

Academic bachelor's studies

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diplomirana anglistka (UN) in ...

Bachelor of Arts

02 – Arts and humanities

0231 – Language acquisition

6 – Humanities

lekt. mag. BARBARA MAJCENOVIČ KLINE, prof. ang.

Text about acceptance

On the basis of Article 51 of the Law on higher education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 119/06-UPB3) and the Measures for the accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04) the Senate for accreditation with the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia at its 4th meeting on 16th November 2007, adopted or gave consent to the university BA double major study programme English Language and Literature (Decree No. 2/75-2007 dated 20th November 2007).

Advancement criteria of a study programme

To advance to the second year, the student must collect at least 27 ECTS and the number of ECTS set by the second selected programme. To advance to the third year, the student must complete all obligations of the first year, the obligations determined by the study programme for the courses of the 2nd year in the amount of at least 27 ECTS and the number of ECTS set out by the second selected programme. The Commission for Academic Affairs may, on the proposal of the department, also allow the advancement of a student who has completed more than half of the obligations if they have not been able to fulfil the missing obligations for justified reasons. A student may repeat the year once during their studies or change the study programme due to non-fulfilment of obligations in the previous study programme. Repeating a year is possible if the student completes at least half of the study obligations prescribed by the programme and collects at least 15 ECTS in each part of the dual-specialization study programme and thus collects a total of at least 30 ECTS. The Commission for Academic Affairs may, on the proposal of the department, allow a student who has completed less than half of the study obligations for justified reasons to repeat the year. A student may study at the same time in several study programmes (parallel study at the Faculty of Arts or other higher education institutions), if they achieve an average grade of at least 8 in the enrolled programme. If they are taking the same course in different study programmes, they can complete it in only one programme and have it recognized in the other. A student can also advance faster if they meet the conditions stated in the Statute of the University of Maribor. With the consent of the department, the student may be granted an extension of their status in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the University of Maribor.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

The 1st level degree study programme English Language and Literature does not contain individual content parts of the programme that can be completed individually.

Study advancement options

The objective of the university BA double major study programme English Language and Literature is for the graduate to acquire a basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of English language and literature prescribed by the compulsory courses, and the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Elective courses in the field of English language and literature enable the graduate to receive additional specialized knowledge and skills in the field of the more contemporary linguistic fields according to their own interest, to improve his/her cross-cultural linguistic capabilities and acquire a broader insight into the diversity of literatures in English in terms of genre. The knowledge gained in this program, allows a wide range of employment opportunities in the economy and public services. This knowledge can be supplemented with a careful choice of complementary study programme in the double major programme, which will enable a critical use of acquired skills and capabilities in conjunction with the complementary study programme, while simultaneously creating a basic platform for an interdisciplinary approach to research.

Employment possibilities

The university BA double major study programme English Language and Literature offers graduates a wide range of job opportunities, particularly in conjunction with a complementary study programme. Graduates will be able to carry out various tasks in the media (correspondence with the rest of the world, the Editorial Board of foreign shows ...), publishers (editors for literature in foreign languages ...), tourism (tourist representatives...), they can be used in advertising and public relations (communication skills, rhetoric, ...) in institutions within social and economic activities (correspondence with the rest of the world ...), in the private and public sector, consultants for language policies in agencies, companies, etc. The diversity of knowledge offered by the program shows that the graduates can be successful in a professional career-in Government and private sector services. In order to obtain knowledge and formal training to perform more specific occupations, which require a sound language basis (e.g. language teachers, translators and interpreters, ...), graduates can upgrade their acquired practical and theoretical knowledge of language and their language skills in MA Bologna study programmes.

Other obligations

The syllabus consists of compulsory and elective courses which are vertically and horizontally connected. The obligatory courses provide fundamental knowledge in language, literature and communication, while electives from literature and language enable the student to gain broad and in depth knowledge in basic linguistic and literary contents, while well thought out choice of electives from the first year onwards enables profound knowledge of contents which are of greatest interest to the student. The student completes the double major study programme with the completion of all the study obligations required by the study programme in both parts of the study programme and by gaining at least 180 ECTS points, namely 90 ECTS in one part and 90 ECTS in the other part of the double major study programme.

Assesment criteria

The examining and grading system is regulated with the Statute of the University of Maribor: and the Rules on Examination and Grading at the University of Maribor, no. A4/2009-41 AG: Accordingly, the methods and forms of examining and grading knowledge in the curricula are defined for each individual study unit of an individual study programme. Methods of continuous examining and grading of knowledge are encouraged, which enables students to continuously monitor their own progress and assess the acquired knowledge and skills. Depending on the individual study units and the order of their implementation, the individual obligations of students are mutually coordinated in such a way that some study units require more continuous work, others a greater amount of independent research work (preparation of a quality seminar paper); some units are completed with written or oral exams. All curricula are publicly published in the catalogue of Bologna subjects: In addition, students have access to AIPS UM (Academic Information Subsystem of the University of Maribor), which provides insight into the activities of individual students (exam records, detailed insight into the number of exam attempts and all completed and uncompleted obligations). In addition to the above possibilities and methods for monitoring study progress, the Department of English emphasizes the monitoring of study results of individual students and, if necessary, organizes individual consultations of students with teachers. Also important is the development of a sense of ethics in study and research work, prevention and consistent treatment of unethical phenomena such as plagiarism. On the basis of individual monitoring of the student's work, if necessary, immediate interventions are enabled regarding the manner and forms of work, time planning, etc. In order to achieve a higher level of intensity and continuous monitoring of study progress, the department introduced a segmented implementation of some learning units in the English Language and Literature programme in the academic year 2012/2013. In accordance with the segmented implementation, additional exam dates were introduced, which increased the possibilities for assessing the acquired knowledge and skills during the semester. Students can complete individual obligations immediately after the end of the course segment or later, thus achieving a more even distribution of workloads and consequently increasing the chances for successful progress in their studies. In the future, the plan is to increase the share of study units with segmented implementation.

Main study programme objectives

The objective of the dual-specialization study programme English Language and Literature is for the graduate to acquire basic theoretical knowledge in the fields of English language and literature, defined in compulsory courses, and to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Elective courses in English language and literature allow the graduate to acquire additional specialized knowledge and skills in newer linguistic disciplines according to their own interests, improve intercultural language skills and gain a broader insight into the genre diversity of English literature. The assessment of learning outcomes in the study programme English Language and Literature is precisely defined in the curricula of individual study units in the curriculum. The methods of assessing the learning outcomes are adapted to the content and form of the course, and at the same time and above all to the learning objectives that the programme wants to achieve with the learning unit. With the last transformation of the study programme, the method of assessing students' learning outcomes has also changed (greater consideration of seminar work and homework), which requires even more constant work from students, but relieves them somewhat during the exam periods. The Department of English and American Studies envisages a new way of assessing learning outcomes, which will include precisely defined "conditions for inclusion in work", which will allow the assessor to require the student to pass all prerequisites before taking the exam. This has not been possible so far, despite the fact that all the conditions were listed in the grading methods, as each condition represented only a part of the final grade.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

The general competencies of the graduate are: — development of communication skills in a multilingual and multicultural environments, — ability to analyse, synthesize, and focus on creative problem solving — mastery of research methods in linguistics and literary sciences and their critically-assessed use, — qualification for independent study and specialist work, — ability to work in a group, — ability to put this knowledge into practice, — ability to effectively use information and communication technology, — ability to think critically and self-reflect, — development of communication skills for tolerant and correct professional discourse, — preparation for lifelong learning.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

The graduate acquires the following specific competencies in the field of English language: — detailed knowledge of the English language system at all levels, — spoken and written communication skills in English, — use of language in accordance with sociolinguistic, pragmatic, (inter)cultural and other contextual rules, — ability to translate theoretical descriptions of the English language into practical work with texts, — knowledge and understanding of the history of the English language and English literature, — mastery of English spelling and orthography, — understanding of lexical and word-forming phenomena from the point of view of modern theoretical approaches, — knowledge of social, cultural, and ethnic aspects of the society of the Anglophone world (history, geography, political science, culture and art, etc.), — understanding English as a global language and the language of the media, — knowledge of regional and social variants of the English language, — getting to know English in contact with Slovene, — knowledge of the characteristics of textual communication processes depending on the social context and mastering the rules of successful communication, — ability to critically analyse literary works in an intercultural context, — ability to combine knowledge about language and knowledge of literary theory in the evaluation of literary works, — ability to evaluate contemporary literary phenomena from the point of view of historical literary development, — ability to place knowledge about current literary phenomena in the context of already acquired knowledge, — detailed knowledge of selected older and modern streams of literature in English, — ability to use modern methods of scientific research, — use of information and communication technology in communication and analysis of linguistic phenomena and texts in a specific social context and from a contrastive point of view, — introduction to independent research work.

Access requirements

The study programme can be entered by: 1.) anyone who has passed the Matura examination (Secondary School Leaving examination); 2.) anyone who has passed the professional Matura exam, and the exam from the additional Matura subject; foreign language (English); 3.) anyone who has prior to 1 June 1995 completed a four-year secondary school programme. Students in the programme English Language and Literature cannot combine studies with Interlingual Studies - English.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If enrolment is limited, candidates are selected according to: result achieved in the matura exam, vocational matura exam or the final examination - 40% of points, result achieved for English language in the matura exam or the vocational matura exam or the final examination - 40% of points, overall success in the third and fourth year - 20% of points, In addition to the English Language and Literature programme, a student cannot choose the Translation Studies-English programme for a dual-specialization connection.

Transfer criteria between study programmes

Candidates may transfer to the study programme in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Criteria for Transferring Between Study Programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no.: 95/10, 17/11, and 14/19). If candidates fulfil the admission requirements of the study programme and criteria for the transfer, the year of study they are to be enrolled in and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down. Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria: - they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes; - at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

In the process of 1st level degree education, students may have recognized the knowledge and skills acquired before enrolment in various forms of formal or non-formal education, which the student proves with certificates and other documents. The scope and content of the submitted work are evaluated according to the ECTS system up to a maximum of 10 ECTS, which can replace the obligations under the established 1st level degree dual-specialization study programme English Language and Literature. The candidate submits an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills to the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts. The commission seeks the opinion of the Department of English and American Studies and then issues a decision in line with the proposal of the Department of English and American Studies.

Criteria for completing the study

Študent zaključi dvopredmetni študijski program, ko opravi vse s študijskim programom predpisane obveznosti na obeh delih dvopredmetnega študijskega programa in tako skupno zbere najmanj 180 ECTS, in sicer 90 ECTS na enem in 90 ECTS na drugem delu dvopredmetnega študijskega programa.