Objectives and competences
? Qualifying students for scientific study of enterprise policy, credibility and culture, the impact and influence of the enterprise's key stakeholders on strategic changes in enterprise's as weel as of enterprise policy, credibility and culture particularities of different types of enterprises as well as the role in the modern models of integral managements and governance.
? Qualifying students for scientific study of process, instrumental and institutional dimension of creation and implementation of enterprise policy, culture and credibility
? Qualifying students for scientific-research work in the enterprise policy, culture and credibility discipline by understanding of methodological approaches in enterprise policy, culture and credibility discipline, with critical approach to research cognitions, by developing capability of critial analysis of complex (also incomplete or contradictory) areas of knowledge as well as of synthesis of new cognitions in the enterprise policy, culture and credibility discipline.
? Qualifying students for independent and group scientific-research work (also interdisciplinary), for development of comprehensive research plan and for usage of different sources of knowledge and information as well as for dissemination of new cognitions.
Content (Syllabus outline)
? The importance of enterprise policy, credibility and culture for enterprises's success
? The importance and the state of enterprise policy, credibility and culture in various models of integral management and governance
? Conceptual, structural as well as governance and management dimensions of enterprise policy, credibility and culture
? The environmental and internal influential factors on enterprise policy, credibility and culture
? Process, instrumental nad institutional dimenision of creation and implementation of enterprise policy, credibility and culture
? Management of various stakeholder's interests coordination - »stakeholder management«, management of enterprise culture, enterprise credibility management, intercultural management
Learning and teaching methods
? Lectures and consultations
? Case studies
? Critical analysis of scientific papers
? Active research work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of Knowledge and Understanding
? Knowledge base: has great depth and systematic understanding of a substantial body of knowledge on enterprise policy, culture and credibility. Can work with theoretical / research knowledge at the forefront of the discipline at peer reviewed standards/ publication quality
? Ethical issues: can analyse and manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions in a context of governance, credibility and enterprise culture
? Disciplinary methodologies: has an understanding of methodologies applicable to the discipline of enterprise policy, culture and credibility.
Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
? Analysis: with critical awareness, can undertake analysis, managing complexity, incompleteness of data or contradictions in the areas of knowledge
? Synthesis: can synthesise new cognitions and approaches, in a manner that can contribute to the development of understanding in the discipline of enterprise policy, culture and credibility
? Evaluation: has a level of conceptual understanding and critical capacities that allows independent evaluation of research, advanced scholarship and methodologies. Can argue alternative approaches
? Application: can act independently and with originality in problem solving, is able to lead in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level
Key / Transferable Skills
? Group working: can lead /work effectively with group.
? Learning resources: is able to use full range of learning resources
? Self evaluation: is reflective on own and others’ functioning in order to improve practice
? Management of information: can undertake innovative research tasks competently and independently
? Autonomy: is independent and self-critical as learner; can manage own continuing professional development
? Communication: can communicate complex or contentious information clearly and effectively to specialists / non-specialists, understands lack of understanding in others.
? Problem solving: can continue own professional study independently, can make use of others professionally within / outside the discipline.
Practical Skills
? Application of skills: can operate in complex and unpredictable / specialised contexts that may be at the forefront of knowledge. Has overview of the issues governing good practice
? Autonomy in skill use: can act in a professional capacity for self / others, with responsibility and largely autonomously and with initiative in complex and unpredictable situations
? Technical expertise: can adapt skills and design or develop new skills / procedures for new situations.
? Belak, Jernej, Thommen Jean-Paul, Belak Janko (2014): Integralni management in upravljanje: kultura, etika in verodostojnost podjetja. Založba MER, Maribor.
? Larcker D., Tayan B. (2011): Corporate Governance Matters. New jersey: Person Education
? Monks R. A. G., Nell Minow (2009): Corporate Governance. West Sussex: John Wiley & Suns.
? Müller-Stewens, G., Lechner, C. (2005): Strategisches Management. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
? Steinmann, H., Schreyögg, G. (2005): Management. Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung. Konzepte-Fuktionen-Fallstudien. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
? Thommen J.P. (2003): Glaubwürdigkeit und Corporate Governance. 2nd ed. Versus Verlag: Zürich.
? Belak Je. (2009): Business ethics implementation at different stages of the enterprise life cycle. Založba MER: Maribor.
? Tipurić D., Dabić M. (2012): Management, Governance, and Entrepreneurship: Access Press UK.
? Kralj J. (2003): Interesna teorija politike podjetja. V: Kralj J: Management, Visoka šola za management v Kopru, str. 95 – 135.
? Belak Jan. (2002): Politika podjetja. V: Belak Jan.: Politika podjetja in strateški management. Založba MER v Mariboru, str. 71 – 134.
? Bleicher K. (2005): Die Entwicklung eines normativen Konzeptes der Unternehmungspolitik. V: Bleicher K.: Normatives Management. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/ New York, str. 119 – 286.
? Zabel H.-U. (2001): Oekologische Unternehmenspolitik. Berlin Verlag.
? Članki v revijah: Journal of Management & Governance, Strategic Management Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Science, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, ...
Ostalo po dogovoru z nosilcem.
Additional information on implementation and assessment ? Written examination 30
? Critical analysis of paper published in one of the JCR journals from the discipline (publications should not be older than 2 years). Major results are presented.20
? Seminar work 50
Student passes the exam, when each part of the examination is evaluated as positiv.