

Master’s studies

2 (druga)

8 (8)




19 ECTS 120 ECTS

mag. prof. pred. vzg.
magister profesor predšolske vzgoje
magistrica profesorica predšolske vzgoje

Master of Arts

01 – Education

0112 – Training for pre-school teachers

5 – Social Sciences


Text about acceptance

The second level study program of Early Learning and Teaching was first accredited on 25 August 2010. On 22 April 2016, the study program was renamed Preschool Education.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

A student advances to the 2nd year if they collect at least 45 ECTS by passing the exams in the 1st year. It is obligatory to have completed all study obligations of these study units: Music and Dance Reproduction and Creation, Slovenian Language and Literature in Preschool Education, Approaches to Early Mathematics. Repeating a year, exceptional advancement and extension of the student status are possible in accordance with the provisions of the statute of the University of Maribor.

Employment possibilities

Due to the wide profile of education, a graduate will be able to work as: •principal or head of kindergarten, • pedagogical advisor and professional associate; professional assistance in working with children in various public institutions (e.g schools and kindergartens) and those organizations that deal with activities for children, • assistant in editorial and professional commissions of printed and electronic media for children, • assistant (with additional and appropriate habilitation) in study programs that are substantively related to preschool education, • associate or consultant in other public institutions responsible for development and research of the preschool field (Institute for Education, Office for Education, Pedagogical Institute ...), • contractor on individual projects in various research and evaluation teams, • holder for: new, innovative forms of work with students in their free time, extended stays, associations, centres, etc., organization and management of animation programs for children, •associate or consultant at equipment manufacturers, teaching aids and toys for young children.

Main study programme objectives

The main objective of the program is to form a person with a master’s degree: • who will be equipped with all the necessary general and specific knowledge, skills and abilities to be able to perform the role of a professional worker or researcher in the field of preschool education, • who will be creative in solving problems that arise in various complex and unpredictable situations brought about by the educational process, • who will be able to substantiate their pedagogical and didactic decisions and procedures with rational, professional and research-based arguments, • who will develop the professional field of preschool education and will increase their employment opportunities due to their knowledge.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

- In-depth ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences, - thorough mastery of research methods, procedures and processes, - ability to use knowledge effectively in practice, - development of critical and self-critical judgment, - autonomy and initiative in professional work, - communication skills, - ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics, - cooperation and effective group work, - understanding of lifelong learning, continuous professional and personal development.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

- In-depth ability to solve concrete pedagogical problems using scientific methods and procedures, - coherent mastery of knowledge in the field of preschool education, the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields and applications, - ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of education, - thorough understanding of the general structure of education and connection between its subdisciplines (curricular theories, special pedagogical knowledge ...), - in-depth understanding and application of methods of critical analysis and development of theories and their use in solving concrete pedagogical problems, - development of skills in the use of knowledge in the field of education, - effective use of information and communication technology and systems in the field of education, - thorough knowledge and understanding of developmental characteristics, differences and needs of children and identification of learning abilities and problems, holistic understanding of the child, - organizational and managerial skills in education; - knowledge of social systems, especially processes in education; - knowledge of institutional work frameworks (requirements, legislation, documentation needs, legal aspects of educational work), - aesthetic sensitivity and ability to work actively and creatively in artistic fields; - thorough knowledge and understanding of the didactic characteristics of early learning and teaching, assistance in the pedagogical guidance of an individual, department and/or group; - adapting educational approaches to the individual, social, linguistic and cultural diversity of students, - creating a stimulating learning atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and effective problem-solving.

Access requirements

Anyone who has completed the following may enrol in the 2nd level study program of Preschool Education: 1. First level study program in relevant professional fields: education of preschool educators (0112). Anyone who has completed the following may enrol in the 2nd level study program of Preschool Education: 1. First level study program in relevant professional fields: education of preschool educators (0112). 2. First level study program in other professional fields: pedagogy (0111), education of teachers without subject specialization (0113), education of teachers with subject specialization (0114), psychology (0313), sociology (0314), if before enrolling in the study program they have completed the study obligations essential for the continuation of studies in the amount of 35 ECTS, which the candidate can complete during first level studies, in programs for further training or by taking differential exams before enrolling in the study program. They must fulfil the following obligations: Preschool Pedagogy (7 ECTS), Language Activities in Kindergarten (4 ECTS), Sport in Experiential Education (4 ECTS), Dance Dramatization in Kindergarten (4 ECTS), Art Expression and Space (4 ECTS), Music Activities in Kindergarten (4 ECTS), Play and Research in the Natural Environment (4 ECTS), The Role of the Adult in Children’s Introduction to the Social Environment (4 ECTS). 3. Higher professional study program, adopted before 11 June 2004, in the relevant professional fields: education of preschool teachers (0112). 4. University study program, adopted before 11 June 2004, in other professional fields: pedagogy (0111), teacher education without subject specialization (0113), teacher education with subject specialization (0114), psychology (0313), sociology (0314). As a rule, 18 ECTS are recognized for such a candidate within the study program, and they are therefore enrolled in the appropriate year of study. Candidates who have completed equivalent comparable education abroad and enrol under the same conditions as candidates who have completed their education in Slovenia also meet the conditions for enrolment. Before enrolling in a study program, they must complete the process of recognizing their education for the purpose of continuing their studies.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

When selecting candidates for enrolment in the 2nd level study program of Preschool Education, the following is taken into account: 1. Success in the first level of study: average grade: 100%.

Transfer criteria between study programmes

According to the criteria for transitions, candidates enrolled in study programs in the following fields are eligible to transition to the 2nd level study program of Preschool Education: Early Learning and Preschool Education, which ensure the acquisition of comparable competencies at the end of their studies, and according to the recognition criteria, at least half of the ECTS obligations from the first study program related to compulsory subjects of the second study program are recognized.

Criteria for completing the study

A student has completed their studies after completing all obligations defined by the study program, writing and successfully defending their master’s thesis, thus collecting a total of 120 ECTS.