

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




24 ECTS 180 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

07 – Engineering, manufacturing and construction

0713 – Electricity and energy

2 – Engineering and Technology

red. prof. dr. SEBASTIJAN SEME, univ. dipl. inž. el.

Text about acceptance

Postgraduate Study Programme Leading to Doktor Znanosti (PhD) Energy Technology (3nd degree Bologna Study Program) has been approved and confirmed by the Senate of the Faculty of Energy Technology, University of Maribor on 12ve November 2009, the Senate of the University of Maribor on 15th December 2009 and the Council of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) has consented on 16th February 2012.

Main study programme objectives

The aim of the doctoral (3rd cycle) programme “Energy Technology” is to educate top experts in the energy field with a broad scientific knowledge, which gives promising understanding of the developments and trends in the world, in-depth understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts and the ability to independently develop new knowledge and solving the most challenging problems in testing, improving and detection new solutions in the field of energy. Trained professionals will also develop new knowledge also trained to manage the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects on a wide range of professional or scientific fields and the development of critical reflection.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Energy Technology: - A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme. - An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. - A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 45 ECTS credits under the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in Energy Technology: Differential analysis, Nuclear Installation and Irradiation Facilities, Thermography and Control of Air-Conditioning Systems, Advanced Aero- and Hydro-Energy Technologies, Electric Power System Operation, High Voltage Systems in Energetics, Equipment and Diagnostics of Internal Combustion Engines, and Methods of Energy Resources Exploitation. - A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme corresponding to 300 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available positions, candidates shall be ranked according to: - grade point average excluding the thesis (80%) and - grade awarded for the thesis (20%). If the thesis is not required for completion of the study programme, only the grade point average shall be considered (100%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates may transfer between existing higher education study programmes within the same cycle of study. In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates may enrol in the 3rd-cycle study programme in Energy Technology when they are transferring from 3rd-cycle study programmes or doctoral programmes adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the field of energy technology and in related fields of mechanics, building and civil engineering, electricity, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemical technology, mechatronics, informatics, telecommunications, electroenergetics, mining and geotechnology, agriculture, or from other comparable study programmes. Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria: - criteria for the enrolment in the first year of the 3rd-cycle study programme in Energy Technology; - they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes; - at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. In accordance with the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes, candidates may enrol in the second year of study if they have completed: - a master of science study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 – these candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits; - a specialisation following an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 – these candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits.