practical mathematics). Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 24 ECTS credits under a 1st Cycle (BA) study programme, a supplementary study programme, or by taking bridging exams: Algebra I (8 ECTS), Plane and Solid Geometry (7 ECTS), and Analysis III (9 ECTS).
- University study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the following field: mathematics (0541). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme.
- University study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the following field: teacher training with subject specialisation (0114, only mathematics and computer science with mathematics). Candidates are awarded between 30 ECTS and 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the corresponding year of study.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
If the number of applications exceeds the number of available positions, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average (100%).
Transfer criteria between study programmes
According to the Criteria for transitions, a transfer to the 2nd Cycle Single-Major MA study programme Educational Mathematics is possible for candidates enrolled in the study programmes from the field of mathematics (all areas), who meet the conditions for regular enrolment in this study programme, and who ensure the acquisition of comparable competences at the end of their studies, and for whom at least half of the ECTS obligations from the first study programme are recognised, whereby these obligations are related to the obligatory courses of the second study programme.
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
Students of 2nd Cycle Study Programmes can obtain full recognition of the knowledge and skills acquired through various forms of formal education before enrolment, which the student demonstrates with relevant qualifications (certificates, degrees, diplomas and other documents).
The recognition process shall take into account the following criteria: the assessment of the achieved knowledge and skills must be based on the educational goals of the study program; the relevant skills must be properly documented and at an appropriate level of complexity; the acquired knowledge and skills are recognized regardless of where and when the student acquired them. The process of identification, verification and recognition of knowledge and skills entails the submission of an application, amendments to the application, consideration of the application at the competent authority of the member faculty, the issuing of a decision, and the procedure for the appeal of a candidate against the issued decision. The faculty recognises the knowledge and skills of the candidates if, in terms of their scope, content and complexity, these correspond fully or partially to the general or subject-specific competences determined by the study programme in which the candidates wish to enrol or are enrolled. Recognition of knowledge and skills is defined in the RULES ON THE RECOGNITION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN THE STUDY PROGRAMMES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR No. 012/2019/2:
Criteria for completing the study
The student finishes his/her studies, when he/she completes all the requirements defined in the study program and prepares and successfully defends his/her master's thesis, thus collecting a total of at least 120 ECTS.