Text about acceptance
The study program was first accredited on April 20, 2009.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
Advancing from one year to another is possible if a student fulfils certain obligations defined by the study program and the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Condition for enrolment in the 2nd year
To advance from the 1st to the 2nd year, a student must complete compulsory subjects and obligations of the year in the amount of at least 51 ECTS credits. Exceptionally, a candidate who, for justified reasons, failed to complete the prescribed study obligations in accordance with the Statute of the University of Maribor may also enrol in the 2nd year, whereby advancing from 1st to 2nd year is not possible without completing the IRD 1 learning unit (individual scientific research work).
Condition for enrolment in the 3rd year
To advance from the 2nd to the 3rd year, a student must complete all obligations of the 1st year and obligations of the 2nd year in the amount of at least 51 ECTS credits. Exceptionally, a candidate who, for justified reasons, failed to complete the prescribed study obligations in accordance with the Statute of the University of Maribor may also enrol in the 3rd year, whereby without completing the IRD 3 study unit, advancement from 2nd to 3rd year is not possible at all.
Enrolment in a higher year if conditions are not met
A student who has not fulfilled all the obligations may exceptionally be approved by the Commission for Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Education at their request to enrol in a higher year if they have more than half of the obligations (30 ECTS) and if they have not been able to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons and if it is expected that they will fulfil the obligations by the deadline set by the commission.
Employment possibilities
Doctors of science in the field of educational sciences can be employed in various fields; in research and academic institutions, in government organizations (various positions in the state administration with emphasis in the field of schooling, education and sports, etc.), in various public institutions (education institute, primary schools, centres of extracurricular activities) and organizations that have direct contact with children.
The profile of the graduate that we will be educating is more than necessary in Slovenia, as today requires systematic and quality education from teacher education, which must equip teachers with professional and research competencies. Recently, in the process of renovating the primary school system in Slovenia and in the process of joining the European Community, the importance of pedagogical and didactic knowledge, theoretical starting points of education and practice at the elementary (class) level of teaching has been growing.
In order to successfully follow the development of education in the Republic of Slovenia and European and global trends in the field of teacher education, we are following the guidelines given by the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED, 1997: 35-36), where the field of teacher education falls into the category of teacher training and education science. Since a rather large deficit in research providers with the necessary knowledge is evident in this field, we justify the need for a doctoral study program in Educational Sciences in the Republic of Slovenia with this. The obtained education will enable candidates to acquire knowledge and experience, with which they will be qualified for independent scientific research work in the basic, research and development and applied fields of education.
Doctors of science will be able to be employed in research and teaching activities at universities and institutes. Doctors of Science will be able to work in the positions of assistants, researchers and higher education teachers.
Assesment criteria
The envisaged forms of knowledge examination and assessment are:
- written exam,
- oral exam,
- portfolio,
- seminar paper,
- project,
- doctoral dissertation.
In postgraduate studies, the emphasis in the examination and assessment is on the statement of knowledge and abilities for independent research work under mentorship of lecturers and the critical evaluation of the given learning material when used in practical cases. Forms, methods and structure of knowledge examination and assessment are presented in detail and can be seen from the subject curricula. Before the beginning of the academic year, all information regarding the form, methods and structure of examination and assessment in individual subjects is published.
Main study programme objectives
The main objective of the postgraduate doctoral program in Educational Sciences is to train candidates for independent international competitive scientific research, for planning and developing new ideas and the resulting solutions in school practice. In doing so, they, through the evaluation of their own practical work, systematically deepen their knowledge in fields of individual subject didactics and in parallel take care of the systematic analysis of problems from practice, while training for their team solving. The program enables composition of new scientific findings and application of theoretical starting points in concrete situations.
The main objective of the doctoral study program in Educational Sciences is therefore to train scientists in the field of educational sciences who will be able to develop and apply new knowledge in this field. It is the highest strategic level of development and management staff in all structures of pedagogical segments of non-economy as well as state administration (ministries, agencies, inspectorate, education institute, etc.), scientific institutes and universities.
The doctoral study program will enable realization of the following goals:
- Involvement and independent management of scientific research work.
- Deepening the understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts in the field of education.
- Training for independent development of new knowledge and solving the most demanding professional and scientific problems.
- Critical monitoring (testing, improvement) of known factors and creation of new solutions of scientific-disciplinary field and practice.
- Training for independent management of most demanding work systems and management of scientific research and/or professional projects.
- Developing critical reflection, ethical responsibility in research and social and communication skills to lead professional and research work.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
The doctoral program Educational Sciences will enable the acquisition of the following general competencies:
- integration and independent management of scientific research work;
- in-depth understanding of theoretical concepts of the field – philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and anthropological aspects;
- superior understanding and mastery of various research methods, procedures and processes, development of critical and self-critical judgment
- ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences;
- ability to apply knowledge in practice,
- ability to autonomously set up, design and carry out an extensive research process;
- ability to independently develop new knowledge, skills, techniques, practices and materials through research work;
- solving the most demanding problems by testing and improving known solutions and designing new ones;
- responding to abstract problems that expand and redefine existing procedural knowledge or practice;
- the ability to use original research to create a contribution that expands the boundaries of knowledge and is relevant at national and international level;
- ability to identify problems and find solutions;
- participation in critical dialogues; managing and promoting complex social processes within the professional field;
- ability to manage the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects in a wide professional and scientific field;
- ability to communicate with colleagues and the wider (international) scientific community and society in general about their field of expertise;
- ability to cooperate and work in a group;
- initiative/ambition, the value of continuous personal and professional advancement;
- ability to manage time for independent planning;
- ability to present and defend scientific studies publicly;
- ability to promote social or cultural progress of a knowledge-based society in academic and professional environments;
- ability to think creatively and solve problems;
- knowledge of research work ethics and acting in accordance with it.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
The doctoral program will educate a doctoral student who will have the following subject-specific competencies:
- systematic knowledge and understanding of justification (justification) and history (development) of educational systems, theory and theoretical sets, scientific paradigms;
- ability to discover and solve concrete pedagogical problems using scientific methods and procedures;
- ability to conduct original research in the field of educational sciences;
- ability to conduct independent, original and published research in the field of educational sciences;
- ability of collaborative learning, creative communication in a research environment, problem solving and participation in interdisciplinary research teams in the field of education;
- coherent mastery of knowledge, the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields of education and applications in school practice;
- understanding of general structure of basic educational discipline and connection between its subdisciplines,
- ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of education;
- understanding and application of methods of critical analysis and development of theories and their use in solving concrete pedagogical problems;
- organizational and managerial skills in education;
- detailed analysis and reflection of social norms and relations within educational environments, management of activities for their change and mediation between academic research and the social environment
- knowledge of social systems, especially processes in education;
- criticality regarding the broadest implications of the use of knowledge in concrete educational and professional environments, assistance in the pedagogical guidance of an individual, department and/or group;
- development of skills and abilities in using knowledge in the field of educational sciences;
- use of information and communication technology and systems in the field of education research.
Access requirements
A candidate can enrol in the 3rd level of study of Educational Sciences if they have completed the following:
a) 2nd level study program;
b) a university study program adopted before 11 June 2004;
c) a study program educating for professions regulated by EU directives or another uniform master’s study program evaluated with 300 ECTS credits;
d) a study program for acquisition of specialization and previously a higher professional study program adopted before 11 June 2004, if before the enrolment in the study program a student completed study obligations in the amount of 34 ECTS credits. Before enrolling in the study program, such candidates are assigned differential exams from the subjects of the 2nd level program Classroom teaching and Inclusion in teaching and education.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
In the event that there are more candidates than positions available, they will be selected on the basis of the average grade of the completed study program.
Transfer criteria between study programmes
According to transition criteria, a candidate who has completed the following can enrol in the 2nd year of the 3rd level study program of Educational Sciences:
- study program for obtaining a master’s degree in science, adopted before 11 June 2004; upon enrolment, candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits in accordance with the law, and their study obligations are recognized, determined by the Faculty of Education, Commission for Academic Affairs of the University of Maribor,
- university study program adopted before 11 June 2004 and study program for obtaining a specialization; Upon enrolment, candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits in accordance with the law, and their study obligations are recognized, determined by the Faculty of Education, Commission for Academic Affairs of the University of Maribor.
Transition to the doctoral study program of the 3rd level of Educational Sciences is possible from study programs of the 3rd level of all pedagogical study orientations, which ensure the acquisition of comparable competencies upon completion of studies and which according to the criteria for recognition as courses of this program may be recognized for at least half of the study obligations (ECTS credits) from the first study program. A student must submit an official statement from the current study program and a certificate of fulfilment of obligations in the current program. The Commission for Academic Affairs of UM PEF will individually examine student’s application and determine the obligations they must fulfil in order to complete their doctoral studies in the new program.
Criteria for completing the study
A student has successfully completed the study when they complete all the obligations prescribed by the study program and thus collect a total of at least 180 ECTS, submit a written doctoral dissertation and successfully defend it publicly. Before defending their doctoral dissertation, the candidate must meet other conditions, which are defined in more detail in the Rules on Doctoral Studies of the University of Maribor.