

Academic bachelor's studies

1 (prva)

7 (7)




15 ECTS 180 ECTS

dipl. tur. (UN)
diplomant turizma (UN)
diplomantka turizma (UN)

Bachelor of Arts

10 – Services

1015 – Travel, tourism and leisure

5 – Social Sciences

izr. prof. dr. JASNA POTOČNIK TOPLER, prof. ang. uni. dipl. nov.

Text about acceptance

Decision of the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education as of 29 September 2008 Adopted at the University Senate on 30 September 2010 Adopted at the Member Faculty Senate on 29 September 2010

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Students' obligations and conditions for promotion from year to year Conditions for promotion to 2nd year: A student shall be promoted to 2nd year if they collect at least 48 ECTS during their 1st year of studies. The mandatory subject, for which all obligations must be completed, is: Tourism Theories. Conditions for promotion to 3rd year: To be promoted to 3rd year, a student has to pass all 1st year exams and collect 48 ECTS in the 2nd year. The mandatory subjects, for which all obligations must be completed, are: Destination Management and Human Resource Management. The conditions for promotion under exceptional conditions and the conditions for repeating the year are stipulated in the Statute of the University of Maribor. The conditions for extending student status are laid down in the Statute of the University of Maribor.

Study advancement options

Under the conditions stipulated in a particular programme, the holder of this diploma is qualified to enrol in a second level undergraduate higher professional education programme.

Employment possibilities

Graduates will be able to find employment in: • tourist companies in the field of sports and leisure, active tourism, agritourism, mountain tourism, events tourism, business tourism, wellness and spa tourism, edutourism, cultural tourism, nautical tourism; • travel agencies, public institutions, state (in relevant professional services of the Ministry of the Economy) and local administration (municipal authority for tourism development); • public administration (Tourism Directorate of the Ministry of the Economy, other ministries (agriculture, environmental protection, etc.), Slovenian Tourist Board, tourist information centres at local level; • companies searching for new tourism forms and alternative forms of combining tourist offer and demand. In all above mentioned areas of employment, graduates will be able to occupy managerial posts in the hospitality and food service industry, conduct market research, organize and manage local/regional tourist boards. Esp. destination tourism is an excellent employment opportunity and a smart career move.

Assesment criteria

Examination methods are defined in the syllabus of each course and include: • Active coursework in seminars • Active coursework in tutorials • Detailed study – business plan • Essay • Colloquium • Completed tutorials • Written examination • Essay-type written examination • Written report • Presentation • Field work presentation • Problem solving • Seminar/project • Term paper • Tutorials • Seminar assignment • Seminar coursework • Coursework • Field work • Oral presentation • Oral exam • Oral defence

Main study programme objectives

Given the requirements and needs of the further development of the tourism industry, the fundamental objective of the 1st cycle university programme 'Tourism: Cooperation and Development' is focused on the training of personnel for the performance of tasks in the individual tourism products and services segments, and for the performance of operational tasks in economic and non-economic activities as well as in tourism-related public administration (tourism directorate, local self-government communities, agencies, institutes): creation, marketing and implementation of quality tourist services, development of tourist destinations and inbound tourism, preservation and promotion of Slovenian cultural and natural heritage, development of tolerance, promotion of the revitalization of rural areas and balanced regional development, protection of the environment, etc. Graduates of the 1st cycle university programme 'Tourism: Cooperation and Development' will be able to analyse work problems, prepare solutions to them, organize the implementation of proposed solutions and implement them in an operational way. The objectives of the 1st cycle university programme 'Tourism: Cooperation and Development' are: • to create a graduate able to act independently and immediately, and carry out tasks in the field of tourism; • to train an expert for the optimal implementation of theoretical knowledge into tourist practice, and for solving professional problems in the working process; • to train a leader able to search for new sources of knowledge and use new methods in the working process, especially in designing tourist destinations and services and in promoting and managing them; • give graduates the relevant basic skills for continuing their education at the 2nd cycle of study.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The general competences acquired by graduates of the university programme 'Tourism: Cooperation and Development' are: • leading working groups of experts and operatives; • constructive cooperation and group work; • ability to develop skills and transfer them and other knowledge to the operational level (employees); • commitment to professional ethics toward all stakeholders; • ability to use the acquired expertise to design tourist services and manage processes, and in organizing and controlling the distribution of services to the consumer; • autonomy in carrying out professional work; • expert inquiry into new models of organization and management with the process of creating tourist products and services; • communication skills and interpersonal skills in dealing with employees and business partners;

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject-specific competences include: • knowledge and understanding of the basic phenomena and concepts in the field of tourism, • integrating tourism-related knowledge with interdisciplinary knowledge, • coordination, communication, management, planning and evaluation of tourism products, • analysis of events in the work process and synthesis of possible actions, with a view to optimising processes and services in a tourism organisation; • mastering three foreign languages for effective communication with business partners and clients in the tourism industry, • understanding the central concepts and applied approaches to the management of organisations in tourism, • use of ICT in tourism and the ability to contribute to the development of tourism information systems; • being familiar with technological trends and the role of new media in tourism, • design and implementation of products in the field of active and health tourism, • demonstrating the values of responsible and green tourism.

Access requirements

Pursuant to Article 38 of the Higher Education Act this programme is available to a) holders of the general matura certificate b) those who passed their secondary school final examination before June 1, 1995 c) holders of the vocational matura certificate and those who additionally passed an examination in one of the following matura subjects: Maths, Foreign Language, History, Economics; the selected subject can not be a subjet, that candidat has already passed in vocational matura.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

Should enrollment census be applicable, candidates shall be admitted according to a) - their general matura performance (60 per cent) - their performance in the third and fourth years of secondary school (40 per cent) c)- their final examination performance (60 per cent) - their performance in the third and fourth years of secondary school (40 per cent) b) - their vocational matura performance (40 per cent) - their performance in the third and fourth years of secondary school (40 per cent) - their performance in the chosen matura subject (20 per cent).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

The possible transfers to the university programme 'Tourism: Cooperation and Development' are as follows: Transfers between programmes are possible in accordance with the Higher Education Act and the Criteria for Transferring Between Programmes, and other regulations. According to the Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes, candidates shall enrol: • in the second or higher year of the 1st cycle university programme ‘Tourism: Cooperation and Development’ in case of discontinued studies in the fields of the hotel and F&B industry, travel, tourism, leisure, social sciences, business and administration, sales, marketing and advertising, management and governance, and working life, and studies are continued under this programme of the same level. • in the second year of such a programme if this is a higher education professional programme graduate in the fields of the hotel and F&B industry, travel, tourism, leisure, social sciences, business and administration, sales, marketing and advertising, management and governance, and working life. Transfer is possible if the candidate meets the following conditions: • the conditions for enrolment in the first year of the 1st cycle university programme ‘Tourism: Cooperation and Development’, • they are transitioning from a programme which ensures, upon the completion of studies, the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes, • upon transfer, at least half of the obligations from the first programme are recognized – under the European transfer credit system (hereinafter referred to as: ECTS) – relating to mandatory subjects of the second programme. When applying for enrolment, the candidate shall apply for their previous training to be recognised. This is subject to the decision of the competent Committee of the Senate of the Faculty at which the candidate intends to continue their studies. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Programmes of the University of Maribor, the applicant must provide the Faculty with: • the application for the recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor, • certificate of completed obligations (exams) with obtained grades and the number of credit points, • validated curricula according to which knowledge has been acquired, • proof of payment for costs of the procedure. When transferring from one programme to another, the candidate’s completed study obligations may be recognized depending on the content, scope and complexity of the new programme, and new obligations defined, which need to be meet for studies under the new programme to be completed.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

Knowledge and skills that students acquire in the course of their 1st cycle education process prior to enrolment, in different forms of formal education and as testified by the relevant certificates and other documents, may be recognised. The scope and content of the work involved shall be evaluated under the ECTS system up to a maximum of 15 ECTS, which may replace comparable obligations under the planned 1st cycle university programme ‘Tourism: Cooperation and Development'. Completed obligations from informal education or professional work (project, detailed study, publications, inventions, patents and other copyright work) may also be recognised provided students submit the relevant documents. The scope and content of the work involved shall be evaluated by the ECTS system up to a maximum of 10 ECTS, which may replace the obligations in the optional courses of the programme. Applications for the recognition of software tool knowledge and skills, professional practice, and functional education courses and seminars completed prior to enrolment in the programme, will be dealt with by the Faculty of Tourism in accordance with the regulations. The candidate shall submit an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills to the Faculty Study Affairs Committee.

Criteria for completing the study

In order to complete their studies, students shall meet all the obligations of the programme and thus collect at least 180 ECTS.