Text about acceptance
The first level university study program of Music Pedagogics was approved at the 10th regular session of the Senate of the Faculty of Education, on 24 June 2008, at the 2nd extraordinary session of the Senate of the University of Maribor, on 13 July 2008 and at the 13th session of the Senate for Accreditation at the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education on 15 December 2008. On 9 January 2009, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia issued decision no. 60392-137/2008 on the entry of this study program into the register of higher education institutions under serial number 17.
Advancement criteria of a study programme
Advancing from one year to another is possible if a student fulfils certain obligations defined by the study program and the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Conditions for advancement according to the study program
Conditions for advancing to the 2nd year:
A student advances to the 2nd year if they collect at least 46 ECTS from the first year.
Conditions for advancing to the 3rd year:
A student advances to the 3rd year if they pass all the exams of the 1st year and collect at least 46 ECTS from the second year.
Conditions for advancing to the 4th year:
A student advances to the 4th year if they pass all the exams from the 1st and 2nd year and collect at least 46 ECTS from the third year.
Repeating and advancing under exceptional conditions is defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor.
Counselling and guidance during the study: Students have the option of choosing two departmental tutors to counsel and guide them. During the studies, individual consultations will be conducted within individual subjects.
Study advancement options
Graduates of this study program will be able to continue their studies in the study program Music Pedagogics at the second level and gain a qualification for independent professional work in education.
Employment possibilities
This program is a first-level program, so it does not yet allow independent professional work in education.
The 1st level program provides a wide range of employment opportunities for graduates. They can be employed as cultural animators, leaders of music workshops and courses, music pedagogues in various institutions, homes with special programs, hospital schools, in various forms of self-employment, etc. Furthermore, they will be able to be employed within music schools and art institutions as accompanists, choirmasters, choir singers, performers, whisperers, organizers, as collaborators and organizers within domestic media houses.
Assesment criteria
Examination and assessment of students learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods defined in the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor: https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Dopolnitve2013/Pravilnik%20o%20preverjanju%20in%20ocenjevanju%20znanja%20na%20UM%20-%20NPB3,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf
The method of examining and assessing knowledge at the University of Maribor is regulated by the Statute of the University of Maribor and the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor, no. A4/2009-41 AG (UM Notices No. XXVII-6-2009); Amendments to the Rules on the examination and assessment of Knowledge at the University of Maribor no. A4/2009-41 AG, (Notices XXVIII-7-2010), Amendments to the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor no. A4/2009-41 AG, (Notices XXX-2-2012), Amendments to the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor no. A4/2009-41 AG, (Notices XXXII-5-2014), Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at UM – unofficial consolidated text (2015), Amendments to the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Maribor no. A4/2009/41 AG (l. 2019) https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/Dopolnitve2013/Pravilnik%20o%20preverjanju%20in%20ocenjevanju%20znanja%20na%20UM%20-%20NPB3,%20AVGUST%202019doc.pdf
Forms and methods of examining knowledge are defined in Article 5 of the Rules. The criteria and methods of examining the knowledge of an individual subject are part of the Subject specification and are publicly available on the faculty’s website: https://www.fnm.um.si/index.php/shema/
Main study programme objectives
The main objectives of the study program of Music Pedagogics are that the candidate obtains basic knowledge in three basic aspects, which have a clearly defined application orientation:
• theoretical professional competence with elements of analytical thinking;
• developing musical skills, chamber and solo music-making and creation;
• methodically didactic aspect of the profession, supported by professional and research-based arguments.
These orientations are stated in accordance with the current needs of the market, music and general education and culture, and the vision of the development needs in the future. Graduates of the program will be people who will be able to perform their work in culture.
General competences of graduates, gained at a study programme
As part of the undergraduate 1st level study program of Music Pedagogics, students will obtain the following general competencies:
- ability of analytical thinking and critical judgment, which is fundamental for understanding the needs of the time and a particular environment and for involvement in current social processes;
- autonomy in professional work;
- striving for quality;
- initiative in personal professional advancement;
- knowledge of the structure and problems of pedagogical processes and application of theoretical knowledge and findings in mentioned fields;
- basic knowledge of educational concepts;
- ability to apply knowledge in practice;
- solving professional and work problems by finding sources of knowledge and gaining artistic experience and using scientific methods;
- cooperation and group work;
- ability to communicate with experts in other professional and artistic fields;
- interdisciplinary way of study enables the graduate to be involved in various fields of cultural life.
Subject specific competences of graduates, gained on a study programme
Within the university undergraduate 1st level study program of Music Pedagogics, students will acquire the following subject-specific competencies:
- basic knowledge and understanding of musical laws;
- basic knowledge of content and methodology of the field;
- knowledge and understanding of pedagogical didactic principles within music profession and their use in primary and secondary school;
- knowledge, understanding and application of curricular theories and content and didactic laws of teaching in the field of music education and music art under the guidance of a mentor;
- understanding and using basic special didactic knowledge for achieving curricular goals in primary and secondary school;
- pedagogical guidance of an individual, department and/or a group with assistance of a mentor;
- organizing active independent learning;
- ability to help in checking and assessing students knowledge and achievements, and co-creating feedback;
- communication with experts from various fields of education;
- understanding the connection between music and social events;
- using approaches of musical laws for quantitative treatment of problems in education, environment and society;
- ability to work in the field and organize musical life;
- qualification in terms of concert performances in the solo and chamber field;
- presentation and interpretation of findings from music pedagogical practice and their connection with theory, assessment and evaluation;
- developing skills in the field of musical skills and practical music-making;
- ability to be involved in project and group work;
- project planning, group work, organization of courses, workshops;
- knowledge and understanding of the impact of the latest technology in the field of music.
Access requirements
The following persons may enrol in the university study program of Music Pedagogics:
a) passed the general matura,
b) passed the vocational matura in any secondary school program and the examination in the matura subject music,
C) completed any four-year secondary school program before 1. June 1995.
All candidates must pass a test of musical competence. All those who have already passed the test of musical competence (since 1997) for enrolment in the 1st level program of Music Pedagogics in Maribor are recognized.
Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment
If a decision is made to restrict enrolment and more candidates pass the test of musical abilities than there are available places, candidates with a matura or a final exam passed before 1 June 1995 will be selected according to:
- the success in the test of musical talent: 50% of points
- general success in the matura/final exam: 40% of points
- overall success in the 3rd and 4th year of secondary school: 10% of points.
Transfer criteria between study programmes
Transitions between study programs are possible in accordance with the Higher Education Act, Criteria for transitions between study programs and other regulations.
Transition between study programs means termination of education in the first study program and then continuation of studies in the second study program. Transitions are possible between study programs of the same level and post-secondary study programs and study programs of the first level, which ensure the acquisition of comparable competencies upon completion of studies and between which at least half of the obligations under the European Transmission Credit System (hereinafter: ECTS) can be recognized from the first study program, which refers to the compulsory subjects of the second study program.
Applications for transition of the student i.e. the graduate, who must meet conditions for enrolment in the proposed study program, are considered by the Commission for Academic Affairs of PEF UM on the proposal of the Department of Music. Depending on the scope of recognized obligations from the first study program in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, a student may enrol in the second or higher year of the 1st level university study program of Music Pedagogics. The following may be recognized in the transition:
1. comparable study obligations that a student has completed in the first study program;
2. informally obtained comparable knowledge, which a student can prove with relevant documents.
A student may enrol in the senior year if at least as many credit points are recognized in the recognition process due to the transition, as are required for enrolment in the senior year of the 1st level university study program of Music Pedagogy. The missing obligations a student has to fulfil if they want to graduate in a new study program are determined.
It is possible to transition to the 1st level university study program of Music Pedagogy from: 1st level university study programs in the fields of music pedagogy – Academy of Music UL, Musicology – Faculty of Arts UL and relevant foreign university study programs, which provide comparable competencies and at least half of the study obligations (ECTS credits) from the first study program and which meet the conditions for enrolment in this study program may be recognized as mandatory subjects in this program. The Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Education UM, at the proposal of the Department of Music, considers applications for enrolment in the relevant year and determines missing obligations that must be met if a student wants to graduate in the new program.
Criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills, gained before the enrolment in the study programme
In the process of education at the 1st level, students can have knowledge and skills recognized, which were acquired before enrolment in various forms of formal education, which a student must prove with certificates and other documents.
In the recognition process, the assessment of acquired knowledge and skills must be based on the educational competencies of the study program. Proven and well-documented competencies are recognized to candidates regardless of where and how they were obtained. The process of determining, verifying and recognizing knowledge and skills includes submitting an application, supplementing the application, examining the application at the competent authority, issuing a decision and the procedure for appealing against the issued decision. If, on the basis of the evidence provided, the competent authority determines that the knowledge and skills in content, scope and complexity fully or partially correspond to the competencies based on the educational objectives of the study program, it may recognize such knowledge. Recognition of knowledge and skills are defined in the RULES ON THE RECOGNITION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN THE STUDY PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR no. 012/2019/2: https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-center/akti/GlavniDokumenti2013/Pravilnik%20o%20priznavanju%20znanj%20in%20spretnosti%20v%20%C5%A1tudijskih%20programih%20UM%20%C5%A1t.%20012-2019-2.pdf
Criteria for completing the study
A student has completed their studies after completing all the obligations defined by the study program and thus collects at least 240 ECTS.