Objectives and competences
The basic objective: to develop students' abbilities to design and formulate scientific research problems and to use quantitative methodological instruments in their solving, taking into account ethical principles and principles of the profession within economics and business sciences.
Within this framework, the student will develop appropriate competences of analysis and synthesis in the framework of independent and group research work, as well as competences for the independent evaluation of the research work of other researchers.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Specificity of quantitative research in economic and business sciences
1.1. Conceptual foundations and relevance of research projects in the field of economics and business science
1.2. Bibliometric analysis and dissemination in scientific journals
2. Probability, distributions, sampling techniques and sampling distributions
2.1. Short repetition and knowledge deepening
2.2. Multivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions
2.3. Bivariate normal distribution
3. Web survey methods
3.1. Sampling and sample size
3.2. Errors in web surveys
3.3. Designing a web survey
3.4. The problem of self-selection and bias
4. The theory and practice of quantitative research
4.1. Methodological challenges of quantitative research
4.2. Empirical research, primary data sources and an overview of quantitative methods for testing complex research models..
Learning and teaching methods
Case studies.
Active research work, discussion.
Problem solving.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of Knowledge and Understanding
The learner
Knowledge base: has great depth and systematic understanding of a substantial body of knowledge. Can work with theoretical / research knowledge at the forefront of the discipline at peer reviewed standards/ publication quality
Ethical issues: can analyse and manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions
? Disciplinary methodologies: has a comprehensive understanding of techniques / methodologies applicable to the economics and business sciences (theory or research-based).
Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
The learner:
? Analysis: with critical awareness, can undertake analysis, managing complexity, incompleteness of data or contradictions in the areas of knowledge
? Synthesis: can synthesize new approaches, in a manner that can contribute to the development of methodology or understanding in economics and business sciences or practice
? Application: can act independently and with originality in problem solving, is able to lead in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level
Key / Transferable Skills
The learner:
? Group working: can lead /work effectively with group. Can clarify task, managing the capacities of group members, negotiating and handling conflict with confidence
? Learning resources: is able to use full range of learning resources
? Self evaluation: is reflective on own and others’ functioning in order to improve practice
? Management of information: can undertake innovative research tasks competently and independently
? Autonomy: is independent and self-critical as learner; guides and supports the learning of others and can manage own continuing professional development
? Communication: can communicate complex or contentious information clearly and effectively to specialists / non-specialists, understands lack of understanding in others. Can act as a recognised and effective consultant
? Problem solving: can continue own professional study independently, can make use of others professionally within / outside the discipline.
Practical Skills
The learner:
? Application of skills: can operate in complex and unpredictable / specialised contexts that may be at the forefront of knowledge. Has overview of the issues governing good practice
Autonomy in skill use: can act in a professional capacity for self / others, with responsibility and largely autonomously and with initiative in complex and unpredictable situations.
Paket izbranih člankov za predmet. / Course package of selected articles.
Mertens, W., Pugliese, A., Recker, J. (2017). Quantitative data analysis, Springer.
Sreejesh, S., Mohapatra, S., Anusree, M.R. (2014). Business Research Methods, An applied orientation, Springer.
Bethlehem, J. & Biffignandi, S. (2011). Handbook of Web Surveys. New York: Wiley.
Keller, G., & Warrack, B. (2014). Statistics for Management and Economics. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Izbrani znanstveni članki (selected research articles)
Additional information on implementation and assessment Seminar paper 50
Oral exam with the seminar paper discussion 50
Student prepares one seminar work that is evaluated by both lecturers. Oral examination has to be passed separately at each lecturer.