

Academic bachelor's studies

1 (prva)

7 (7)




21 ECTS 180 ECTS

dipl. gosp. inž. (UN)
diplomirani gospodarski inženir (UN)
diplomirana gospodarska inženirka (UN)

Bachelor of Science

07 – Engineering, manufacturing and construction

0788 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction

izr. prof. dr. MIRKO FICKO, univ. dipl. gosp. inž.

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
  • Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Text about acceptance

    The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture and Faculty for Economics and Bussines are members of the University of Maribor, which is a public university. Study programme INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING was accredited on 8. 12. 2006. The University of Maribor was externaly evaluated by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency (SQAA) in 2022 (NAKVIS). SQAA is a member of ENQA and registrated in EQAR.

    Advancement criteria of a study programme

    Criteria for enrolment into year 2: Students proceed into year 2 if they collect at least 45 ECTS by the passed exams from the year 1, mandatory exams are Mathematics A and Principles of economics. Criteria for enrolment into year 3: Students proceed into year 3 if they pass all exams from year 1 and collect at least 40 ECTS with passed exams from the year 2. Mandatory exams from the year 2 are: Organization of building production and Basics of organization and general management.

    Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

    The programme does not include parts that can be individually completed.

    Study advancement options

    Graduates from the university degree study programme (first degree) are admitted to master's studies (second degree), according to the requirements established by the faculty offering post-graduate studies.

    Employment possibilities

    Graduates are capable to perform professional tasks, demanding knowledge from the field of civil engineering supplemented by suitable economic and business knowledge, that correspond the jobs in the following field: -management of construction projects, -management of building objects, -technical and financial supervision of building objects, -feasibility studies, -internal control of quality of building objects, -investment engineering, -technical and financial supervision of production and trade of construction products, -real estate service, -real estate valuation, -state administration and its departments such as governmental agencies, ministries, communities as well as -all other fields where the knowledge of industrial engineers, course civil engineering, can be implemented.

    Additional information

    Further information about offered study programmes by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture is published on the websites - UM FGPA Študij:

    Assesment criteria

    Regulations and syllabi provide for each study unit forms of evaluation and assessment. Instantaneous methods of knowledge evaluation and assessment are encouraged, enabling students to control their own study development.

    Main study programme objectives

    - To provide education of widely proficient graduates who will be able to solve engineering problems and connect different disciplines innovatively. - To enable students transferring between related undergraduate programmes. - To meet requirements of the Slovene construction industry by offering the level of the expected knowledge in civil engineering. - To offer a study programme that connects specific knowledge in construction, which enables the graduate’s further studies in the postgraduate study programme Civil Engineering or related postgraduate study programmes. - To harmonize the study programme with Bologna Declaration which indirectly provide international comparison and transfer. - To educate an expert in the field of civil engineering by meeting European guidelines, and to enable graduates to continue postgraduate studies in institutions in Europe or worldwide by providing international comparability and therefore opportunities of employment in European Union. - In addition, the goal of the new programme is to provide better student transfer with the focus on expanded individual work under the leadership of a mentor (tutor) in senior years. - Our wish is the accreditation of the programme to acquire the title Euro-eng which demands harmonization of the programme with minimum requirements of the FEANI Association: a. Mathematics and natural science at least 20 % of all ECTS. b. Advanced mathematics (linear algebra, analytic geometry, differential and integral equation, numerical analysis, operational research, ...) at least 24 ECTS. c. Engineering courses at least 60 % of all ECTS in three-year study and 50 % in longer study. d. Non-engineering subjects (communicational skills, economics, management, team work, law, safety environment, languages, ...) around 10 % of all ECTS. Additionally, the goal of the programme includes opportunity to transfer between Bologna study programmes, which is not one of the fundamental goals. The evaluation of the learning outcomes is in line with syllabi of each course covering contents with fundamental and other goals of the study programme.

    General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

    This university study programme was designed upon the results of the Tuning project in respect to professional competences of the first degree graduates. Before planning the programme structure and study contents, the industry needs were studied by surveying graduates of the Industrial engineering and their employers. Such approach provided the following postulates in fundamental knowledge and understanding that are included into the contents of the 1st degree University study programme: - wide, analytical and integrative engineering know-how combined with knowledge in business and management, - understanding of the connection between engineering-technological disciplines and economic and business knowledge, - ability to use interdisciplinary knowledge in their business environment in order to solve complex engineering and business issues, - ability for creative thinking, - ability for innovative thinking and activities in all business processes in a company, - ability to understand functions of the companies in the environment and the methods of their management, - understanding of mutual relations and connections between processes and people on different levels of functioning of organizations, - ability to understand influences of the external environment (economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, social, …) in different levels (local, international, global) on development and management of organizations, - knowledge about development of products and services, design, construction, materials, technologies, etc., - knowledge about management (processes, procedures, efficient management practice) in organization, - knowledge and understanding of markets, clients, finances, people, operations, information systems, communication and information technology, business policy and strategy, modern economic and social questions, processes in industry development such as business innovation, development of e-commerce, entrepreneurship, know-how development and management, globalisation, business ethics, values and codes of conduct, etc. The study programme and its organization contribute to development and fostering of the following general skills and abilities of students: - critical thinking and understanding, including analysis and synthesis, - use of efficient and holistic approaches to problem solving and decision making with the support of modern quantitative and qualitative methods, - effective spoken and written communication, - ability to analyse, interpret and use quantitative data and models, - effective use of information and communication technology, - effective time management, planning, motivating, own initiative and entrepreneurship, - openness to diversity (culture, people, organizations) and listening to others, - efficient team work and development of interpersonal skills (effective listening, negotiation, persuasion and presentation), - ability to conduct research in the fields of engineering, business and management, - understanding of European dimension of engineering, management and environment. The study process and programme are designed in order to enable: - acquiring knowledge, motivation and skills to ensure carrier in practical business world in different professional and management positions, - development and motivation for lifelong learning and personal development, - strengthening values and awareness about contribution to social development, - understanding of organization activities and management in public and private sector, in for-profit organizations and non-profit organizations, organizations of various sizes and sectoral orientations (local – international – global). Graduates of the first degree gain proper knowledge and understanding of professional issues in engineering and economics and business, especially within their study tracks, which are designed according to the needs of industry, forming the scope of knowledge and study contents. They can verify and update their knowledge within their industrial practice. Graduates develop ability to use knowledge and understanding by showing professional and ethically correct approach to professional problem solving, so they can formulate and argue their proposals and positions when solving problems in their chosen professional field (study track). At the same time, they develop learning skills, needed for effective university study and further independent lifelong learning.

    Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

    In terms of course-specific competences, students of the undergraduate University study programme Industrial Engineering will gain: - general knowledge in natural sciences, especially mathematics, physics and construction chemistry, - general knowledge in computer science and informatics, - general fundamental and profound know-how in civil engineering, - fundamental professional knowledge in economy, organization, marketing, law and management, - integrational knowledge in construction economics, organization and management, - abilities for independent and creative management in construction companies, in their engineering and commercial managerial sectors, - abilities for design and management of construction projects in engineering companies, for investors, public authorities and others, - abilities for management of construction projects in terms of proper quality, timeliness and economic efficiency, - abilities for communication in a company and with partners and clients, - abilities for usage of information-communication technology and systems in a certain professional discipline, - expertise and understanding of argumentation and historical development of fundamental discipline, - ability to solve work problems by the means of scientific methods and procedures, - coherent proficiency in fundamental science and ability to connect and apply knowledge from different disciplines, - understanding of methods of critical analyses and theory development and ability to use them when solving concrete work problems, - ability to implement new information and interpretations in the context of their fundamental discipline.

    Access requirements

    The enrolment into university degree study programme of Industrial Engineering - Civil Engineering module is possible if: a) the student has passed the matura examination, b) the student has passed the vocational matura in any secondary school programme and the examination in matura subject mathematics or foreign language, if he passed mathematics as the vocational matura examination, c) the student has completed any secondary school programme before 1.6.1995.

    Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

    If only a limited number of students are admitted, the candidates from the a) and c) are selected according to: - general performance in matura examination or secondary school leaving examination 60 % points, - general performance in the 3rd and 4th year of the secondary school 40 % points. The candidates from b) are selected according to: - general performance in vocational matura examination 40 % points, - general performance in the 3rd and 4th year of the secondary school 40 % points, - degree in matura subject 20 % points.

    Transfer criteria between study programmes

    According to Criteria for transferring between study programmes, candidates can enrol into: • the second or third year of the 1st degree university study programme Industrial Engineering, track Civil Engineering, if they terminate the education in their first study programme and they proceed study within the same programme of the same degree or enrol into a new study programme of the same degree. They can transfer from the field of industrial engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. • The enrolment of the higher vocational graduates into the 1st degree university study programme is not possible. The transfer is possible under the following conditions: • if candidates fulfil conditions for the enrolment into the first year of the 1st degree university study programme Industrial Engineering, track Civil engineering, • if they come from the study programme which provides comparable competences or learning outcomes, • if at least half of the obligations according to the European transfer credit system (hereinafter ECTS) can be recognized from the first study programme that are related to the mandatory courses of the second study programme. Decision about transferring from one study programme into another is made by the relevant committee of the senate from the faculty where the candidate wants to continue the studies. According to the Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidates should provide the faculty with: • application for knowledge and skill recognition at the University of Maribor, • certificate on completed study obligations (examinations) with grades and number of credits, • accredited syllabi of the completed courses, • confirmation about the payment of the procedure. When transferring from one study programme into another, completed study obligations can be recognized according to the contents, scope and complexity of knowledge in the new programme, also, new obligations are determined which a candidate should complete in order to finish the studies in a new study programme.

    Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

    Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor. Assessment of gained knowledge and skills must base on educational competences of the study programme.

    Criteria for completing the study

    The study is completed when all obligations, prescribed by the study programmes are fulfilled, and 180 ECTS are collected.


    Text about acceptance

    The study program was confirmed at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the 17th of October 2006 and was accepted by the Council for Higher Education of Republic of Slovenia on the 8th of December 2006. The study program was confirmed again at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the 9th of May 2013 and was accepted by The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education on the 15th of May 2014.

    Advancement criteria of a study programme

    Conditions for transition to the 2nd study year: Students advance to the 2nd study year if they acquire at least 48 ECTS credits by passing the 1st study year exams and if they have passed the exams in the following subjects: - Mathematical Analysis (6 ECTS), - Mechanics I (6 ECTS), - Materials I (4 ECTS), - Fundamentals of Economics (5 ECTS) - Technical Documentation (4 ECTS). Students who do not fulfil all the obligations for advancement may exceptionally be granted enrolment in the 2nd study year at their request by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member if they have fulfilled more than half of the first year study obligations (more than 30 ECTS) and if they have completed the above study subjects, but only if they were unable to fulfil the study obligations for justified reasons which are determined in the Statute of the University of Maribor, and if it is expected that they will fulfil the obligations. Conditions for transition to the 3rd study year: Students progress to the 3rd study year if they have passed all 1st study year exams (60 ECTS) and collected at least 45 ECTS credits with passed 2nd study year exams and if they have passed the exams in the following study subjects: - Mechanical Elements (6 ECTS), - Differential Analysis (3 ECTS), - Production Technologies II (3 ECTS), - Basics of Organization and General Management (6 ECTS). Students who do not meet all the obligations for advancement may, at their request, exceptionally be granted enrolment in the 3rd study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member, if they have passed all 1st study year exams (60 ECTS) and fulfilled more than half of the 2nd year study obligations (more than 30 ECTS), and if they have passed the above study subjects, insofar as they could not fulfil the study obligations for justified reasons set out in the Statute of the University of Maribor, and if they are expected to fulfil the obligations. Repetition of the study year: A student who has not fulfilled all the obligations for transition to a higher study year may be granted repetition of the study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member at his/her request if he/she has fulfilled at least half of the study obligations for the enrolled study year (at least 30 ECTS). The Commission may also approve the repetition of the study year to a student who has completed less than half of the study obligations of the enrolled study year (less than 30 ECTS), if justified reasons have arisen, as stipulated in the Statute of the University of Maribor.

    Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

    The study programme is comprehensive and does not provide for the completion of individual parts of the programme.

    Study advancement options

    Postgraduate study at 2. level (M.Sc.) study programme of Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering or Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Maribor or similar study programmes at other higher-education institutions. The candidates can enrol into a postgraduate study of 2. level postgraduate programs in accordance with the conditions of the institution that offers the postgraduate study program.

    Employment possibilities

    A graduate of university 1. level study programme of Industrial Engineering has excellent possibilities for employment in all branches of industry, which are related to mechanical engineering, as well as in other sectors. Working and employment possibilities are: technical and managerial leading positions in mechanical and other engineering companies; project leading positions in engineering companies, public sector end elsewhere; leadership of various research projects, leading management positions, self-employed entrepreneurs, management of control, organisation and maintenance. Leading and participating in product development, market analysis and information transfer, where Industrial Engineering graduates are expected to take the leading role. Possible adaptation of engineering knowledge to other fields and interdisciplinary type of education of industrial engineers enable them to work in practically all industrial technical branches everywhere in the World.

    Additional information

    Information on study programmes offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the UM is available on the website

    Other obligations

    There are no other obligations.

    Assesment criteria

    Examination and assessment of students’ learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor, available at Criteria and methods of assessing the knowledge within an individual study subject are part of the SUBJECT-SPECIFICation and are publicly available on the website For all subjects in all study programmes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, knowledge assessment is regulated by a single "Assessment Scale" which is available at Methods of ongoing assessment and evaluation of knowledge are encouraged, thus enabling students to monitor their own progress in their studies.

    Main study programme objectives

    Learning outcomes or competencies of graduates of the university study program of the 1st level of Industrial Engineering majoring in Mechanical Engineering, which they acquire during the educational process, are appropriate to the content and level of the program. Major changes in the field of scientific and technological development and globalization, as well as the economic and social structure of the world, require changes in the education system, with the aim of educating and training professionals who will be able to operate successfully in new business conditions. We want to educate graduates with a new concept of interdisciplinary engineering knowledge. The program is modern and up-to-date and signifies a complete modernization in accordance with European guidelines and the needs of the Slovenian economy. The program educates modern European engineers who are able to get involved in working in the economy both in Slovenia and in the European Union. An important goal of the proposed program is certainly education for further study. The program enables and encourages students to further their studies in the postgraduate program, as it provides them with relevant basic and professional knowledge. The aim of the study program is to develop students’ creativity and ability to flexibly connect and apply knowledge from different fields between and within the study courses. Namely, the program emphasizes the theoretical orientation as well as the complex connection with development trends, knowledge bases and new research concepts, which is a condition for the education of successful and efficient engineers. With its flexibility, the study program enables students to satisfy the special wishes of students in the choice of field and specialization and enables them to easily master professional contents in the wider field of mechanical engineering on the basis of systematically selected and broadly based basic and other knowledge. The goal of the program is certainly to ensure a simpler and more successful transition of students with an emphasis on individual study, under the guidance of a mentor in senior years. The stated goals of the study program are the starting point for evaluating the learning outcomes of students both within individual subject contents and in the final diploma theses.

    General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

    In the design of the university study program the findings of the Tuning project regarding the necessary professional competencies of graduates at the first level were considered, and before planning the program structure and study content, the needs of the economy were examined by interviewing Industrial Engineering graduates and their employers. Such an approach allowed us to define the following profiles of basic knowledge and understanding, which we included in the study contents at the first study level of university study: - broad, analytical, and integrative technical knowledge and business and management knowledge, - understanding the connection between the technical-technological field and economic-business knowledge, - ability to use interdisciplinary knowledge in business environment to solve complex technical and business issues, - ability to think creatively, - ability to think innovatively and act within all business processes in the company, - ability to understand the functioning of organizations in the environment and the ways in which they are managed and guided, - understanding the interrelationships and connections between processes, people and at different levels of the organizations’ operations, - ability to understand the impacts of the external environment (economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, social ...) at different levels (local, international, global) on the development and management of organizations, - knowledge of product and service development, design, construction, materials, technologies, etc., - knowledge of management (processes, procedures, practice of effective management in organizations) and decision-making in organizations, knowledge and understanding of markets, customers, finance, people, operations, information systems, communication and information technology, business policy and strategy, modern and current economic and social issues, processes, and emphases in economic development, such as, e.g., business innovation, e-commerce development, entrepreneurship, knowledge development and management, globalization, business ethics, values, and rules of conduct, etc. The study program and the appropriate forms of its implementation contribute to the development and strengthening of the following general skills and abilities of students: - critical thinking and understanding, including analysis and synthesis, - use of effective and comprehensive approaches in problem solving and decision making with the support of modern quantitative and qualitative methods, - effective oral and written communication, - skill in analysing, interpreting, and using quantitative data and models, - efficient use of information and communication technology, - effective time management, planning, motivation, taking initiative, and entrepreneurship, - openness and listening to others and diversity (of cultures, people, organizations), - effective teamwork and development of interpersonal skills (effective listening, negotiation, persuasion, and presentation), - ability to conduct research in the field of technology, business, and management, - understanding the European dimension of engineering, management, and the environment. The study process and program are designed to enable: - acquisition of knowledge, motivation, abilities, and skills that ensure the preparation of a graduate for a career in the practical business world in various professional and managerial positions, - development and motivation of graduates for lifelong learning and personal development, - strengthening the values and awareness of graduates about contributing to the development of society, - understanding the activities and operations of organizations operating in the public and private sector, organizations operating on a profitable basis and non-profit organizations, as well as of organizations of various sizes and sectoral orientations (local-international-global). At the first level of study, graduates acquire appropriate knowledge and understanding of professional issues in the technical field and in the field of economics and business sciences, especially within individual study orientations which are formed on the basis of business needs, and a set of necessary knowledge. Students confirm and upgrade their knowledge during their studies within the framework of industrial practice. Graduates develop the ability to use knowledge and understanding in such a way that demonstrates a professional and ethically correct approach to solving professional problems and are able to formulate and argue their proposals and positions in solving professional problems within the selected professional fields (study directions). At the same time, graduates develop the appropriate learning skills necessary for effective university studies which form the basis for further (lifelong) learning with a high degree of autonomy.

    Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

    Subject-specific competencies are, of course, related to the content of the Industrial Engineering study programme syllabus and its study subjects. In any case, students will gain relevant knowledge in the field of: - general knowledge of the natural sciences, in particular mathematics, mechanics, physics, and of materials, - general knowledge of computer science and informatics, - basic expertise in the field of economics. This knowledge is, of course, the basis for the development of subject-specific competencies in professional and applied study subjects: - ability to design, develop and use modern production technologies, production automation and new production concepts, - ability to manage information, material and energy flows in the design, formation, construction and manufacture and maintenance of products, - ability to manage existing production processes and technologies, to analyse, assess and evaluate, and update them, - ability to organize and manage the production process, - use of knowledge of production technologies in metallic and non-metallic products and the use of acquired technological knowledge in product development and design, - understanding of available modern production technologies and knowledge for selection of the most economical production technology, - management of computer integrated production, - ability to ensure adequate product quality by carrying out appropriate measurements and quality control, - ability of interdisciplinary understanding of activities in production systems, - understanding of work processes, understanding of work media, concepts of heat and work, concepts of flows and their density, - management of simple engineering problems in the field of power plants, - ability to design and construct machine parts related to turbine machines, aerodynamics, noise reduction, environmental problems, - design knowledge for the development of new products, - basics of design and construction of machine parts for transmission of motion and power, - control of dimensioning of machine constructions, - combined use of different basic knowledge for solving engineering problems in the field of construction, energy and production engineering, - the ability to continuously develop skills in the application of knowledge in a specific professional field, - ability to use modern computer, information and communication technology and systems in the professional field, - ability to develop a product while simultaneously mastering both technical-technological and economic-business aspects, - management of fundamental issues in the field of economics, organization, marketing, accounting, and management, - ability of basic market thinking in own engineering environment, - project management and project methodology, - ability to understand the content of the basic financial statements, - mastering the basic organizational and managerial aspects of companies and other organizations, - understanding the basic principles according to which a modern company operates. Within the three elective courses at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the students have the opportunity to profile their technical or engineering field (construction, energy, production engineering) and in this way acquire additional subject-specific competencies to complete their graduate profile.

    Access requirements

    The following candidates can enrol in the university level study program: a) who passed the general matura before leaving secondary school, b) who passed the professional matura of secondary school and one exam: chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, foreign language or art theory; choosen course should not be the cours which has been done within the professional matura c) who finished any four year secondary school before the 1st of June, 1995

    Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

    If decision about limiting the number of student entries is accepted, than the candidates from points a) and c) will be selected considering : achieved average grade of study at 1st level study programmes. - general grade of general examination or final examination 60% points (ponder 0,6) - general grade in 3. and 4. year 40% points (ponder 0,4) Candidates from point b) will be selected considering: - general grade of professional leaving examination 40% points (ponder 0,4) - general grade in 3. and 4. year 40% points (ponder 0,4) - grade from the additional exam: 20% points (ponder 0,2)

    Transfer criteria between study programmes

    Candidates are enrolled according to the Criteria for Transitions between Study Programmes: • in the second or higher study year of the university study programme of the 1st level of Industrial Engineering, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, when it comes to the termination of education according to the first study programme in the field of Technology (071); Interdisciplinary Educational Activities/Outcomes, mainly Engineering, Production Technologies and Construction (0788); Construction (0732); Transport (1041); Environmental Sciences (0521) and continuation of studies according to the study programme of the same level. Transition is possible if the candidate meets the following conditions: • meets the conditions for enrolment in the first year of the university study programme of the 1st level of Industrial Engineering, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, • transfers from the study programme which at the end of the study ensures the acquisition of comparable competencies or learning outcomes, • upon transfer, at least half of the obligations under the European Credit Transfer System (hereinafter: ECTS) from the first study programme, which refer to the compulsory subjects of the second study programme, are recognized. Transitions between 1st level higher education study programmes. The transition from one study programme to another study programme is decided by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Commission for Study Affairs. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in the Study Programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidate needs to submit to the Faculty: • application for recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor, • certificate of completed study obligations (exams) with obtained grades and the number of credit points, • validated curricula according to which knowledge has been acquired, • proof of payment for the procedure. If at least so many ECTS credit points are recognized in the process of recognition at the time of transfer that the conditions for enrolment in the senior year of the university study programme 1st level in Industrial Engineering, study course Mechanical Engineering will be met, the candidates will be granted enrolment in the second or higher year of the study programme. They will be assigned the missing obligations that they need to complete if they want to graduate in the new study programme. The transition from post-secondary study programmes to the university study programme of the 1st level of Industrial Engineering, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, is not possible.

    Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

    Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by the Rules on Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor which regulate the procedures for identifying, verifying, and recognizing knowledge and criteria for recognizing knowledge and skills acquired by candidates through formal and non-formal learning prior to enrolment and while studying at the University of Maribor. The rules can be found at The basic criterion for recognition is the comparability of knowledge acquired elsewhere with learning units, skills and competences. Examination, in terms of content and complexity, whether they fully or partially correspond to the general and/or subject-specific competencies determined by the study programme.

    Criteria for completing the study

    A student who completes all the obligations prescribed by the study programme and thus collects at least 180 ECTS credits completes his/her studies.