

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




18 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. evr. prav. štud.
magister evropskih pravnih študij
magistrica evropskih pravnih študij

Master of Arts

04 – Business, administration and law

0421 – Law

5 – Social Sciences

Instruction in English

red. prof. dr. JANJA HOJNIK, univ. dipl. prav.

The programme deals with the multifaceted aspects of European integration linked with the political, social, economic, business, security, defence, energy, environmental and similar interests of the Member States and the Union as a whole. It will provide professional training that will superbly prepare the student to become a lawyer that will be empowered to perform the most demanding jobs in legal, economic and non-economic positions in the EU and in the international environment, which require
The Faculty of Law provides a wealth of research facilities empowered by educational technologies, academic services, well-equipped modern libraries and reading rooms with access to international legal databases. It offers the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus programme, other cooperation programmes and networks encouraging the interchange of ideas between students, academic staff and the frequent visiting lecturers. Our lecturers are internationally renowned legal experts. They are specialised in various disciplines of EU law and many of them hold important positions in judiciary and other legal institutions. The programme offers in-depth studies of the classic branches of European law and those aspects of European integration that influence its relations with the international community.

Text about acceptance

At its 43rd session on 19 January 2012, the SQAA Council adopted Decision no. 6033-116 / 2011/12 of 19 January 2012, by which he granted accreditation to the Second Cycle Master's study program "European Legal Studies" at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

To advance to the 2nd year of the Master's Degree Program (2nd Cycle) in European Legal Studies, a student must complete study obligations amounting to at least 46 ECTS from the first-year course offerings, with mandatory exams in the following subjects: - Constitutional and Administrative Law of the EU, - European Judicial Protection, - Legal Principles and Economic Policy of the EU Internal Market, and - Elective Subject I.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The 2nd cycle study program of European Legal Studies does not contain individual parts.

Study advancement options

A graduate of the second-cycle master's degree program can continue with doctoral studies in third-cycle study programs in accordance with the conditions set by the higher education institution offering the doctoral study program.

Employment possibilities

Based on general analyzes of staffing needs for such staff at home and abroad and positive recommendations regarding the introduction of the master's study "European Legal Studies" given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, the Congress of Local anf Regional Authorities and the Institute for Regional Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we can justifiably expect that future masters will be employed primarily in the following positions: Within the Republic of Slovenia: - republic administration, government services - departments for foreign affairs, - diplomatic and consular service of the Republic of Slovenia, - justice - jobs related to international law or foreign relations, - information transmission systems, - the media, - secretariats and representations of international governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions in Slovenia, - similar jobs related to international relations. Abroad: - the administration of the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and the European Parliament and the working bodies of the EU and the Court of Justice of the EU, - newly created EU Representations within the EU External Action Service, - UN and specialized agencies, other international organizations, - secretariats and representations of international governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions - FRONTEX and other EU and Member State border services, - international environmental protection agencies, - humanitarian organizations. Within the economy: - business associations and companies oriented abroad and representative offices of foreign companies in Slovenia and in neighboring countries, - economic representations in Eastern European and North Caucasus countries, - economic representations of Western companies in Eastern European and South Caucasian countries, - multinational and international corporations. Scientific research field: - research organizations at home and abroad dealing with issues covered by the study program, - domestic and foreign project groups implementing major international projects in the field of study programs in Eastern European and Lower Caucasian countries.

Assesment criteria

The method of examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor is regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor, no. A4 / 2009-41 AG as amended. The methods and forms of checking and assessing students' knowledge, as prescribed by the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor and by the rules adopted at the level of the University of Maribor, are specified in the curriculum of each subject. Each subject concludes with a final test of knowledge and learning outcomes. During the academic year, teachers encourage students to actively study and become involved in the study process by using various forms of active study, and in this way check their knowledge on an ongoing basis. In this intermediate examination of knowledge, they can use various forms, such as tests, written colloquia, preparation of seminar and other project assignments with a public presentation of results, preparation of draft applications (court documents) and decisions related to individual procedural acts, drafting of corporate acts, contracts or other documents, students may be involved in research projects and other. With this intermediate form of knowledge assessment, the grades obtained or the teacher's knowledge of the student's knowledge is recorded as an intermediate assessment or as a partial contribution to the assessment in the final knowledge assessment, by the study program.

Main study programme objectives

The program has five basic goals: First, deepening knowledge on selected topics, methods of implementation, results and development possibilities of European integration, and on the problems that need to be addressed in order not to hinder the smooth process of integration (prohibition and prosecution of discrimination on ethnic, racial, sexual and religious grounds). Emphasis will be placed on those topics that are also a broader basis for the EU's external relations, which is a fundamental focus of the program. Second, the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of EU external relations. In the first place, there is a theoretical and practical knowledge of the legal basis and the formulation of European foreign, security, and defense policy. In this context, great emphasis will be placed on legal instruments, mechanisms, contents, and instruments for the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy and the European Partnership Policy. to conduct a “strategic dialogue” with the Russian Federation. Besides, the student will gain a basic knowledge of the EU's economic relations with foreign countries and, in particular, of economic cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe (the Russian Federation and the countries covered by the European Partnership policy). Third, the acquisition of specialized knowledge for working in the chosen field and the relevant written obligations and master's thesis. Fourth, encouraging active, critical involvement in the study program, the ability to lead professional panels, oral presentation of their knowledge, especially that which the student has acquired through independent study of resources. Fifth, acquisition of basic knowledge about the methods of scientific research and the writing of scientific texts (synthetic, clear, presentation of findings, use and recording of notes, use and bibliographic rules on the recording of various sources, etc.). We expect that the student will acquire basic knowledge in all these areas and be trained for research and oral and written presentation, scientifically, of their professional views and findings. All this will allow him to later deepen his knowledge independently, per the needs of the workplace. We will test our knowledge in a modern pedagogical way. The final grade of a student in a subject will "consist" of his regular and active participation in lectures and tutorials (10%), the quality of preparation and oral presentation of an essay on an agreed class topic (30%), and an oral exam (60%). "Regular and active participation in lectures" will be checked with a record list; based on the list and monitoring of work, teachers will evaluate the student with a grade of "positive" or "negative", which amounts to 10% of the exam.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The candidate will acquire the following general competencies by studying: First, theoretical knowledge of the content of subjects in the master's program. This will enable the candidate/graduate to properly evaluate individual components of the course and other content-related issues. With this theoretical knowledge, the candidate will also be able to critically evaluate new information in this field, as well as the resources they contain. Second, specialized knowledge that will enable further training, theoretical and practical in the workplace, in two substantively rounded areas: 1) study, management, management of matters related to "EU external relations", 2) study, management, leadership things related to “European integration law”. The candidate will acquire specialized knowledge through basic and elective subjects, individual research work, preparation of written obligations, and a master's thesis. Third, the acquisition of knowledge for further, independent deepening of knowledge that the candidate will acquire through individual work during the study and, within the needs of the workplace, after the end of the study.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Through selected subjects, individual research work, and a master's thesis, the graduate will acquire in particular the following subject-specific competencies: First, studying, managing, managing matters related to the EU's foreign, security and defense policy, the EU's international economic relations, economic cooperation with Eastern European countries, economic agreements between EU and non-EU companies, Territorial and cross-border cooperation EU and with the EU diplomatic and consular service. Other, studying, managing, managing matters related to knowledge of the EU acquis and decision-making in the Union, legal principles and economic policy of the EU internal market, European economic law, the EU labor market, migration and asylum policy, judicial protection in the EU with an emphasis on the protection of business relations and energy security, climate change and environmental protection in the EU Third, studying, managing, managing matters related to knowledge of the EU acquis in the field of democracy and the position of individuals in European integration, and EU policy and law on the elimination of discrimination on grounds of race, nationality, and religion.

Access requirements

In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates may transfer to the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in European Legal Studies from 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programmes in the field of: - law (0421) or - an affiliated field - arts and humanities (02), social sciences, journalism and information science (03), business and administrative sciences, law (04) and transport, security, hospitality and tourism, personal services (10) –– provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competences and that at least half of the study obligations under the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. Under the recognition procedure, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

In accordance with Article 41 of the Higher Education Act, if the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average in first-cycle studies .

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates may transfer to the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in European Legal Studies from 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programmes in the field of: - law (0421) or - an affiliated field - arts and humanities (02), social sciences, journalism and information science (03), business and administrative sciences, law (04) and transport, security, hospitality and tourism, personal services (10) –– provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competences and that at least half of the study obligations under the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. Under the recognition procedure, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

According to the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills Acquired before Enrollment in the Study Program, in the process of education at the 2nd cycle, students are recognized knowledge and skills acquired before enrollment in various forms of formal education, which the student demonstrates with certificates and other documents. which show the content and scope of the student's work. The scope and content of the submitted work are evaluated according to the ECTS system up to a maximum of 30 ECTS, which can replace the obligations in the subjects of the study program "European Legal Studies".

Criteria for completing the study

The student completes the 2nd cycle study program "European Legal Studies" when he/she completes all study obligations in the amount of 120 credit points - ECTS (passes all exams determined by the second cycle study program European Legal Studies and prepares and successfully defends a master's thesis).