Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Understand theoretical knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial growth phenomena. This is a study of innovative and often high-technology companies, which are in implementing such business opportunities often confronted with many problems of growth.
2. Know how to apply most recent methodological approach while investigating the phenomena of entrepreneurial growth. On the basis of the research question identified, students develop research hypotheses that are to be tested by quantitative research methods.
3. Achieve transferable/key skills while applying the business growth model into selected company and conceive original business growth model.
4. Determine, evaluate and apply theoretical and empirical knowledge of most dominant authors in the field of studying specifics of entrepreneurial growth.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1) The conceptual and empirical complexity of the firm growth phenomena
• Entrepreneurship and firm growth
• Theories of growth
- Neoclassical and new growth economics
- Industrial Economics
- Penrose: A Resource-based view of the firm
- Schumpeter: Creative destruction
- Complexity Economics
- Behavioral economics
• Measuring growth: methodological considerations and empirical result
2) Motivation and entrepreneurial aspirations
• Entrepreneurial expectation/attitude towards growth
• Growth orientation
• Innovative orientation
• International orientation
3) Patterns and determinants of actual growth
• High-growth firms and their contribution to employment
• The sustainability of entrepreneurial growth
• Growth vs. performance
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of Knowledge and Understanding
1. Acquire specific knowledge in the field of understanding the importance and specialties of business growth.
2. Have a detailed knowledge of theories in the field of managing the key aspects of business growth.
3. Distinguish key concepts, legality and interconnections in the field of business growth models.
4. Develop the skills to interpret the gained results in the field of evaluation of potential financial projects which are essentiality connected with successful business growth.
5. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in dealing with growing pains.
6. Are able to pursue further analysis regarding business growth planning.
7. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues in areas of implementing business growth strategies.
Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
1. Understand and apply critical analysis and theory development and their usability by independent solving of real professional problems.
2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of business growth in literature and praxis.
3. Synthesize different knowledge and procedures and are aware of importance of use of scientific literature.
4. Can select appropriate techniques for problem solving and are able to evaluate the importance and significance of data.
5. Can determine key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and argue alternative approaches.
6. Can act independently and with originality in problem solving regarding entrepreneurial growth.
7. Are able to lead in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.
Key / Transferable Skills
1. Develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in a specific scientific research area.
2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner.
3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology.
4. Upgrade the ability to work in pairs and groups.
5. Can communicate complex or contentious information clearly and effectively to specialists / non-specialists and understands lack of understanding in others.
6. Can act as a recognised and effective consultant.
Practical Skills
1. Can operate in complex and unpredictable / specialised contexts that may be at the forefront of knowledge.
2. Have overview of the issues governing good practice in companies' growth issues.
3. Can act in a professional capacity for self / others, with responsibility and largely autonomously and with initiative in complex and unpredictable situations.
4. Have technical mastery, performs smoothly with precision and effectiveness.
5. Can adapt skills and design or develop new skills / procedures for new situations.
1. Davidsson, P. & Wiklund, J. (2013). New Perspectives on Firm Growth. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edgar Elgar.
2. Davidsson, P., Delmar, F. & Wiklund, J. (2006). Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edgar Elgar.
3. Hess, E. D. (2010). Smart Growth: Building an Enduring Business by Managing the Risk of Growth. Columbia Business School Publishing.
4. Burns, P. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Small Business; Start-up, Growth and maturity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Education, 4th edition.
5. Širec, K.& Crnogaj, K. (2010). Diversity of Slovenian high-growth companies. USA-China Business Review, February, 9(2), str. 1-16.
6. Širec, K. (2011). Izzivi in predlog multidimenzionalnega modela proučevanja rasti malih in srednje velikih podjetij = Challenges and suggestions of multidimensional model in studying MSEs' growth. Naše gospod., 57(5/6), str. 20-29.
7. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – letno poročilo in raziskave (dostopno na http://ipmmp.um.si/ in www.gemconsortium.org) / GEM studies and yearly reports (available at http://ipmmp.um.si/ and www.gemconsortium.org).
Izbrani članki iz podjetniških revij, (kot npr. Journal of Business Venturing, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice) / Selected papers from entrepreneurship journals (Journal of Business venturing, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice).