Content (Syllabus outline)

General characteristics of technology • Significance of technological development for companies and national economy • Technology transfer • Technological discontinuities; technological cycles • Technological innovations (technological innovation process, types and significance, dynamics, patterns and modelling) • Environmental innovations (types, significance, characteristics) • Product ecodesign • Life cycle assessment (LCA)

Learning and teaching methods

• lectures • case studies • individual work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of Knowledge and Understanding The learner ? Knowledge base: has great depth and systematic understanding of technological development topics, technology management and technological innovations (including eco-innovations); ? Acquires skills and theoretical background on techniques and methods to evaluate sustainable product development. ? Acquires knowledge to be able to interpret and evaluate obtained results in the fields taken into consideration within the course; ? Ethical issues: Evaluate ethical, social and environmental issues between the areas of technological and economic development; ? Select among techniques and methods to evaluate sustainable product development. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills The learner: ? Analysis: with critical awareness, can undertake analysis, managing complexity, incompleteness of data or contradictions in the areas of knowledge ? Synthesis: can synthesise new approaches, in a manner that can contribute to the development of methodology or understanding in that discipline or practice ? Evaluation: has a level of conceptual understanding and critical capacities that allows independent evaluation of research, advanced scholarship and methodologies. Can argue alternative approaches ? Application: can act independently and with originality in problem solving, is able to lead in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level Key / Transferable Skills The learner: ? Group working: can lead /work effectively with group. Can recognise task, managing the capacities of group members, negotiating and handling conflict with confidence ? Self evaluation: can evaluate own and others’ functioning in order to improve practice ? Communication: can interpret complex or contintious information clearly and effectively to specialists / non-specialists, Practical Skills The learner: ? Application of skills: can operate in complex and unpredictable / specialised contexts that may be at the forefront of knowledge. Has overview of the issues governing good practice ? Autonomy in skill use: can act in a professional capacity for self / others, with responsibility and largely autonomously and with initiative in complex and unpredictable situations ? Technical expertise: Select analytical tools in bussines practice


TEMELNJI VIR / TEXTBOOK Radonjič, Gregor.. 2019. Tehnološko inoviranje in trajnostno načrtovanje proizvodov (Kompendij – zbrano gradivo). Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor. Dodatni viri / Supplement literature Sonnemann, G. in M. Margni (Eds.) (2015). Life Cycle Management. Springer, Dordrecht. Schilling, M. (2005). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. McGraw-Hill, New York Reijnders, L. (1996). Environmentally Improved Production Processes and Products (Environmental and Management Series, Vol. 6). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Wimmer, W., K. M. Lee, F. Quella in J. Polak. (2010). Ecodesign – The Competitive Advantage. Springer, Dordrecht. Mazzucato, Mariana (2018). Podjetniška država. UMco, Ljubljana.

  • red. prof. dr. GREGOR RADONJIČ, univ. dipl. inž. kem. tehnol.

  • Seminar paper: 50
  • Written examination: 50

  • : 8
  • : 172

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian