

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




18 ECTS 180 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

10 – Services

1088 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services

2 – Engineering and Technology

Above standard in English

red. prof. dr. TOMAŽ KRAMBERGER

The main aim of the doctoral study program System Logistics is to educate excellent professionals and scientists in the field of logistics.

Understanding theo/methodologi.concepts

In - depth understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts.

Autonomy in scientific research work

Autonomy in scientific research work.

Operating in global logistics chains

Ability to operate in global logistics chains

Ability to analyze and solve consequence

Ability to analyze, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences in logistics systems, processes and functions.

The study program is intended for individuals who want to become academics in the field of logistics or qualified professionals suitable for managing the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects from a wide professional or scientific field.

Text about acceptance

The council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education gave its consent to the implementation of a three-year DOCTORAL STUDY PROGRAMME of Logistic Systems to the Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor at its first meeting on 11/05/2007. Extension of accreditation of the Doctoral Study Programme Logistics systems on 24.3.2014 - for a period of 7 years.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

Conditions for enrolment in the 2nd year: Students advance to the 2nd year if they complete all the obligations of the 1st year and obtain 60 ECTS. Conditions for enrolment in the 3rd year: To advance from the second to the third year, the student must complete all the obligations of the first and the current year.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

There are no individual parts of the study program.

Employment possibilities

Students who have successfully completed their doctoral studies at the third level may find employment in large economic and commercial systems and in various institutions. Doctoral programme may also be in interest to anyone wishing to work in academic and research field.

Additional information

Main study programme objectives

The aim of the doctoral study programme is to educate excellent professionals in the field of logistics with a broad natural and social science knowledge, which gives the perspective of understanding developments and trends in the world, in-depth understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts as well as the ability to independently develop new knowledge and solve the most challenging problems with testing and improving already known solutions and finding new solutions in the field of logistics. Furthermore, they will be qualified professionals able to manage the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects from a broad professional and scientific field and develop critical reflection. The main aim of the doctoral study programme System Logistics is to educate scientists from the field of logistics, who will be able to develop and apply new knowledge from this field. This is the highest strategic level of development and management personnel in all structures of the private sector, the public sector, state administration (logistics organizations and organizations with a strong logistic function, ministries, agencies, the military, police, customs, etc.), scientific institutes and universities.

General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme

Doctoral study programme System Logistics will provide students with the following general competences: • in-depth understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts, • the ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences in logistics systems, processes and functions, • the ability to use research methods, procedures and processes in logistics systems, processes and functions, • autonomy in scientific and research work and emphasized and continued development of critical and self-critical appraisal in decision-making in the dynamics of logistics systems and logistics processes, • the ability to independently use the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, both in logistics and non-logistics organizations with a strong logistic function, • development of communication abilities and skills, especially communication in an international environment, • the ability to work in global logistics chains, • ethical reflection and deep commitment to professional ethics, • cooperation and the ability to work in groups, • the ability to tutor younger colleagues in institutes, at university, in a commercial company, etc. • efficiency in using available resources: their own creative and intellectual ability, the available intellectual capital (staff), other material and immaterial resources (money, equipment, place and time).

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

"Doctoral study programme System Logistics will provide students with the following subject-specific competences: • the ability to solve the most complex problems with testing and improving already known solutions, • discovering new solutions for managing the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects from a broad professional and scientific research area, • identifying, analysing and solving concrete practical problems from the fields of supply chains, logistics systems and logistics chains using the latest general and specific scientific methods and procedures, • the philosophy of governing, managing and controlling comprehensive supply chains, • the knowledge of how to define responsibilities, study and model internal processes and relations, and optimize the conditions of supply chains, • the knowledge of how to integrate the knowledge from different fields and its application to concrete applications in logistics and other organizations with a strong logistic function, • the knowledge of how to the place new information and interpretations in the context of the basic discipline, • understanding systemic approach and therefore understanding the general structure of the basic discipline and interconnection between its sub-disciplines, • understanding and using methods of critical analysis and development of theories as well as their application in the development of new knowledge and in solving work problems, • intensive and continuous use of information and communications technologies and information management of systems in logistics, • deep understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts, • independent development of new knowledge, • solving the most challenging problems with testing and improving already known solutions, • discovering new solutions to manage the most demanding work systems and scientific research projects in a broad professional and scientific field, • developing critical reflection.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in System Logistics: 1. A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme. 2. An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. 3. A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 31 ECTS credits under the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme: M124- Quantitative methods and models in logistics systems (8 ECTS), M125- Information support in logistics systems and processes (7 ECTS), M128- Managing supply chains of the future (7 ECTS), M131- Supply chain economics (6 ECTS) and M135- Research methodology (3 ECTS). 4. A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme corresponding to 300 ECTS credits. Candidates who completed the following may be admitted to the second year of study of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) studyprogramme in System Logistics: 1. A master of science study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. 2. A specialisation following an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

"Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment: If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to: - grade point average (80%) and - grade awarded for the thesis (20%).

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates may transfer to the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in System Logistics from study programmes in the field of transport services (1088), engineering and engineering trades (07), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (06), natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (05), security services (103), economics (0311), business and administration (04), or political sciences and civics (0312), or from other similar study programmes provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competences and that at least half of the study obligations under the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised. Depending on the amount of recognised study obligations fulfilled in the previous study programme in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, the candidate may be admitted to the same or subsequent year of study of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in System Logistics. Under the recognition procedure, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down. The Academic Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Faculty of Logistics decides on the recognition of obligations.

Criteria for completing the study

The study is completed by completing all the obligations determined by the study programme.