

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




42 ECTS 120 ECTS

red. prof. dr. SONJA ŠOSTAR TURK, univ. dipl. inž. tekst.

The development of health sciences, globalization of the European and world space requires the constant adaptation of the higher edu-cation and research system. Society expects a lot f rom nurses, so it is necessary to pay special attention to their education which has to be in line with the importance, responsibility and increasing complexity of their role. In the process of educating nurses, it is necessary to formu-late the standpoint that their function rises to a higher quality level of management of the entire nursing process. Through her activity, the nurse realizes the educational function of students as well as patients and their relatives, therefore the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences developed the postgraduate 2nd cycle study programme Nursing Care. The programme is an upgrade of the undergraduate 1st cycle professional study programme Nursing Care.Graduates can be employed in all EU member countries.

Text about acceptance

The study program was accredited on March 14, 2006.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

A student can enroll to the 2nd year if she/he collects at least 48 ECTS credits by completing the obligations of the 1st year.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The program does not contain parts that can be completed individually.

Study advancement options

Postgraduate study programs at the 3rd level at universities in Slovenia and abroad are an option for continuing education.

Additional information

Information about the study programs offered by UM FZV is available on the website of UM FZV at the link:

Other obligations

There are no other obligations.

Assesment criteria

Verification and evaluation of the student's learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the Verification and Evaluation of Knowledge at the UM -official-precise-text-UPB1.pdf For each study unit, the type and method of taking the exam and the conditions for taking the exam are determined by the curriculum, which is an integral part of the study program. In the curriculum, the share of each method of checking and evaluating knowledge, which it contributes to the final grade, is determined. Ways of on-the-spot verification and assessment of knowledge are encouraged, thereby enabling students to monitor their own progress in their studies.

Main study programme objectives

The fundamental goal of the 2nd degree study program Nursing Care comprehensively encompasses knowledge, skills and abilities for autonomous functioning in the field of nursing and healthcare development. Learning outcomes: • qualification for research in the clinical practice of nursing and healthcare; knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methodology, • the ability to study modern nursing theories and their application in clinical practice, • the ability to know the philosophical and ethical principles in health care while treating the patient holistically; studying the ethical dimension of human actions and the application of moral theory in the theoretical and practical field of nursing, • mastering the tasks and roles of health workers in health promotion and the applied connection between theory and practice, • the ability to perceive the role and dynamics of social and socio-cultural changes and their consequences on individual and family life, on the attitude to illness and health and to institutions dealing with health maintenance and prevention or by treating the disease, • the ability to study concepts related to the theory and practice of management and treatment, the ability to use management theories in nursing and in health and social care, • competence in the application of principles and humanistic theories of learning and acquired knowledge for educational activities in the field of nursing for various target groups, • the ability to identify and analyze public health problems to improve and maintain health and prevent and eliminate disease, as well as to integrate measures into the comprehensive health care system, • competence in the use and design of elements of gerontological nursing, outpatient nursing and perioperative nursing, • the ability to recognize one's role in improving quality in healthcare and nursing, • knowledge of the importance and usefulness of information, information systems and information technology in healthcare and nursing, • the ability to use simulations, distance learning and virtual reality in health and nursing • the ability to deal with and critically assess emergency situations in healthcare and independently resolve only those in complex and unpredictable circumstances • competence in the implementation of emergency diagnostic procedures and participation in therapeutic measures in the field and in the emergency center • competence for high-quality and reliable early triage of patients and injured in the field and emergency centers with knowledge of rating scales • the ability to work in teams and partially make independent decisions with the critically ill and seriously injured in the pre-hospital (family medicine clinics, pre-hospital units, motor ambulance, helicopter emergency medical aid unit) and hospital environment (admission emergency department, intensive medicine and intensive care departments) • the ability to develop knowledge and skills in nutritional science, dietetics and clinical nutrition, as well as in the field of behavioral sciences, which form the basis for the certification of dietitians and for work in healthcare, • the ability to assess the state of nutrition and the patient's diet and methods for prescribing diets, and to learn about the patient's diet or the differences between the diet of a healthy and a sick person, • the ability to recognize, critically analyze and improve eating habits (nutritional therapy for various diseases and also in the context of preventive health care, based on research and proven experience), • the ability to use advanced knowledge and skills from the narrower professional field of integrated prevention, holistic treatment and management of a patient with a chronic non-communicable disease, and critical awareness of ongoing issues relevant to this practice • competence in planning holistic and individual nursing care of a chronic patient • the ability to perform diagnostic procedures and participate in therapeutic measures in the context of treating a chronic patient with knowledge and use of chronic patient management protocols • the ability to apply advanced knowledge and critical thinking to provide holistic gerontological health care at the primary level • the ability to independently carry out a holistic health assessment and use clinical reasoning to identify nursing care needs in the elderly • the ability to plan comprehensive gerontological health care, long-term care and end-of-life care • ability to use advanced clinical knowledge and critical thinking to provide a holistic assessment of mental health and health psychology for the individual, family and community • the ability to carry out a holistic assessment of the health status and the use of clinical reasoning in mental health and the importance of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of mental disorders • ability to treat addiction, suicides and suicidal behaviors and psychiatric emergency treatment • ability to participate in therapeutic measures with knowledge of the importance of psychopharmacology in the context of therapy and prevention of mental disorders the ability to understand the importance of a rational system of health care for the health of the individual and the population and the use of advanced knowledge in the field of public health work, organization and methods of work, and knowledge of health systems, their characteristics and determinants that influence their design • knowledge of dangerous physical effects on humans and their health and their deterministic physiological effects • knowledge of basic ecological concepts: ecosystems, communities, populations, habitat, ecological niches, biodiversity, interspecies relations, evolutionary changes • competence in the use of epidemiological methods in studying the health and diseases of the population The student acquires the ability to develop the qualities of independent and responsible leadership and to coordinate teamwork. Acquires responsibility towards the profession, towards the patient and towards colleagues in the healthcare team, and develops co-responsibility for the balanced development of nursing care in Slovenia and Europe.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

Among the general competences of the 2nd degree study program Nursing Care, the following competences are particularly pointed out: - the ability to use and design elements of modern nursing care, - the ability to use research methods and procedures and processes in nursing, - the ability to make critical judgments, apply theoretical findings in practice and integrate theoretical models into the nursing process, - the ability to use knowledge in the field of health promotion and the organization of primary health care and preventive measures at this level. In accordance with the acquired competences, the graduate will be qualified to: - to design qualitative and quantitative research in nursing care with particular emphasis on topics such as sample collection and determination, accessibility, ethics and accuracy. He will master the use of various techniques and methods of collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data; - to get to know the fundamental characteristics, problems and open questions of health care as an important element of integrated humanistic studies, in which philosophical views are explained with an additional emphasis on ethical dimensions; - for the presentation of theoretical content and evidence-based nursing care, for empirical analyzes in health care and nursing care, for organizing, managing and supervising nursing care activities and services, monitoring the outcomes and effects of nursing care and documentation, interdisciplinary integration to ensure high-quality, comprehensive treatment of the patient ; - to acquire targeted basic knowledge in the field of the course; the graduate deepens his knowledge in the course, where he acquires desirable competencies in the chosen field of health sciences.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 2nd-cycle (master's) study programme: 1. A 1st-cycle (bachelor’s) study programme in the field of health (091). 2. An undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the field of health (091). 3. An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the field of health (091). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. 4. A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 in the field of health (091). Candidates are typically awarded 60 ECTS credits and may enrol in the second year of study provided they satisfy the transfer criteria laid down in the accredited study programme. In order to be admitted to the Emergency Situations in Health Care option, candidates shall have three years of work experience in the field of nursing care demonstrated by a certificate of employment issued by the employer.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to grade point average including the final work (100%). If the final work is not required for completion of the study programme, only the grade point average shall be considered (100%). In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates may transfer to the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme in Nursing Care from study programmes in the field of health (091) provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competences and that at least half of the study obligations under the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. Under the recognition procedure, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

Recognition is governed by the procedures and criteria prescribed by the Rulebook on recognition of knowledge and skills in study programs of the University of Maribor no. 012/2019/2. The procedures for determining, verifying and recognizing knowledge and the criteria for recognizing knowledge and skills are used for candidates who are enrolling and for already enrolled students who want their previously acquired knowledge and skills to be taken into account as part of the completed study obligations in the existing program. UM FZV can recognize candidates' knowledge and skills if, in terms of scope, content and complexity, they correspond in whole or in part to the general or subject-specific competencies determined by the study program in which the candidates wish to enroll or are enrolled. A candidate who has previously studied in another accredited study program may be awarded credit points already obtained from study programs of the same level of difficulty. The basis for recognition is a public document or a certificate of completed learning units and individual curricula, which must show the number of credit points, the number and structure of hours, contents, goals and competences. The process of identifying, verifying and recognizing knowledge and skills begins on the basis of the candidate's application: Application for recognition of knowledge and skills.

Criteria for completing the study

In order to complete the studies, the student has to complete all the obligations in the study program, write and successfully defend the master's thesis, and collect at least 120 ECTS.


mag. zdr. nege
magister zdravstvene nege
magistrica zdravstvene nege
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0988 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare

3.3 - Health sciences

Text about acceptance

The track has been implemented since the academic year 2014/2015.

Employment possibilities

Graduates can be employed in health institutions, social institutions, public administration, the food industry, pharmacy, educational and research institutions, humanitarian organizations, the private sector, other European and global organizations related to healthcare, etc.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Students will be able to able to: • study modern theories that define the nature of knowledge in the theoretical and practical field of nursing and discuss its relevance and application in clinical practice, • address the content and application of nursing models and study concepts related to the art and science of nursing, • describe the principles and application of research in nursing and critically evaluate the research literature in relation to the individual aspect of the clinical practice of nursing, • study concepts related to the theory and practice of management and discuss the application of management theory in nursing and health and social care, • study the principles and methods of quality improvement and discuss the application of these principles in nursing and health and social care, • study the nature of changes and the application of the theory of changes in nursing and health and social care, • study epistemology and ontology and connect the study of philosophy with the knowledge and practice of nursing, • study the ethical dimension of human behavior and discuss the application of moral theories in the theoretical and practical field of nursing, • discuss the main principles of behaviourist, cognitivist and humanistic theories of learning and discuss the use of these theories in teaching and in testing and evaluating knowledge, • examine contemporary issues in professional practice and address their importance and application in nursing practice.


mag. zdr. nege s podr. urg. st.
magister zdravstvene nege s področja urgentnih stanj
magistrica zdravstvene nege s področja urgentnih stanj
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0913 - Nursing and midwifery

3.3 - Health sciences

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in nursing care in the field of emergency situations will be employable in pre-hospital (family medicine clinics, pre-hospital units, motor ambulance, helicopter emergency medical aid unit) and hospital environments (admission emergency department, intensive care and intensive care departments), as well as in combined emergency centers.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • Implementation of emergency measures in the event of cardiac arrest (in accordance with the current protocol). • Recognition of basic life-threatening heart rhythm disorders (use of monitor). • Implementation of defibrillation (AED, manual defibrillator). • Basics of ECG and recognition of acute coronary syndrome. • Setting up the venous line and using infusion fluids and using infusion pumps and perfusors, using the intraosseous route and assisting in setting up central venous lines • Recognition and action in various emergency situations in gynecology, pregnant women and childbirth. • Recognizing and responding to emergencies in newborns, infants and children. • Performing triage when receiving patients in the emergency center. • Implementation of special tasks in case of mass accidents according to guidelines (primary triage in the field, coordination of transport, management of intervention. Triage in hospital, participation in management and decision-making). • Performing interventions to stabilize a patient at risk (NGS, TUK). • Knowledge and use of ultrasound in diagnostic and therapeutic measures (venous route, TUK...) • Implementation of the dispatch service (call reception, scheduling of teams, crisis communication, cooperation with emergency services). • Application of adrenaline. • Knowledge and use of other resuscitation drugs according to the list. • Airway care, aspiration and mechanical ventilation. • Implementation and participation in the implementation of additional procedures to ensure a free airway (RSI, conicotomy, tracheostomy, laryngeal mask, laryngeal tube, I-gel). • Independent application of oxygen (use of various devices). • Identification of possible causes of acute respiratory distress and care of a patient with acute respiratory distress. • Comprehensive use of monitoring, knowledge and basic interpretation of obtained values (e.g. ECG, SpO2, ETCO2, RR, TT, etc...). • Recognition and appropriate measures in case of sudden loss of consciousness, disturbances of consciousness and threatening neurological conditions. • Recognition and appropriate action in the event of sudden fevers and in case of convulsive disorders (epileptic attack, status epilepticus, febrile convulsions in a child, etc.). • Recognition and measures in the case of cerebrovascular or vascular symptoms (TIA, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, GVT, phlebitis, embolism, aneurysm, thrombosis, dissection, etc...). • Recognition of shock (types of shock) and immediate action in the case of a shocked patient/injured (clinical picture, monitoring, IV route, use of IV fluids, application of oxygen, application of appropriate therapy if necessary...). • Adequate recognition and action in case of various poisonings (evacuation, medical history, clinical picture, use of antidotes, communication with the poisoning center, etc.). • Recognition and implementation of appropriate safety measures in the event of emergency contagious infectious conditions (individual and mass isolation, protection of health workers). • Access to the injured person in the field and determination of disability according to the ITLS and ATLS system. • Recognition and assessment of the degree of head injury and appropriate action and observation of the injured person • Recognition and treatment of injuries to the chest and abdomen. • Recognition and (co-)care of limb and spine injuries. • Implementation of immobilization with modern devices with knowledge of indications. • Application of ITLS and ATLS principles in the care of the injured in the hospital. • Recognition and action according to the principles of the algorithm in acute chest pain, acute abdominal pain.


mag. prevent. in klin. prehrane
magister preventivne in klinične prehrane
magistrica preventivne in klinične prehrane
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0915 - Therapy and rehabilitation

3.3 - Health sciences

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in preventive and clinical nutrition will be employed in health centers, preventive centers, health education centers, health care institutions, hospitals, homes for the elderly, public catering establishments, hotels and spas, educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, student dormitories ), the pharmaceutical industry, tourism, sports and recreation centers, non-governmental organizations and in the food production and/or processing industry.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • They get to know the basic processes in food technology and their applications in process engineering, as well as processes for the production of some products of the food industry. • Learn the basics of integration and regulation of metabolic processes in cells and tissues. • They acquire the basics for understanding the pathophysiological conditions of humans in some of the most common metabolic and digestive disorders. • Learn about the principles of preventive nutrition for maintaining and strengthening health; preventive nutrition against the key diseases of modern times: cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and learn about optimal nutrition at different stages of life. • Learn about the foundations of a healthy diet for maintaining and strengthening health and skills, the promotion of a healthy diet and planning a balanced diet in practice in individual periods of life, the characteristics of the recommended diet for individual age groups and special nutritional needs, as well as the risks and diseases associated with inadequate nutrition. • They are able to assess the nutritional status of the patient, recognize the basic symptoms, know the diagnostic procedures and principles of disease treatment and the most suitable form of nutrition for a certain disease, including all forms of artificial nutrition. • Ability to perform the most common rapid tests to monitor treatment, including with food, advise patients and others, use the results of biochemical analyzes of biological material of patients and others. • Acquire knowledge of infectious diseases, especially those related to food safety in the food chain. • They learn about different types of alternative forms of eating - complementary forms of eating, their characteristics and effects on health. • Ability to identify environmental and other psychosocial risk factors in connection with nutrition at the population level, knowledge of health economics from the perspective of preventive nutrition. • They get to know basic content from the field of public health, which will enable them to form a broader view when following other learning content and understand the intertwining of different risk factors, different environments and individual characteristics in the pathogenesis of individual diseases, as well as the importance of the wider social environment in providing conditions for maintaining and restoring health. • Learn the basic theoretical principles of child growth and development, the nutritional needs of children in certain age groups, nutritional guidelines and nutritional treatment of infants, children and adolescents, the basics of parenteral and enteral nutrition in children, and learn about the nutritional guidelines and treatment of individual groups of chronic pediatric patients. • Knowledge and recognition of problems related to nutrition during the aging period - according to their specific needs, understanding of preventive nutrition from the point of view of risk factors for the occurrence of diseases, and promotion and education of healthy eating for the elderly. • They learn the basics of an athlete's diet for maintaining and strengthening health and the skills of how to approach the promotion of a healthy way of eating and planning a balanced diet in practice in individual periods of life. • They acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to deal with individual eating disorders.


mag. integ. obr. knb.
magister integrirane obravnave kroničnega bolnika
magistrica integrirane obravnave kroničnega bolnika
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0988 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare

3.3 - Health sciences

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in the integrated treatment of chronic patients in advanced nursing care are highly sought by employers at home and abroad and are employable at the primary level of health care (in health centers, family medicine clinics), in other areas of secondary and tertiary health care (hospital activity, outside hospital medical activities, specialist clinics), in social welfare institutions, nursing hospitals and in other organizations related to health care and nursing.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • They acquire in-depth knowledge of the structure of tissues, organs and organ systems, which is absolutely necessary for further understanding of physiology and pathology and the use of acquired knowledge to identify symptoms in a chronic patient. • The ability to create an individual treatment program for a chronic patient, taking into account the socio-economic and cultural-ethnic characteristics of the individual. • The ability to take a holistic and multidimensional approach to assessing a patient's health status and making clinical decisions in the context of nursing care. • Knowledge of appropriate protocols for the management of individual chronic patients (asthma, COPD, arterial hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, benign prostatic hyperplasia, osteoporosis). • Getting to know the basic mechanisms of action of drugs, the effect of drugs on the organism and the effect of the organism on drugs. • Learn about the development, placement and organization of continuous integrated care for chronic patients in the network of the health system. • They learn the conceptual and theoretical bases for the development of caring interpersonal relationships and professional communication and understand the importance of caring interpersonal relationships and communication with the patient, his family and colleagues. • They recognize ethical dilemmas and determine the process of solving them. • Identify and analyze the needs for health education, health education and health promotion in the population. • Identify nutritionally compromised individuals and patients, define their metabolic state and prepare a framework plan for nutritional support. • Ability to identify key preventive and clinical interventions in relation to chronic diseases and evaluate chronic disease treatment and management interventions.


mag. integ. obr. star. v nap. zdr. negi
magister integrirane obravnave starejših v napredni zdravstveni negi
magistrica integrirane obravnave starejših v napredni zdravstveni negi
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0913 - Nursing and midwifery

3.3 - Health sciences

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in integrated treatment of the elderly in advanced nursing are highly sought by employers at home for elderly and abroad and employable in institutions for institutional care for the elderly, outpatient care, family medicine clinics and hospital environments.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • Ability to define demographic trends and aging, recognize the foundations of chronic disease management and define multimorbidity and polypharmacy. • Ability to plan key preventive and clinical interventions and build a holistic and integrated approach. • The ability to plan clinical decisions in the context of nursing care based on a holistic assessment of the health status. • The ability to define the impact of health promotion in later life on maintaining better health in old age and understanding the definition and content of the concept of frailty and delineation to multimorbidity. • Gain the ability to critically assess the needs of people with dementia, families and communities and understand how nursing culture influences care and practice. • Differentiating the importance of the link between formal and family care networks for the quality of life of older people. • They master the most important concepts and fundamental values of social security. • Knowing and distinguishing between acute and chronic diseases of the elderly and the specifics of the treatment of the elderly. • The ability to plan interdisciplinary treatment of the elderly and the specifics of medical treatment in different living environments. • Planning an integrated approach in palliative care. • Knowledge of the psychological, social and spiritual needs of the elderly. • Ability to define pain and recognize the basic difference between individual types of pain. • Planning the basic principles of invasive procedures for pain relief and their possible complications. • They recognize possible conflicting interests in relations with relatives and the ability to defend the interests of the patient. • Ability to define, plan and organize spiritual care as an essential part of comprehensive care. • Identifying the elements of the economic burden of the disease and their interdependence.


mag. mental. zdrav. v nap. zdr. negi
magister mentalnega zdravja v napredni praksi zdravstvene nege
magistrica mentalnega zdravja v napredni praksi zdravstvene nege
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0913 - Nursing and midwifery

3.3 - Health sciences

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in mental health in advanced nursing practice can be employed in health care institutions (hospitals, medical institutions, special hospitals), social welfare institutions, social services, public administration, school institutions, nursing hospitals, the private sector, medical units of the Slovenian army and defense structures of future international connections, civil protection, humanitarian organizations, ministries and various European and global organizations related to health and nursing care.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • Ability to critically discuss key features of mental health and appropriate interventions, including pharmacological and psychological. • Ability to analyze key concepts in mental health and their application in mental health care and mental health promotion. • Understanding the wider role of the nurse in supporting people to manage their mental and physical health. • Demonstrating critical understanding and developing a therapeutic alliance in the process of involving patients in the holistic assessment, formulation and exploration of treatment options, including medication and psychological treatment. • The ability to work independently in the development of the mental health care system and to organize work in different organizational forms of mental health care. • Identifying the patient with the problem of addiction and proposing basic directions in the search for help. • Recognizing the signs, causes and consequences of mental disorders and defining the basic signs of common mental disorders. • Recognizing suicidal behavior and the ability to critically assess, analyze and synthesize various theoretical models and transfer them into practice. • Ability to define theoretical and practical frameworks of clinical psychiatry and understanding of psychiatric mood disorders. • Knowledge and understanding of the foundations of basic and clinical psychopharmacology. • Ability to create a favorable therapeutic context and relationships with patients. • Understanding of the biopsychosocial model of health and disease with special emphasis on understanding the role of psychological, behavioral and social factors in maintaining health and preventing disease. • Recognizing the basic characteristics of individuals in forensic psychiatry and understanding the most common mental disorders in the field of forensic psychiatry. • Ability to define the functioning of mental health nursing in the community and recognize the stigma of mental disorders in the community. • Ability to define, plan and organize spiritual care as an essential part of comprehensive care.


mag. s podr. jav. zdr.
magister s področja javnega zdravja
magistrica s področja javnega zdravja
Master of Science

09 - Health and welfare
0913 - Nursing and midwifery

3.3 - Health sciences

Text about acceptance

The study optian was implemented in the academic year 2022/2023.

Employment possibilities

Master's degrees in the field of public health can be employed in health institutions, public health institutions, social institutions, public administration, educational and research institutions, humanitarian organizations, the private sector, and other European and global health-related organizations.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

Subject specific competences gained by study option: • Explain the main problems in the field of public health, approaches to reducing public health problems, and know the main problems and obstacles that arise in this regard. • To explain and interpret the characteristics and typologies of health systems and to formulate determinants that influence the design of the health system and its priority goals. • Explain various environmental factors that affect human health and critically evaluate the most important pollutants in the environment and their impact on human health. • Understand and use the ecosystem environment of informatics and data in public health in terms of normative regulation, structure of the health system, stakeholders and their roles, organization and processes, resources, etc. • Assess the danger of various sources of radiation, particles and energy, as well as the effects of various physical environmental factors on public health, and determine their safe limits, sources and methods of protection. • Understand and be aware of the importance of biodiversity for functioning and processes in ecosystems. • Assess the impacts of abiotic meteorological and climatological variables on human well-being. • Explain the epidemiological characteristics of infectious diseases and events important to human health. • Define theoretical knowledge about the dangers of chemicals from the environment and predict possible dangers. • Recognize the most common infectious diseases and plan procedures to prevent the occurrence and spread of these diseases, and learn about and prevent hospital infections, both on a theoretical and practical level. • Explain health activities in natural spas, the differences between spa tourism and medical rehabilitation, and absolute and relative contraindications for spa treatment. • Explain the importance of pharmacoeconomics and create the basics of pharmacoeconomic analyses. • Discuss the basic elements of communication and understand the role of communication in today's social conditions. • Understand the fundamental principles of promoting a healthy diet and the importance of nutrition in public health and determine the factors of dietary habits and relate them to individual social, cultural and economic factors.