Text about acceptance
Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia issued its favourable opinion at the meeting held on August 25, 2010.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
Students advance to the second year, if obligations of the first year are completed, and at least 51 ECTS are collected.
Students advance to their third year, if obligations of the second year are completed, and at least 51 ECTS and 60 ECTS for the first year are collected.
In special circumstances and approval by the Commission for Academic Affairs FCJS, students can advance to their second or third year, when they collect less ECTS as required.
Study advancement options
Graduates are qualified to enrol in second level postgraduate studies.
Employment possibilities
Graduates from the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security are legible for employment in various fields: in non-government organisations where security risks to individuals are analysed (e.g., organisations focused on preventing different abuses, Amnesty International, etc.), in the public sector (home affairs, intelligence activities, justice department, defence, etc.), in local communities’ management, and in the business sector (in companies dealing with the protection of property and intellectual property, as experts in the field of providing information security, in private security companies and detective agencies, in the insurance sector, etc.).
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of knowledge is in accordance with curricula, and consistently follow the verification of the achieved learning outcomes and competencies of individual course.
Main study programme objectives
Information security is an interdisciplinary science studying phenomena in terms of informatics, information systems and criminal justice and security, and internal safety and security. It develops and studies mechanisms that society uses in providing privacy to, as well as safety and security of community, society, state, organisations, and individuals and their protection against the behaviours that might prove harmful to them. It develops theories and methods aimed at safeguarding and protecting information and privacy of said subjects. Based on scientific approaches, it develops its own theories and methods in the field of informatics and criminal justice and security while making use of scientific knowledge and findings by other disciplines, such as criminology, law, psychology, sociology, political sciences, criminalistics, penology, organisational and other social sciences.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
The general competencies of graduates completing the “Information Security” first-cycle higher-education professional study programme include:
- Understanding, from real time and historical perspective, how an information system works in actual circumstances;
- Detecting, analysing, and resolving information security issues in organisations and different communities;
- Carrying out action research and basic application research in the field of researching information security phenomena in local communities, organisations, and the international community;
- Ability to apply theoretical findings in informatics and criminal justice to actual work or dwelling environments and to synthesize knowledge the knowledge developed in criminal justice with that from the related disciplines;
- Managing communication processes between different interdependent elements in providing information security in local and international environment by way of contemporary technology and adequate communication techniques;
- Ability to take part in project, group, and RR work in the field of providing comprehensive information security of different technical and social science systems.
Graduates of the higher-education professional study programme achieve the defined competencies by acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. FCJS verifies the achievement of these goals by conducting annual self-evaluation exercises, carrying out surveys involving the graduates within the Alumni Club and by establishing cooperation with practitioners, as well as by involving independent stakeholders when introducing improvements to the study programme.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
Our graduates will be qualified to carry out research and information security related tasks lawfully, professionally, and efficiently, which is to help raise the level of information security, as well as to strengthening democracy, human rights and civil liberties protection. In terms of this study programme, competencies are regarded as behaviours an individuals follows to do a certain job successfully and efficiently. The aim of the education process is to enable the students to develop their physical, social, and spiritual potential while acquiring knowledge, skills, values and beliefs empowering them to make efficient use of the resources available to them at work and in their private life. An individual is competent when they have the potential that allows them to acquire new knowledge, which serves as a foundation for developing skills needed to successfully and efficiently operate in a given filed, together with their values, attitudes, and motivation. Their competence also shows in proper motivation.
Access requirements
The higher education professional-level study programmes are open to students:
a) who completed the Matura final examination,
b) who completed the professional final examination at any secondary school,
c) who completed any secondary school programme before June 1st 1995.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
If a decision about the limited enrolment is taken, the candidates will be chosen on the basis of the following criteria:
- general performance in the general matura examination, vocational matura examintion or school-leaving examination: 60 % of the points,
- general performance in the 3rd and 4th years: 40 % of the points.
Transfer criteria between study programmes
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor. Assessment of gained knowledge and skills must base on educational competences of the study programme.
In accordance with the transfer criteria between the study programmes the candidates may enrol into the second year of the 1st-cycle professional study programme “Information Security” if they:
1. terminate the education in their first study programme and they proceed study within the same programme of the same cycle or enrol into a new study programme of the same cycle,
2. have completed the Short-Cycle Higher Education Study Programme from related field.
Candidates can transfer from the following field: security services, inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services, social sciences, journalism and information, business, administration and law, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria:
- criteria for enrolment in the first year of the 1st-cycle professional study programme “Information Security ”;
- they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes;
- at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to the ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised.
The transfer shall be addressed by a competent senate committee of the faculty where the candidate intends to continue his studies. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidate shall submit to the faculty:
- an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor;
- proof of fulfilled study obligations (exams) including grades and ECTS credits;
- validated course syllabi according to which knowledge was acquired;
- a receipt of payment for the recognition procedure in accordance with the UM Price List.
When transferring from one study programme to another, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, taking into account the content, extent, and level of complexity of the new study programme, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down.
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills are regulated by Regulations on knowledge and skill recognition in study programmes of the University of Maribor. Assessment of gained knowledge and skills must base on educational competences of the study programme.
Candidates can transfer from the following field: security services, inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services, social sciences, journalism and information, business, administration and law, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
In accordance with the transfer criteria between the study programmes the candidates may enrol into the second year of the 1st-cycle professional study programme “Information Security” if they:
1. terminate the education in their first study programme and they proceed study within the same programme of the same cycle or enrol into a new study programme of the same cycle,
2. have completed the Short-Cycle Higher Education Study Programme from related field.
Candidates may transfer to the study programme provided they fulfil the following criteria:
- criteria for enrolment in the first year of the 1st-cycle professional study programme “Information Security”;
- they are transferring from a study programme leading to the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes;
- at least half of the study obligations evaluated according to the ECTS credit system of the previous study programme relating to compulsory courses of the new study programme are recognised.
The transfer shall be addressed by a competent senate committee of the faculty where the candidate intends to continue his studies. In accordance with the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in Study Programmes of the University of Maribor, the candidate shall submit to the faculty:
- an application for the recognition of knowledge and skills at the University of Maribor; - proof of fulfilled study obligations (exams) including grades and ECTS credits;
- validated course syllabi according to which knowledge was acquired;
- a receipt of payment for the recognition procedure in accordance with the UM Price List.
When transferring from one study programme to another, fulfilled study obligations that may be recognised fully or partially are identified, taking into account the content, extent, and level of complexity of the new study programme, and study obligations required for completion of the new study programme are laid down.
Criteria for completing the study
To complete the programme, students must complete all of the programme’s study requirements to a total of at least 180 ECTS credits.