

Academic bachelor's studies

1 (prva)

7 (7)




30 ECTS 180 ECTS

dipl. inž. log. (UN)
diplomirani inženir logistike (UN)
diplomirana inženirka logistike (UN)

Bachelor of Science

10 – Services

1088 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services

2 – Engineering and Technology

Instruction in English

izr. prof. dr. MATEVŽ OBRECHT

Part-time study is also carried out at the dislocated unit in Ljubljana.

Supply chain management

Understanding the supply chain and the principles of its management and knowing how to optimise it from the point of view of value chain management an

Analytical and system thinking

Ability to accurately anticipate the possible needs and effects of the introduction of measures in the supply chain, the ability to analyse and interp


Ability to use and implement new and creative solutions, with constant efforts to improve processes, systems or services.

Technological skills

Ability to use in-depth specialised knowledge and skill of judgment for the introduction of information technology into efficient logistics solutions.

Excellent interpersonal skills

Demonstrating excellent communication skills, flexibility and decision-making. Ability to work in and manage a team.

Forecasts indicate that experts in the field of logistics and supply chain management will be among the most desirable employees. Tectonic changes in industry - pandemics, the rise of e-consumption, demands for sustainability, digitalisation… - require skilled people who can successfully manage new demands and newly created conditions. Excellent international opportunities and high financial incentives are certainly one of the most important reasons for studying logistics and having a career in a growing industry that never rests. Who is the university study programme intended for: The university degree study program is designed for ambitious, innovative and creative individuals who love everyday logistics and business challenges. We primarily target high school students, but also ambitious and flexible individuals who want leadership positions and responsible work in a rapidly changing environment. Why sign up: The completed study provides you with interdisciplinary knowledge and competencies in the field of management (leadership skills, self-initiative, people management, business processes, sustainable development concepts), technology (smart communities, autonomous vehicles, drones, process digitization, automation of storage systems, production robotics) and optimization methods (analysis, simulation, basic programming, optimization and implementation of solutions in practice).

Text about acceptance

The Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education gave its consent to the implementation of the University degree undergraduate study programme of System Logistics to the Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor at its 19th meeting on 24 12. 2004. 29.09.2022- External evaluation of the University Study Programme Logistics systems for a period of 5 years (until 2027).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Conditions for enrolment in the 2nd year: Students advance to the 2nd year if they obtain at least 46 ECTS with the completed obligations of the 1st year, and fulfil the obligations in the following subjects: Mathematical Methods 1, Management of business processes in resilient supply chains, Operations research in logistics and Mechatronics systems in logistics. For students repeating the 1st year, the same conditions apply for advancement to a higher year of study as for students who regularly advance to a higher year. For students who continue their studies after an interruption, the same conditions apply for advancement to the 2nd year as to students who regularly advance to the 2nd year. Conditions for enrolment in the 3rd year: Students advance to the 3rd year if they have completed all the obligations of the 1st year and obtained at least 39 ECTS, but they must fulfil the obligations in the following subjects: System theory and Transportation logistics. For students repeating the year, the same conditions apply for advancement to a higher year of study as for students who regularly advance to a higher year. For students who continue their studies after an interruption, the same conditions apply for advancement to the 3rd year as to students who regularly advance to the 3rd year.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

There are no individual parts of the study program.

Study advancement options

Upon completion of the Academic Study Programme the students may continue their studies under the Second-Cycle Study Programme in System Logistics as well as other second-cycle study programmes.

Employment possibilities

As university graduates in logistics you are qualified for middle and top management managerial positions: • director of logistics, • head of distribution, • supply chain manager, • head of procurement, • coordinator of business and logistics processes, • key account manager, • head of sales, • head of planning, • project manager, • founder and manager of your own company based on innovative logistics solutions.

Additional information The faculty organizes full-time and part-times studies at its registered office in Celje. Part-time studies are organized at a remote unit in Ljubljana as well. The excellence of our study program is reflected in the international accreditations we have been awarded: - ECBE – European Council for Business Education in - ACBSP – Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. These two accreditations enhance the reputation of our faculty abroad enabling us to connect with foreign institutions similar to ours with which we have excellent cooperation, and exchange knowledge and experience. Consequently, our study programs are of top notch quality enhancing the employability of our graduates both at home and abroad. “Athletes Friendly Education” certificate allows “top-notch athletes” to obtain adequate education and experience required for new professional challenges once their sports career comes to an end.

Other obligations

We also encourage our students to participate in serious research work. By taking part in the Creative Path to Knowledge project (PKP), the Student Innovative Projects for Social Benefit (ŠIPK), and economy-related projects/ideas/challenges our students are given the opportunity to choose a mentor and prepare a paper covering a specific topic. Among others, they also have an opportunity to present their papers at the annual international “Logistics & International Business” student symposium. Students also have an opportunity to participate in scientific conferences and the logistics congress where they can learn about the latest scientific discoveries. The Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor offers students with an affinity for research work a lot of opportunities for above-standard scientific engagement, particularly by enabling them access to cutting-edge technologies and equipment in the laboratories.

Main study programme objectives

In the interdisciplinary study program System Logistics you will gain knowledge of logistics processes (organization of supply chain processes, logistics techniques and technologies, optimization methods in logistics, etc.) as well as knowledge of logistics systems (modern transport systems, planning and management of a logistics system, warehousing systems, etc.). During your study, you thus get acquainted with different tools and methodologies which will enable you to analyze and design logistics systems, find solutions to problems as well as implement logistics systems. Teaching methods encourage students to think critically, while the inclusion of professionals from practice in the delivery of the study program provides you with the opportunity to learn about trends and dynamics of the work in organizations in which successful management of logistics processes creates a competitive edge. Theoretical and applied knowledge gained in the program can be used in scientific research work at the end of the study program. The study program is predominantly designed for students who want to familiarize themselves with the basics of the systematic aspect of logistics and search for jobs at the middle management level and whose greatest wish is to continue their education with the master’s degree program System Logistics.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The general intellectual skills you are required to have are: • critical thinking ability, • intellectual openness and curiosity, • creativity and originality, • commitment to professional ethics, • ability to calculate and understand quantitative information, • ability to make tactical and strategic decisions. You will also learn the following personal skills: • ability to work alone or in cooperation with others, • self-discipline and ability to plan and achieve goals in terms of logistics, supply chain and logistics team, • ability to lead and assume responsibility, • having respect for different cultural values and accepting human and cultural diversity, • personal and professional integrity and awareness of acting ethically.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

You will also gain the following specific skills: • a perfect command of theoretical knowledge of supply chains and complementary items of other disciplines, • ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of supply chains within the logistics processes in practice • ability to identify a problem, analyze the processes and critically assess and provide opportunities for improvements at the tactical and strategical level of logistic systems within an organization and at the level of supply chains, • ability to apply IT and ICT to support the logistics processes and the management of supply chains within a supply network, • ability to develop your own business idea and business plan, • ability to manage the logistics system within a company, • ability to manage the supply chains and operations with a view to creating resilient and flexible supply chains.

Access requirements

The requirements for enrolment in the Academic Study Programme in System Logistics are, as follows: a) Passed general matura (general upper secondary school-leaving external examination). b) Passed vocational matura (final examination of any secondary school programme) and examination in one of the following general matura subjects: mathematics, foreign language, electrical engineering, computer science, physics or mechanics. The chosen subject should not be the subject that the applicant had already taken at the vocational matura. c) Any finished four-year secondary school programme before 1 June 1995.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If a decision to limit enrollment is made, candidates will be selected based on the following criteria: Overall performance in the general matura, vocational matura, or final exam: 40% of points, Overall performance in the 3rd and 4th years of secondary school: 40% of points, Performance in the subject of mathematics in the general matura, vocational matura, or final exam: 20% of points.

Transfer criteria between study programmes

Transfer is possible if the candidate meets the following conditions: • The requirements for enrolment in the first year of the First-Cycle Academic Study Programme System Logistics; • Is transferring from a study programme that leads to the acquisition of comparable competencies or learning outcomes at the end of studies; • Upon transfer, at least half of the study obligations according to the European Credit Transfer System (hereafter ECTS) under the firsts study programme relating to compulsory courses of the second study programme are recognised. In accordance with the transfer criteria between the study programmes, the candidates may enrol: • In the second or higher year of the First-Cycle Academic Study Programme System Logistics, when they have suspended their studies according to the first study programme and continue their studies under this study programme of the same cycle. Candidates can transfer from the following fields: transport services, engineering and engineering services, information and communication technologies, natural sciences, economics, security services. Candidates who have completed the Short-Cycle Higher Education Programme cannot enrol in the First-Cycle Academic Study Programme in System Logistics.

Criteria for completing the study

The study is completed by completing all the obligations determined by the study programme.

Technical module

Additional information

TECHNICAL MODULE The technical module focuses on the planning and management of logistics systems, project management and intra-logistics, as well as packaging management and disposal logistics. Packaging is part of logistics and we must not forget about environment awareness and strive touse environment-friendly materials as nowadays almost each and every product comes in a packaging. In this context the study program allows to gain new skills in 3D modeling and printing of packaging made of new materials, processes of disposal logistics, and functioning of intra-logistics within the 4.0 industry. You further specialize in the methods and techniques of preparing project plans, controlling projects and managing the costs thereof. You are also qualified to know the procedures and systems of planning the logistics of a manufacturing and assembly system as well as of planning and enhancing the supply of logistics systems by introducing automation or partial automation of supply while considering interim warehouses and safety requirements. In the third year, students of the Technical Module at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, have the option to choose one Elective Course from the offerings of other study programs at the Faculty of Logistics, from offerings of other faculties at the University of Maribor, or from offerings of other universities in the summer semester, instead of one elective course from the module: 0304-Planning of packaging and reverse logistics (6 ECTS), 0339- Planning and management of logistics systems (6 ECTS), and 0305-Intralogistics and Project Management (6 ECTS). Students of other member faculties of the University of Maribor can choose a free choice course from the list of free choice courses of the university study programme System Logistics of the Faculty of Logistics UM: 0348-Mechatronics systems in logistics (6 ECTS), 0356-Warehose systems and Warehouse operation (6 ECTS), 0359-Statistical modeling in logistics (6 ECTS), 0360-Human resource management in logistics (6 ECTS) and 0349-Management of business processes in resilient supply chains (6 ECTS).

Economic module

Additional information

ECONOMIC MODULE The economic module focuses on sustainable supply chains, intra-logistics and project management, as well as on logistics within specific systems. It enables you to gain an in-depth knowledge of how to plan and enhance the supply of logistics systems in terms of time and ergonomic assessment, familiarizes you with the method of measuring the carbon footprint and the establishment of the ISO standard for environmental management and power management tools based on the considerations of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental components). It also focuses on the functioning of intra-logistics within the 4.0 industry, the methods and techniques of preparing project plans and controlling projects and managing the costs thereof. You are further acquainted with specifics of logistics within postal services, health care system, agriculture, tourism and sports. In the third year, students of the Economic Module at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, have the option to choose one Elective Course from the offerings of other study programs at the Faculty of Logistics, from offerings of other faculties at the University of Maribor, or from offerings of other universities in the summer semester, instead of one elective course from the module: 0288-Establishment and assessment of sustainable supporting chain of sustainable supply chain audit (6 ECTS), 0305-Intralogistics and project management (6 ECTS) and 0306-Logistics in specific invironments (6 ECTS). Students of other member faculties of the University of Maribor can choose a free choice course from the list of free choice courses of the university study programme System Logistics of the Faculty of Logistics UM: 0348-Mechatronics systems in logistics (6 ECTS), 0356-Warehose systems and Warehouse operation (6 ECTS), 0359-Statistical modeling in logistics (6 ECTS), 0360-Human resource management in logistics (6 ECTS) and 0349-Management of business processes in resilient supply chains (6 ECTS).