Text about acceptance
The study program was confirmed at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the21st of October 2008 and was accepted by the Council for Higher Education of Republic of Slovenia on the 15th of December 2008.
The study program was confirmed again at the University of Maribor Senate meeting on the 31th of March 2015 and was accepted by The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education on the 20th of October 2016.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
Advancement according to the study programme is possible if the student fulfils certain obligations within the study programme and the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Conditions for transition to the 2nd study year:
Students advance to the 2nd study year if they achieve at least 50 ECTS credits by passing the 1st study year exams and if they have passed the exams in the following study subjects:
- Fibres (6 ECTS)
- Theory of Colour (4 ECTS)
- Computer Science (5 ECTS)
- Creative Workshop (4 ECTS)
- Textile Production (4 ECTS)
Students who do not fulfil all the obligations for advancement may, at their request, be granted enrolment in the 2nd study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member, if they have fulfilled more than half of the 1st year study obligations (more than 30 ECTS) and completed the above subjects, but only if they were unable to fulfil the obligations for justified reasons which are determined in the Statute of the University of Maribor, and if it is expected that they will fulfil the obligations.
Students advance to the 3rd study year if they have passed all 1st study year exams (60 ECTS) and obtained at least 45 ECTS credit points with passed 2nd study year exams and if they have passed the exams in the following subjects:
Study course Product Design and Development
- Textile Construction (6 ECTS)
- Modelling and Grading (6 ECTS)
- Clothing Construction (5 ECTS)
- Preparation of Clothing Production (5 ECTS)
- Design of Textile Products (5 ECTS)
Study course Materials and Textile Technologies
- Textile Construction (6 ECTS)
- Use and Properties of Fibres (4 ECTS)
- Colouring of Materials (5 ECTS)
- Technical Textiles (5 ECTS)
- Organic Chemistry (6 ECTS)
Students who do not meet all the obligations for advancement may, at their request, be granted enrolment in the 3rd study year by the Commission for Study Affairs of the University Member if they have passed all 1st study year exams (60 ECTS) and more than half of the 2nd year study obligations have been met (more than 30 ECTS), and if they have performed the above-mentioned subjects, insofar as they have not been able to fulfil the obligations for the justified reasons set out in the Statute of the University of Maribor, and if it is expected that they will fulfil the obligations.
Repetition of the year:
A student who has not fulfilled all the obligations for transition to a higher study year may be granted by the Commission for Study Affairs of the Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at his/her request to repeat the study year in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme
The study programme is comprehensive and does not provide for the completion of individual parts of the programme.
Study advancement options
Postgraduate study in 2nd cycle study programme of Modelling and Textile Materials at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Maribor or similar study programmes at other higher-education institutions. The candidates can enrol into the 2nd cycle study programmes in accordance with the conditions of the institution that offers the postgraduate study program.
Employment possibilities
A graduate of the 1st cycle professional study programme of Textile Design Technologies is qualified to manage important tasks in the production processes of garment production, as well as to complete demanding tasks in design, technological and operative production preparation, more specifically in the area of planning, integration of new technology, rationalisation of production processes by incorporating the computer aided flow of material and information and engineering analyses. The work is based on use of information technology and computer knowledge.
Additional information
Information on study programmes offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the UM is available on the website https://www.fs.um.si/studij/studijski-programi/
Other obligations
There are no other obligations.
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of students’ learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on Examination and Assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor, available at https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Strani/studij-na-um.aspx.
Criteria and methods of assessing the knowledge within an individual study subject are part of the SUBJECT-SPECIFICation and are publicly available on the website https://aips.um.si/PredmetiBP5/main.asp.
For all subjects in all study programmes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, knowledge assessment is regulated by a single "Assessment Scale" which is available at https://www.fs.um.si/studij/informacije-o-studiju/izpitni-sistem/.
Methods of ongoing assessment and evaluation of knowledge are encouraged, thus enabling students to monitor their own progress in their studies.
Main study programme objectives
Major changes in the field of scientific and technological development and globalization, as well as the socio-economic order of the world, today require an education system aimed at educating and training professionals who will be able to operate successfully in new business conditions. We want to educate the character of the graduates with a concept of knowledge based on the interdisciplinarity and interdependence of technology and design (engineering design).
The study programme is modern and up-to-date, and in accordance with European guidelines and the needs of the Slovenian economy. The study programme educates modern European engineers who are able to get involved in working in the economy both at home and in the European Union. An important goal of the study programme is certainly the education and acquisition of knowledge that is necessary for further study. The programme enables and encourages students to continue their studies in the postgraduate study programme, as it provides them with relevant basic and professional knowledge.
The aim of the study programme is to develop the student's creativity and ability to flexibly connect and use knowledge from different fields between the study courses and within them. Namely, the study programme emphasizes the theoretical orientation as well as the complex connection with development trends, knowledge bases and new research concepts, which is a condition for the education of successful and efficient engineers.
With the study programme we want to satisfy the special wishes of students to choose the study course and specialization and enable them, based on systematically selected and broadly designed basic and other knowledge, easy acquisition of professional content in the fields of engineering design of textiles, clothing and fashion accessories, ecodesign, design and manufacture of clothing, textile engineering, new textile materials, ecology, production processes and waste management.
The goal of the study programme is also to ensure easier and more successful transition of students with an emphasis on individual study, under the guidance of a mentor in senior years.
Learning outcomes in individual learning units are also checked as prescribed within the framework of laboratory practice or studio work, where students largely work independently. In doing so, they perform work on the set project and solve the problems that arise.
Therefore, we want to achieve the following goals with the higher professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies:
• Create educated staff in the field of modern approaches to the development of new products, both in terms of modern textile materials and technologies as well as design.
• Provide students with the necessary knowledge, creative thinking, and independence at work, which will help them develop their professional careers.
• Enable the connection of theoretical orientation with development trends, new knowledge bases and new concepts.
• Increase the flexibility of thinking when designing new products so that graduates will be able to integrate knowledge in the field of materials, technologies and design.
• Ensure that graduates become more quickly involved in development and production companies, as their knowledge enables the development and penetration of textile and clothing products into new market niches which, due to their high complexity, bring higher added value.
• Provide students with the necessary knowledge that will enable them to study successfully and efficiently.
Based on the acquired knowledge and competencies and qualifications, graduates of higher professional study will be able to realize their employment opportunities and careers in the professional field by employment in business or non-commercial sectors, as well as by continuing their studies in the 2nd Bologna cycle study programmes.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
In the higher professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies students will acquire the following general competencies:
- Ability to design and plan products in terms of appropriate manufacturing, quality and price, based on the acquired knowledge of basic natural sciences, informatics, design, materials and knowledge of the principles of technical and ecological problems and good engineering practice.
- Ability to understand and professionally substantiate practical problems related to the interdependence of technology and art, i.e., with the engineering design of textile products and the introduction of modern technologies into practice.
- Ability to design (plan, construct) textile forms in terms of appropriate design, manufacture, quality and price to achieve greater innovation and thus competitiveness of the product/company.
- Ability to perform independent professional judgment.
- Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
- Autonomy in professional work.
- Ability to quickly and creatively connect theory and practice with organized professional and mentoring-led practice in the form of laboratory work, studio work and practical training.
- Ability to use modern tools in the field of information technology and specific professional content.
- Greater creativity and innovation as a result of interdisciplinarity of studies.
- Ability to work independently and in teams.
- Ability to communicate with experts and colleagues in the domestic and international space.
- Ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
Students will acquire the following subject-specific competencies with the new higher education study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies:
- Ability to combine knowledge in the field of technology and art (knowledge in subject areas: design theory, artistic expression, textile raw materials, advanced textile materials and technologies, processing and testing of textile materials, textile and clothing technologies, design and construction of textiles and clothing, modelling and grading of clothing patterns, computer science and informatics, environmental protection, measuring techniques and waste management).
- Understanding the history of industrial, graphic and unique design, and design concepts and design activities in the context of the development of society, culture, aesthetics, art, function, and technology.
- Knowledge and understanding of planning and realization of design projects with 2D and 3D graphic tools and knowledge of the basics of freehand drawing.
- Knowledge and understanding of textile raw materials, structure and properties of fibres, and interdependences between properties of fibres and their use.
- Knowledge and understanding of methods of testing textile materials.
- Knowledge of new advanced textile materials and technologies (nanomaterials, technical textiles, textiles for medicine, sports, construction and architecture, transport, etc.).
- Ability to control existing technological processes of textile and clothing production and their modernization.
- Ability to work independently, innovatively and creatively on technological projects related to the development of a new product or updating technologies.
- Knowledge and understanding of textile and clothing design planning (concepts, sketches, concept books, colour maps, material maps, collections, fashion stories, etc.) and visual studies (studies of space, form, surface, shapes, typography, colours, textures, compositions, rhythms, balances, etc.).
- Knowledge and understanding of the process of designing, grading and modelling clothes for different purposes.
- Knowledge and understanding of ready-made garment manufacturing processes and material management to achieve a quality product.
- Knowledge and understanding of technological processes of production of yarns, threads, fabrics, knitwear, knitted fabric, nonwovens, and understanding of the influence of technological phases of production on the properties of line and flat textiles.
- Knowledge and understanding of the construction of yarn, fabrics, knits, and nonwovens and knowledge of the influence of textile construction on their functional characteristics and properties.
- Knowledge of the theory of textile finishing (bleaching, dyeing, finishing, printing) and environmental requirements in finishing processes.
- Knowledge and understanding of care and hygiene of textiles and wastewater problems of laundries and dry cleaners.
- Knowledge and understanding of the use of computer tools and technologies in professional work.
- Ability to understand the concept of total quality management and standardization in the textile and clothing industry.
Access requirements
The higher education professional-level study programmes are open to students:
a) who completed the Matura final examination,
b) who completed the professional final examination at any secondary school,
c) who completed any secondary school programme before June 1st 1995.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
If a decision is taken to restrict enrolment, candidates will be selected according to:
- general success in the final exam, vocational matura examination or matura examination 60% of points (weight 0.6)
- overall success in the 3rd and 4th study years 40% of points (weight 0.4)
Transfer criteria between study programmes
Candidates are enrolled according to the Criteria for Transitions between Study Programmes:
• in the second or higher year of the higher professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies, when it comes to the termination of education according to the first study programme in Textile, Clothing, Shoemaking and Leather Technology (0723) and Fashion Design, Spatial Design and Industrial Design (0212) and continuing studies under this study programme of the same level,
• in the second year of this study programme, when it comes to enrolling a professional study programme graduate in the field of Textile, Clothing, Shoemaking and Leather Technology (0723) and Fashion Design, Spatial Design and Industrial Design (0212).
Transition is possible if the candidate meets the following conditions:
• meets the conditions for enrolment in the first year of the higher professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies,
• transfers from the study programme which at the end of the study ensures the acquisition of comparable competencies or learning outcomes,
• upon transfer, at least half of the obligations under the European Credit Transfer System (hereinafter: ECTS) from the first study programme, which refer to the compulsory subjects of the second study programme, are recognized.
Transitions between 1st level higher education study programmes.
The transition from one study programme to another study programme is decided by the FS Commission for Study Affairs. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in the Study Programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidate needs to submit to the Faculty:
• application for recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor,
• certificate of completed study obligations (exams) with obtained grades and the number of credit points,
• validated curricula according to which knowledge has been acquired,
• proof of payment of the procedure.
If at least as many ECTS credits are recognized in the process of recognition at the time of transfer that the conditions for enrolment in the senior year of the higher professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies will be met, the candidate will be granted enrolment in the second or higher year of the study programme. They are assigned the missing obligations they need to complete if they want to graduate in the new study programme.
Transitions from higher education study programmes to higher education professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies.
Graduates of higher education study programmes in the fields of Textile, Clothing, Shoemaking and Leather Technology (0723) and Fashion Design, Spatial Design and Industrial Design (0212), accepted before 1994, can enter the 2nd year of the higher education professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies if they meet the conditions for enrolment in the higher education professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies. In the 2nd study year, students need to complete the following obligations that apply to both fields of study: Digital Design and Printing, Technical Textiles, and the following subjects: Organic Chemistry and Advanced Textile Materials (MTT) or Textile Design and Prototyping Workshop (study course ORI). To progress to the 3rd study year, a student needs to complete all the stated study obligations. Other obligations of the 1st and 2nd study years are recognized.
It is not possible for graduates of higher education study programmes to transfer to the higher education professional study programme of the 1st level of Textile Design Technologies under the Higher Education Study Programmes Act, which was in force after 1995.
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by the Rules on Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor which regulate the procedures for identifying, verifying, and recognizing knowledge and criteria for recognizing knowledge and skills acquired by candidates through formal and non-formal learning prior to enrolment and while studying at the University of Maribor.
The rules can be found at https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Strani/studij-na-um.aspx.
The basic criterion for recognition is the comparability of knowledge acquired elsewhere with learning units, skills and competences. Examination, in terms of content and complexity, whether they fully or partially correspond to the general and/or subject-specific competencies determined by the study programme.
Criteria for completing the study
A student who completes all the obligations prescribed by the study programme and thus collects at least 180 ECTS credits completes his/her studies.