Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of Knowledge and Understanding
? Knowledge base: has great depth and systematic understanding of a substantial body of knowledge on legal status of board members. Can work with theoretical knowledge at the forefront of the discipline at peer reviewed standards/ publication quality
? Ethical issues: can analyse and manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions
? Disciplinary methodologies: has a comprehensive understanding of methodologies applicable to the business law.
Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
? Analysis: with critical awareness, can undertake analysis of legal status of the board memeber, recognize incompleteness of data or contradictions in the areas of knowledge.
? Synthesis: can synthesise new cognitions and approaches, in a manner that can contribute to the development of understanding in the discipline legal status of the board members.
? Evaluation: has a level of conceptual understanding and critical capacities that allows independent evaluation of research, advanced scholarship and methodologies. Can argue alternative approaches
? Application: can act independently and with originality in problem solving, is able to lead in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level
Practical Skills
Application of skills: can operate in complex and unpredictable / specialised contexts that may be at the forefront of knowledge. Has overview of the issues governing good practice
- JOVANOVIČ, Dušan, BRATINA, Borut, GRAH-LAZAR, Petra. Gospodarsko statusno in prevzemno pravo. 1. izd. Maribor: Založba WD: Poslovna založba, 2020. 645 str. ISBN 978-961-94599-1-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 98069761]
- KOCBEK, Marijan, IVANJKO, Šime, BRATINA, Borut, PODGORELEC, Peter. Nadzorni sveti in upravni odbori v delniških družbah in družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010.
- IVANJKO Šime, KOCBEK, Marijan, PRELIČ Saša: Korporacijsko pravo, Ljubljana, GV Založba 2009.
- Kodeks upravljanja javnih delniških družb, Ljubljana: Ljubljanska borza, Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije in Združenje Manager.
- G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, OECD 2015.
- OECD Guidelines on Corproate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, OECD 2015.
- Zakon o gospodarskih družbah, ZGD-1
- Ostalo po dogovoru z nosilci predmeta.