

Doctoral studies

3 (tretja)

10 (10)




18 ECTS 180 ECTS

doktor znanosti
doktorica znanosti

Doctor of Philosophy

04 – Business, administration and law

0488 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law

5 – Social Sciences

red. prof. dr. MIRJANA KLJAJIĆ BORŠTNAR, univ. dipl. org.

Text about acceptance

On 24 April 2008, the Senate of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, accredited the third cycle postgraduate study programme titled Organization and Management of Information Systems. On 17 June 2008, the Senate of the University of Maribor accredited the study programme. Based on Article 51 of the Higher Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 119/06-UPB3) and based on the Criteria on accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes ((Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 101/04), the Accreditation Senate of the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education delivered a favourable opinion on the study programme at its 15th meeting on 12 March 2009. The study programme was in the course of the accreditation renewal procedure validated April 23, 2015, by the University of Maribor, Senate of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj, and, after that, September 22, 2015, by the Senate of the University of Maribor, the decision about the study programme accreditation renewal was granted by the Council of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) as of February 16, 2017.

Advancement criteria of a study programme

In order to progress from the first year of studies into the second year of studies, the students in their Third-Cycle of the Organization and Management of Information Systems Study Programme have to complete certain duties along the Study Programme to the extent of 45 ECTS points in their current year of studies, whereas it is mandatory to pass the exam from the subject “Scientific Research of Social Phenomenon” and duties deriving from the individual research work. When progressing from the second year of studies to the third year of studies in the Third-Cycle of the Study Programme, the students have to complete duties to the extent of 51 ECTS points of their current year of studies and all the duties deriving from the first year of studies.

Criteria for completing separate parts of a study programme

At the moment, the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme does not include parts which can be completed singly.

Study advancement options

Postdoctoral studies.

Assesment criteria

Methods of testing knowledge are defined in the each individual course syllabus.

Main study programme objectives

The essential objective of the Organization and Management of Information Systems Doctoral Study Programme is to educate top-experts for information systems with a broad understanding of the functioning of business environments and systems as well as the understanding and management of analytical instruments. During their studies, the students will acquire the analytical knowledge and abilities of critical thinking. Therefore, the students must: Be the problem solvers and critical thinkers, Use the system concepts in understanding and identification of problems, Be able to apply the traditional as well as also develop new concepts and knowledge, Understand that the system is composed of people, processes, hardware, software, and data. The students should also present solid ethical principles and have the ability for a good interpersonal communication and the ability to work in a team. The aim of the Doctoral Study is to train the student in a way that he/she can develop, design, and implement the solutions with the help of the Information Technology so as to improve the organization’s operation. Therefore, the graduate must be able to: Understand the legalities in the functioning of business and organizational systems, Understand and model the organizational processes and data, define and implement technical and process solutions, lead the projects, and integrate the systems, Master the techniques for the collection, conversion, transfer and storage of data and information, Apply the information technology to help the individuals, groups, and organizations in achieving their goals. Informational activity in organizational systems operates internally and externally; however, it can also encompass the fundamental activity of the organization. The perspective of personal development in the mentioned fields are excellent, as the profession covers a broad professional field and is in constant contact with new knowledge and technologies.

Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme

A Doctor of Philosophy from the field of Information Systems is oriented primarily to creation, research, and management of information sub-systems of different organization systems. The Programme’s contents are designed in such a way that the acquired knowledge, in addition to the theoretical foundations, is directed also to practical use at various levels of organization and management of organization from the field of information activity. Thus, a Doctor of Philosophy is equipped also with knowledge needed for research work with technologies supporting the application of information systems in various genres of Industry, Finance, Insurance, State Administration, Health Care, Education, Science, and Research. The subject competence is an action (skill) which is developed to the extent that it enables the individuals to perform the activity in the workflow to which it relates. The subject competence entails a direct application of the specialist knowledge. The subject competences acquired by the students are the following: Knowledge of more demanding methods of analysis of Information Systems operation and the capabilities to synthesise new methods of analysis, Management of more demanding methods of Information Systems design, Management of methods and techniques in the field of work in the research institution from the field of Information Systems, Acquisition of knowledge from the fields of Information Systems, Information Technologies, Programme Engineering, and Computing, Management of professional relationships – clients and internal and external developers of Information Systems, Ability to plan the demanding evaluation methods of Information Systems, Management of demanding methods of planning of Safety Information Systems. The extensive theoretical basis, gained during the studies, allows a critical approach towards the problems and the ability to recognise the demands of the environment, time, and long-term effects. Due to the broad spectrum of knowledge, they are trained for the planning and development of strategic Information Systems (Management Information Systems, decision-support systems, etc.). After the completed studies, the graduates are equipped with the tools necessary to solve the most complex scientific and practical problems, and are able to solve the problems in a broad field of work. In addition to that, the graduates also master the managerial skills needed for an effective management of the organization.

Access requirements

Candidates who completed the following may apply for the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Organization and Management of Information Systems: - A 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme. - An undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. - A specialisation following an undergraduate professional study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Prior to enrolment, candidates shall pass the following courses corresponding to 30 ECTS credits under the 2nd-cycle (master’s) study programme: Statistics in Research (7 ECTS), Object Oriented Development (8 ECTS), Business Intelligence (7 ECTS), and Data Mining (8 ECTS). - A study programme educating students for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified (long-cycle) master’s study programme corresponding to 300 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available enrolment places, candidates shall be ranked according to: – grade point average (20%), – grade awarded for the thesis (20%), and – candidate’s bibliography (60%) evaluated in accordance with the Criteria for the Appointment of Faculty Ranks for University Teachers, Researchers and Other Employees in Higher Education (available at ). If the thesis is not part of a previous course of study, 40% of the average grade is taken into account.

Transfer criteria between study programmes

In accordance with the transfer criteria, candidates who completed the following may be admitted to the second year of study of the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Organization and Management of Information Systems: 1. A master of science study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. 2. A specialisation following an undergraduate academic study programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004. Candidates are awarded 60 ECTS credits. Candidates may transfer to the 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programme in Organization and Management of Information Systems from other 3rd-cycle (doctoral) study programmes in the field of natural sciences and mathematics (computer-intensive methods and applications, algorithms, optimization, simulations), engineering and engineering trades (computer science and informatics), or social sciences (economics, management and organization, law) provided they lead to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes, candidates meet the admission requirements, and there are enough places available. The Faculty’s Academic Affairs Committee decides on the recognition of study obligations and in accordance with the criteria for the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before enrolment in the study programme recognises at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to the ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme. Candidates shall submit a printout of the study programme and a certificate of passed exams. The Committee determines study obligations that are to be fulfilled in order to earn a doctoral degree under the new study programme.

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme

Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor.

Criteria for completing the study

Students complete their studies after having fulfilled all the duties envisaged under the Study Programme and written and defended the Doctoral Dissertation successfully and, thus, collected a total of at least 180 ECTS. In accordance with Rules And Regulations On Doctoral Studies At The University Of Maribor, students must publish research papers with the results of research in the field of doctoral dissertation prior to defending of the doctoral dissertation, in the internationally recognized scientific journals indexed in JCR in one of the world languages, as the first author. Candidates for the promotion of doctors of science must meet the conditions set out in article 157 of the UM Statute, as well as the criteria, set out in article 30 of the Rules and Regulations on Doctora?l Studies at the University of Maribor.