Objectives and competences
? Research work in accordance with the approved disposition and constant guidance of mentor.
? Start writing a scientific article based on research conducted in the doctoral thesis.
In a process of preparation of the doctoral dissertation, the candidate obtains competencies for autonomous execution of scientific research, including:
? autonomous search, auditing, processing, synthesizing and presentation of key findings in the field of doctoral dissertation
? autonomous data gathering,
? autonomous data processing,
? autonomous presentation of the results,
? autonomous interpretation of the results in line with the researches already carried out and the relevant theories,
? autonomous reporting the research results in the form of a scientific paper.
Content (Syllabus outline)
? Implementation of doctoral research in accordance with the approved disposition.
? Continuous guidance by mentor.
? Continuing work to prepare a scientific article based on the doctoral research.
Learning and teaching methods
Individual work of the candidate.
Individual work of the potential mentor with the candidate.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
When finish the course IRD 5 student will be able to:
? Implement research process in accordance with an established plan of research.
? Implement research work in collaboration with other researchers.
? independently find, assess the appropriateness, process, synthesize and present the key findings of the research problem,
? independently collect data, process data, and prepare presentation of the results,
? independently interpret the results in line with the research already carried out and the relevant theories,
? independently prepare a report of the research results in the form of scientific paper.
? Ustrezna literatura in viri v skladu z literaturo v dispoziciji;
? Ustrezna literatura in viri v skladu s sprotnim raziskovalnim delom.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Candidate passes the IRD 5 when his mentor approved an interim progress report on the doctoral research and the preparation of a scientific article.
IRD 5 will be assessed with "passed" or "not passed".